There is a ray of sunshine in the dark

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Konichiwa minna-san! I came back with another crap short chappie. 😖 Sorry minna I know it's way too short after creating a lot of suspense even i get the thrills after reading the previous chapter. And most importantly WE ARE GOING TO HAVE 3K reads soon so please let it hit to 3K quick. Arigato so much for the support.You are the main reason this story is amazing so far. 😍😘 And minna I published a new story so please check it out!!! 😊

"His DNA has completely been changed and is now similar to a wolf. Only about 10% of his original DNA is left which you could assume that doesn't exist anymore" ,Haru explained after he has examined Fubuki.

It was hard to keep themselves together like if a broken heart was fixed by a small bandage. One cry from Hiroto broke everyone into tears and sobs even the self composed Kantoku cried his heart out.

When he was given the job of taking care of Fubuki, he saw him as a spoiled stubborn child who won't listen to anyone except his family that weren't in this pitiful world but as time passed his affection for him grew uncontrollably like a fathers love for his son but now he was gone.

As everyone cried, Haru rolled Fubuki out from the operation theatre who laid on a movable bed with his eyes closed. Hiroto looked at him with redden eyes due to the crying as he followed his gaze to where Fubuki was taken to. They all followed him to his room and gathered around the bed with streams of tears flowing from their swollen puffy eyes.

Someoka after summoning the remaining energy and courage he has, brushed Fubuki's soft and smooth grey fur that grew on his cheeks upon which he burst into tears once again.

"I can't take this anymore.." Hiroto spoke as his eyes shadowed and his voice as deadly as it could ever be catching others attention.

"This is because of those insane doctors that he lost his sanity and became a wolf. I want them dead! All of them dead in the cruelest ways ever known! Make them feel the same amount of pain they inflicted on Fubuki!" Hiroto spoke as he slightly pulls his hair with widen eyes.

"Hiroto, keep it together. Let's not jump to decisions like that" ,Kazemaru spoke while holding his shoulders and rubbing his back.

"But they made my best friend suffer the worst fate. Why did he has to face anything like this? What did he ever do to deserve all this! Tell me Kazemaru! Tell me!" Hiroto exploded leaving the other robbed from any possible words inorder to answer.

"Nothing..." He replied barely audible as he lowered his head.

Slience filled as Hiroto continued to stare at him with the most frightening eyes which would cause anyone's soul to leave its body.

"That's right, he did absolutely nothing to deserve any of deserve such a fate but we can't do anything what is in the past. If we regret the things that happen in the past during the present time then the future would be even worst. That's what we were doing wrong! Regretting not to save Fubuki when we could and now because of our mistake this happened. If we regret like this then the situation could become a zillion times worst. There must be a way to bring him back! I know there is after all a ray of sunshine would always be there when all hope is lost and darkness is everywhere" ,Endou spoke with determination reflecting in his eyes and his voice as he continued to give his heart lifting speech which left everyone in the room speechless for a moment.

"We could do something, there must be something that we could do. A way to bring his humanity back" ,Kudou half yelled as he clenched his hands into tight fists that his knuckles turned white.

"Otou-san..." Fuyuppe spoke as her lips curved a small smile upon seeing his hopes lifting up.

Due to Endou's speech everyone felt something burning in them probably determination as grins plastered on their faces.

"Yeah there must be a way!" Hiroto finally spoke.

"Fortunately there is" ,a voice from behind spoke after eavesdropping their conversation.

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