7 Days of Torture

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Day 6

Fubuki laid weak and at the brink of breaking down. He squeezed himself tightly and rolled around as pain was getting unbearable. Blood was coming out from his mouth, spilling all over the room. Fubuki was screaming and yelling to stop the pain but no one was there.

Even Atsuya was gone leaving Fubuki alone in this mess.Moreover, they snatched Atsuya's white scarf from him. Fubuki's eyes that were covered by a blind fold have now changed, one teal blue and other salmon and was similar to a wolf.

"Ah!!...Stop!" Fubuki groaned.

"Atsuya...Come back" ,Fubuki yelled.

He kept on yelling and yelling till he was out of breath. Grey hair...no more like grey fur started to grow on both of his arms and legs. His nails got bigger and bigger as Fubuki groan in pain.
The pain later faded away and Fubuki tried to get up but ended up walking on four.

He swayed towards the mirror and placed two of his paws on the mirror, peering at his reflection.

"Wolf" ,Fubuki spoke, "I wolf. I no Fubuki Shirou."

Fubuki swayed back under the bed and curled up into a ball (like a wolf sleeps) drifting to his dreamland.

A creaking sound was heard that was easily detected by Fubuki since his hearing ability increased considerably.

Fubuki sniffed in the air to know who was there. The flesh of an unknown scared man was the conclusion Fubuki made just by sniffing from a distance.

The man yelled to let him go and begged to let him live but unfortunate he was. The man's eyes widened after looking at his surroundings. There was blood everywhere with the bones of Fubuki's pervious treats making the man become paler.

Fubuki drooled since he saw that man as tasty food for him. Fubuki got up and crawled out from under the bed but the dark made him unnoticeable.

"Is someone there?" The person asked with fear in his voice.

Fubuki drooled and peered at his prey while his tail swings behind him.

"Please help me" ,the man begged.

Fubuki stepped into the light horrifying the man who gulped the fear down his throat.

"What happened to you?" The man asked backing a bit.

"You scared?" Fubuki questioned while drooling.

"Please help me get out of here. I don't want to die" ,the man cried.

"Wolf eat you" ,Fubuki said licking his lips.

Upon listening this, the man ran towards the door banging it as hard as he can.

"Please get me out" ,he cried, "I don't want to be eaten."

He turned around to meet the terrifying gaze of Fubuki who first slowly but then increased his pace hurting the man from the arm with his claws.

Holding his bleeding arm he ran towards the mirror, breaking it and then picked up a sharp broken piece.

"Don't come near me or I will kill you" ,he threatened.

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