7 Days of Torture

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I hope you have enjoyed the story up till now. I am...😄😄😄 Anyways to the main thing. Sorry minna but there would be a bit...um... Swearing so please don't mind!!😥😥😥

Day 5

Fubuki was sleeping uncomfortably in his bed, whining as he gets up but regrets it as pain strucks him in a blow.

He clutched himself to stop the pain and spoke several swears. As soon as the pain have disappeared, Fubuki stood up and moved towards the mirror.He gasped upon seeing his reflection which he doubted that it was his.

His fangs were very sharp and his finger would start to bleed if he pressed his finger against it. He then touched his wolf ears and eventually ended up in playing with them till he was annoyed. The tail swept the floor as he looks at his ears but raises up when he peered at it. The blood all over him made him look like a deadly beast.

Shirou-nii!! How are you feeling? Please be honest. Who are you? Answer me now.

Ow..Atsuya you don't have to shout like that..ouch..my ears hurts...

Fubuki cupped his ears with his hands.

Who are you? How are you feeling?

Sheesh...you worry too much. I'm Fubuki Shirou and I'm right now really angry. I thought they were really liking me but all they saw me as their property.

Fubuki was really pissed off and moved in circles with an expression of anger plastered on his face.

I have to get out of here. If I stay a minute longer I would go crazy.

How are going to do that? That door is unbreakable.

I can't sit around and wait for those fucking bastards to devour me.


Atsuya was dumbfounded since Shirou never had spoke a single swear in his whole life. Fubuki rushed towards the door with frightening eyes and collided with the door. He continued to do this so that the door would break.

Damn it! This fucking door isn't breaking down.

Shirou-nii calm down. You're just wasting your strength.

I can't sit here and do nothing. Why isn't this fucking door breaking.

Shirou-nii since when you started to swear!

That's none of your business.

Fubuki used his fangs to break the lock but ended up being exhausted.He was heavily panting and sat down catching his breath.

The door slightly opened as a small defenseless white rabbit entered to it's doom. Fubuki glared at the rabbit as he titled his head.

Shirou-nii what are you thinking?

Fubuki drooled at he licks his longing lips and stuck his tongue out. He swallowed the silva  that was in mouth and stood up.

Shirou-nii I don't like the look on your face. Close your eyes and start counting.

Fubuki ignored what ever Atsuya yelled in his mind to stop thinking anything further. He slowly moved up to the rabbit and grab it in his hands, bringing it close to him. Fubuki took a deep breathe, smelling the rabbit and saying "You smell tasty!"

Oh no don't you dare Shirou-nii. You ate bear's meat thrice. Now you want to eat that poor rabbit.

Oh don't be angry.Just one rabbit doesn't hurt.

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