The Butterfly?

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Gomen Minna! Recently I'm making a lot of    A/n. Sorry I'm really sorry. And my other stories are now on hold since I lost the inspiration of writing them but if I get an idea I wud definitely post it away. Till then enjoy this story.

Confusion and angst was everywhere to be seen. It's been two days since Fubuki tried to escape and the situation was becoming complex as every minute passes.

Fubuki was still playing with the butterfly, jumping everywhere due to which he was almost going to fall from the bed. Nobody was able to understand how come Fubuki liked that butterfly.

"Ahh!! This is just out of the world how on earth we could hack this case. First neither of those stupid doctors are spilling anything and Fubuki would just drive me crazy. Why did I choose this job in the first place" ,Detective Onigawara groaned with frustration upon which others sweat dropped.

"Don't worry maybe soon this case would automatically be hacked" ,Kudou said while glancing at Fubuki.

"Maybe he has become friendly like before" ,Endou suggested.

"No he hasn't. His attitude towards us is the same but as for that butterfly I just don't get it" ,Detective Onigawara huffed.

"How do you know he's like that? Maybe he has changed" ,Hiroto spoke in a shaky voice.

"Yeah! That could be so and also maybe Fubuki used to play with butterflies so the lil dude is just happy to see one" ,Tsunami said.

"You want to see" ,Detective Onigawara face palmed.

Detective Onigawara moved forward and open the door catching the attention of Fubuki whose ears twitched. He cautiously entered and slowly moved towards Fubuki.

Fubuki stopped playing with the butterfly and was ready to attack as he snaps his fangs at Detective Onigawara. One more step was enough for Fubuki to leap on the other but he dodged at the last very second which annoyed Fubuki.

Anger flickered in his eyes as he swiftly moved forward but a dart hit him on the chest upon which he felt dizziness.

He started to sway in his tracks and soon fell on the floor. Detective Onigawara afterwards, took out a packet and a tube containing a needle at the end. He connected the packet with the tube and after finding a vein thrust the needle in as blood flowed through the tube into the packet.

After he was done he carefully pulled out the needle and sealed the packet.

"Are those blood samples?" Kudou asked as Detective Onigawara came out.

"Yeah. It's for Haru. He's out of blood samples again. I bet he's a vampire who drinks blood how could someone finishes off that much blood" ,Detective Onigawara joked upon which the others laughed.

"I don't think the vampire is Haru, It's Hiroto. Just look at him pale as a vampire" ,Kogure exclaimed.

"Eeekkk....I'm just a bit pale that doesn't make me a vampire" ,Hiroto smiled a bit.

Everyone kept on laughing while teasing Hiroto for being a vampire and drinking all the blood samples.

~~The next day~~


Screams and yells was to be heard from the cell where Osamu was held. He was being tortured by Fubuki who laughed upon seeing how hurt Osamu was.

"Tase Wolf. Go Tase Wolf" ,Fubuki laughed as he stood on the fallen Osamu.

The door was heavily barricaded which was impossible to open now. Osamu pushed himself back as Fubuki took a step forward.

Fubuki somehow was able to escape again from his prison and now was entertaining himself by hurting Osamu.

Osamu was powerless in front of the reckless Fubuki.

"You hurt Wolf happy" ,Fubuki grinned before he lashed Osuma on the stomach where he was already lashed several times.

He took another step forward and bit Osamu hard at his leg who groaned with pain. Blood poured out from every wound thus it's scent saturated the atmosphere.

Another bite on the arm intensified the screams which Fubuki enjoyed.

"AAAAHHHH!!! Stop this right now or" ,Osamu yelled but was interrupted.

"Or tase Wolf. Wolf hurt you" ,Fubuki spoke with venom as he lash him countlessly everywhere.

Osamu panted heavily as pain was becoming unbearable. Fubuki placed his claw on the others neck and spoke

"Atsuya. Atsuya where" ,Fubuki spoke with a deadly gaze.

"Ah...Atsuya..." Osamu panted.

"Atsuya! Where Atsuya! Wolf kill you" ,Fubuki yelled as blood dripped from his fangs.

"I don't know. He was just a soul living in your body.He didn't actually survived the avalanche" ,Osamu spoke quickly.

"Atsuya alive. You dead" ,Fubuki said before he lashed Osamu on the face which silenced him forever.

He recklessly chewed his flesh greedily. After a few moments, a burning scent flowed through his nostrils as the door opened.

The hinges of the door were melted by acid as everyone stood there astonished. The scene was even more sickening than before as blood was everywhere. The grayish hair of Fubuki was dyed with blood as it drips down. Blood covered every part of Fubuki, even his fur was wet with blood making him look deadly.

"Fubuki..." Gouenji mumbled.

"Fubuki stop eating him or I will shoot at you" ,Detective Onigawara warned as he points his gun at Fubuki continued with his feast.

"What's wron with you! Can't you see you're eating a human" ,Someoka spoke in a scared tone but Fubuki ignored him.

The same bluish butterfly came in and sat on Fubuki's ears upon which he ruffled them.

"Wolf eat. You go" ,Fubuki spoke to the butterfly confusing the others.

How can Fubuki talk with a butterfly? Is it because of loneliness? No one knew what was happening.

The butterfly flew over Fubuki sitting at various parts of his which irritated him.

"Go away! Wolf eat him" Fubuki yelled earning a few screams of the others but the butterfly didn't stopped.

Fubuki became very irritated and angry as he shakes the butterfly off everytime it comes close to him.

"Fine! Wolf go with you" ,Fubuki groaned with defeat and rose on four in order to follow the mysterious butterfly.

The butterfly led Fubuki back to his room under the bed.

Dumbfounded was everyone. Fubuki didn't even flinched upon seeing the gun but followed a butterfly. A butterfly!

"Fubuki...I wish I could do something to help you" ,Hiroto mumbled as he looks down and places his palm on the glass.

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