Is hope lost?

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Everyone stood in the room behind the glass so that they could avoid the same fate as Yaru. Cold shivers penetrated down their spines upon remembering the sickening scene they saw. Moreover, it was Fubuki who did that.

"Fubuki isn't going to come back to us" ,Hiroto cried along with the others.

"Kantoku what should we do?" Someoka yelled with teary eyes. "He just ate Yaru! He would never do that! There is a way to bring him back. Right? Right!"

"I don't know what is going to happen now" ,Kudou spoke in a low voice upon which other grasped.

"Yaru was the one who made Fubuki believe he was a flesh eating wolf" ,Detective Onigawara said, "Fubuki wants to take his revenge and one by one he would eat them all in the most cruel ways."

They all stared at the sleeping figure on the bed. His tail was slightly swinging in the air as he curls himself in a small ball. His behavior, his looks, his taste were resembling to a grey wolf which made it look impossible to bring Fubuki back to the way he was.

Everyone badly missed their friend. The good humored boy who spoke as if he held honey in his mouth has disappeared in thin air. It has been weeks since they saw the heart lifting smile of Fubuki which sent a soothing feeling to others. They all missed playing along with Fubuki.

Their train of thoughts were interrupted as Fubuki stirred in his bed and stretched his arms  and his legs backwards in result raising his tail.

He yawned and licked his face as he jumps off the bed and peers the one who were staring at him.

"Go Wolf tired" ,Fubuki said annoyed.

Not a single movement nor sound was made by the astonished and speechless group since they never expected Fubuki to speak with them.

The first to recover from the shock was Hiroto who started to yell.

"Fubuki what on earth were you thinking! You didn't have to eat Yaru nor anyone else. They all would soon be executed so stop being like this. Come back to yourself. Come back in being Fubuki Shirou. Please I can't see you suffer like this" ,Hiroto cried his heart out.

Fubuki just sat on the floor with his hands and legs on the floor as the tail swishes behind him. He cocked his head to the side as he get up and moves towards Hiroto but his gaze didn't softened. He jumped on the glass with his hands on it and peered at Hiroto.

Hiroto placed his hands where Fubuki has his claws on and smiled a sad yet genuine one.

"Wolf not Fubuki Shirou. Fubuki Shirou not like dead meat. Wolf like dead meat" ,Fubuki spoke icily.

Hiroto was robbed from words as he heard what Fubuki spoke to him. Liked dead meat? Fortunately, Gouenji covered for Hiroto.

"No matter how you are, how you look, you would always be Fubuki Shirou. Remember appearance doesn't make you Fubuki Shirou your soul does and I know somewhere deep down there is our Fubuki Shirou" ,Gouenji smiled while placing his hand on his heart.

Now it was Fubuki's turn to remain speechless. The words echoed in his mind. Appearance doesn't make you Fubuki Shirou your soul does.

Fubuki removed his hands from the glass and turned his back on them. He limped on the glass and mumbled Atsuya's name since those words belonged to Atsuya.
Appearance don't make you Fubuki Shirou! Your soul does!

Fubuki cupped his wolf ears with his hands and shooked his head as he keeps on mumbling his brother name.

Meanwhile, everyone peered at the sudden change in behavior while Detective Onigawara ran to call Haru so the he could see what was going on with Fubuki.

Fubuki's body started to shake tremendously as he bangs his head with the glass. Haru came to the room with widened eyes and carefully entered the restricted area.

He went near him and tried to calm Fubuki down but ended up as a failure upon which he pulled out two blue pills, forcing him to eat them.

"Fubuki eat them so that the pain would fade away."

"No! Atsuya...Fubuki Shirou...Akuma's fault" ,Fubuki yelled.

Haru forcefully opened his open preventing any contact with his fangs and threw the two pills in his mouth.

"Okaa-san! Otou-san! Atsuya!" Fubuki yelled as he bangs his head harder upon which Haru tried to pull him away from the glass.

Haru held Fubuki's head as he made their gazes meet and brought his head closer till their foreheads touched.

"Calm down Fubuki. Everything would be going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen to you" ,Haru spoke in a soothing tone as every word widened Fubuki's eyes.

There was prefect harmony between the two as Fubuki stopped yelling random words and stared at Haru. Out of the ordinary, tears rolled down the once cold eyes. Fubuki was crying.

"Yeah that's right. Everything would be fine. I promise."

Fubuki jumped out of the hold of Haru and ran swiftly under the bed from where muffling sounds of cries was heard.

Haru smiled softly and went to where the others were shocked with the sudden change in Fubuki's behavior.

"Is he coming back to his old self?" Someoka asked.

"I don't know but there is some minor improvement in his behavior maybe because he finally trusts us" ,Haru smiled towards Fubuki who peeked his head out from under the bed so that he could see Haru properly but quickly went back inside.

"Let's leave him alone. He have to settle down his thoughts" ,Haru spoke with what was lost before hope.

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