Convincing Fubuki

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Gomen minna! I took really long to update this story. I got poisoned...hahaha...poisoned by some weird disease and was ill for a week but I have recovered and am going to try my best to make some awesome updates. Till then enjoy this chappie and don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE.

Everyone gathered in the room with Gouenji, Someoka and Hiroto in the center since they wanted to discuss something. Eagerness was plastered on everyone's faces especially Detective Onigawara and Kudou.

"Well kid what did you want to talk about?" Detective Onigawara said in a tired tone.

"It's about Fubuki" ,Hiroto spoke with a serious expression.

"We thought of something that could help him in getting better" ,Someoka said.

"What are you waiting for! Just say it" ,Endou grinned like crazy since the curiosity in him was uncontrollable.

"We have to bring Atsuya's scarf back to Fubuki and also Atsuya was in him the whole time" Gouenji said.

All of them were dumbfounded as they didn't knew that Atsuya was in him all the time. But didn't Atsuya left Fubuki's body after the match with the Genesis?

The trio explained to everyone that they would go back to the same place where Fubuki was experimented and will find the scarf for him since there would be a possibility that Fubuki would improve.

"Aye, we're on it already. We are going to that place to check for something useful" ,Detective Onigawara spoke after listening to the discussion.


Everyone looked at Detective Onigawara who just stared with an expression that was unreadable.

"But what" ,Kazemaru asked confused.

"We don't know where the lab or their experimental serums and files are" ,Kudou spoke with a sad voice.

Gloom appeared at the brighten faces since searching the whole building would take a lot of time.

"We could take Fubuki there" ,Kidou spoke caughting everyone's attention.

"Are you crazy! He's doesn't like us. We would get eatten" ,Kogure exclaimed but Kidou didn't even flinched.

"Fubuki could smell the scent of the doctors and thus could lead us there" ,Kidou explained upon which Detective Onigawara nodded.

"That's a good idea but how will be make Fubuki to agree to this" ,he questioned upon which Hiroto grinned.

"Leave that to me."

~~In Fubuki's Room~~

Fubuki was roaming in circles with an expression of anger since he didn't want to be trapped in his room. He wanted to go outside and search for Atsuya.

"Atsuya! Wolf with Atsuya. Let Wolf out" ,Fubuki yelled as he dashes towards the glass banging it hard.

He used his claws and fangs to break through but couldn't. His nose twitched since he picked up someone's scent and got ready to attack the newcomer. Hiroto entered Fubuki's room who was greeted with a scowl and an unpleasant look.

Fubuki snapped his fangs and banged the glass hard making Hiroto more scared.

He was nervous as well as worried. Will Fubuki agreed to him? Will he even listen to him? Hiroto didn't know how to convince him but he was determined to try.

"Fubuki I just want to talk so please listen" ,Hiroto begged but Fubuki ignored it and kept on banging the glass.

"Let wolf go! Wolf eat you" ,Fubuki yelled.

Hiroto watched him with big sorrowful eyes and spoke

"It's about Atsuya"

"Atsuya! Atsuya where! Tell Wolf" ,Fubuki looked up.

"Listen Fubuki, I know you miss Atsuya so would you like to get his scarf back. Sorry but I don't know where he is but I can take you where the scarf is" ,Hiroto spoke in a convincing manner.

Fubuki looked enthusiastically at Hiroto as he begins to explain how they would actually do that and surprisingly he agreed shocking Hiroto.

Never he has expected that Fubuki would agree and as soon as he was able to recover from the sudden shock he grinned.

"Well then promise me you won't hurt anyone and won't run off. You would go with us and without harming anyone would come back here" ,Hiroto tried to make himself clear and after giving it a thought Fubuki nodded.

Hiroto smiled sadly as he moves out of the room and gave a thumbs up to the others upon which they all cheered.

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