Best Friends With Sam Evans (8)

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The rain started pouring down again on Saturday morning. It woke me up and I sat up. I was in the backseat of my car. There were dried tears on my face and I felt like a mess. I remembered what I had said to Sam. I needed to make sure he was OK. I

 jumped out of my car and ran into the rain. My body started shivering but I didn't care. I made my way to the door and started banging on it with all my might.

"Hurry up!" I said to myself. "Sam, oh my god! Answer, please!"

I jumped around in the pouring rain like and idiot. My feet splashed in some puddles. The bottom of my jeans were wet and I started getting extremely cold.

Finally, the door opened. But to my surprise, it wasn't Sam who opened the door.

It was Ilana.

"Piper." She said coldly.

"H-hi." I managed to say.

Ilana folded her arms. "It's six in the morning. What do you want?"

What the hell was she doing at six in the morning at Sam's house? I asked myself.

"Piper?" Ilana barked.

I snapped out of my own thoughts. "What? Oh, um... I-is Sam there? Is he, uh, OK?"

"No, he's not OK." Ilana shifted her weight from one leg to another. "That's why I''m here. He called me really late last night. I came over and, well, made things all better."

"D-did he tell you what was, um, wrong?" Tears swelled up in my eyes. I started shivering.

Ilana flashed me her devilish smile. "Yeah, he did. He told me everything with such detail."

I stood outide the door completely still while my heart broke in half. My bottom lip quivered and the tears trickled down my face.

How could he do that to me? I wondered. I thought we were friends?

"Listen, bitch, I have to go get back to Sam." Ilana brought me back to reality with her harsh voice. "But before you go and cry a river, I just want to tell you one thing." She bent over and whispered in my ear. "We went all the way."

I swallowed. I didn't know what to do or say. I didn't move a muscle.

Ilana snickered and then slammed the door.

I simly turned around and walked to my car. I got in the driver's seat and went home. Tears streamed down my face but I ignored it. I ignored everything around me.

Well, until I walked in my house.

Mom and Haley were screaming at each other again.

"Well then you know what, Haley?! Get out of here! Leave now!" Mom furiously pointed at the door that I had just walked in through.

Haley burst into tears. "Mom!"

"Go, Haley! You chose this. You think your old enough to have a baby, then your old enough to leave the house, get a job, and live on your own." Mom shouted.

I froze. What?!

Haley saw my scared face. "Piper..." She muttered. "Uh..."

"What's going on?" I asked slowly.

Mom shook her head and walked away.

"Haley..." I whispered. "What are you talking about?"

She ignored me.

"Haley!" I snapped.

"I'm pregnant, Piper." Haley yelled and then stormed away from me. She walked out the door and slammed it shut.

I followed Mom into the kitchen and gave her a hug. "Are you OK?"

Mom shook her head. "No, Piper." She paused. "Just, go... Go away..."

I hung my head and walked up to my room. I closed the door and laid in my bed.

Best Friends With Sam EvansWhere stories live. Discover now