Best Friends With Sam Evans (10)

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Monday was a pretty weird day. I didn't pick Sam up to go to school and I never saw him that morning. I noticed Ilana was pretty angry at me though. I stuck by Sadie's side most of the day. Well, until I found Sam.

"Piper!" sam yelled as he ran down the hall. I barely turned my head to look at him as he tackeled me in a hug.

I screamed then started laughing. "Where have you been?"

"Doctor's appointment." Sam answered. "I broke my wrist."

"If you broke your wrist, then what are you doing tackling me?" I laughed.

Sam kissed my cheek and ignored my question.

We both got up and started walking to class.

"I like your cast." I pointed to the pink cast on Sam's left arm.

"Thank you." Sam joked. "Of course, it's on my left arm and so now I can't write."

I laughed. "That's a good thing."

Sam smiled.

"Can you tell me who it is that you like? It's been a week and it's really bugging me." I begged. "Come on, Sam. You know you can trust me."

I stopped walking as we approached my classroom.

Sam took my hands and looked deeply into my eyes. His lips curved into a smile and his eyes were sparkling.

The late bell rang three times and peolpe rushed past us.

Sam slowly opened his mouth to talk and one word came out.


My jaw dropped. "I hate you!" I yelled at him. "Sam! Your the worst!"

Sam ran off to class laughing at me.

I honestly thought he was going to tell me. I just wanted him to say the one word. It was a word many people have said to me before. But only he can make that one word sound oh-so-special. And that word is...


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