Best Friends With Sam Evans (9)

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She's pregnant. I continued saying over and over in my head. But how?

I needed someone to talk to right now. Mom was too furious to even look at me. Hailey was just a bitch about everything like usual. Sam was, well, busy with Ilana.


I grabbed my phone from my dresser drawer and turned it on. In the span of two days, I had eight missed calls from her. I dialed her number and waited anxiously for her to pick up.

"H-hello?" She finally answered. Her voice was tired and it sounded like she had just woken up.

I took a deep breath. "Hey, Sadie, it's Piper. I'm sorry I'm calling you so damn early but I'm having an emergency and I really need to talk to you." I ranted on. "Sadie, you'll never believe-"

"Why are you calling me?" Sadie asked. "We haven't spoken in a few days and you haven't returned any of my calls. Do you honestly think I care about you and your problems right now?"

"W...What?" I asked. "Please, Sadie, I'm begging you."

Sadie sighed. "It's barely seven a.m., Piper. What the hell is so important?"

I started explaining the whole story to her. I started out with what happened Friday after school. Sadie just listened and said "OK" when needed. After telling her about what happened this morning, I finished by saying, "And I just don't know what to do now."

"Well." Sadie started. "Just ignore Haley and your mom for now. They'll come around eventually. And about Sam and Ilana, I don't think she was telling the truth. He's not that kind of guy."

"But what if it is true?" I asked.

Sadie thought for a moment. "Ask Sam then."

"But it'll be all weird." I protested. "I don't want to talk to him."

"Oh my god, you chicken!" Sadie screeched. "I'll ask him for you then!"

I smiled. "Thank you."

"OK, hold on, I'll call you back." Sadie hung up the phone so she could call Sam.

I waited for what seemed like forever just staring at my phone in desperation.

What if it was true that they went all the way? I thought to myself.

No, Piper! Don't think like that! I fought myself.

But you never know. I countered.

You never know, do you? You never know with anything! Anything is possible. I rambled.

But it's not possible that Sam loves me! I screamed in my head.

Absolutely anything is possible, damn it! I fought.

My phone started buzzing and interrupted my thoughts.

"What did he say?" I answered.

Sadie giggled. "Well, she picked up the phone and said that she didn't see you this morning and didn't talk to you this morning but that she did do it with Sam. So, then, I yelled at her and she got all pissed and gave the phone to Sam. Sam got really offended that Ilana would say something like that because it wasn't true. So he started yelling at her and I got to hear it all over the phone. Finally, a door slammed and, I assume, Ilana was out of their. Sam started explaining to me what happened, blah blah blah, and now we have the facts. Sam and Ilana did not do the nasty last night. But Sam does feel really bad about everything that went down with you two."

"Fuck, that's a lot to take in!" I exclaimed.

Sadie breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, a lot of shit went down so we have to get the facts right."

I started pacing around my room. "Should I call him?"

"If you want to." She replied.

I frowned and fell onto my bed. "OK, I will then."

Sadie and I hung up and I started fiddling around with my phone. I tossed it from one hand to another, feeling extremely nervous. I finally made my move and dialed Sam's number.

I waited and waited until...

"Hello, you've reached Sam. Sorry I'm not able to pick up. Leave me a message and I'll call back shortly. Later."

I hung up and threw my phone at my wall.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed in anger.

All of a sudden, my phone rang. I answered it immediately. "Sam!"

"Piper!" He yelled.

I panicked. "I just want to say that-"

"No, hold on. I want to tell you something first." Sam interrupted.

"Please, it's important!" I begged.

Sam was silent.

"I'm sorry!" We both said into the phone at the same time.

Sam sounded confused. "Wait, what? Why are you sorry? I should be the one apologizing! I screw up! I got us into this mess."

"I just... I feel bad... about last night, you know. It was weird." I answered.

He let out a laugh. "And Ilana didn't help anything by coming over and saying what she did this morning."

I giggled. "Yeah, how exactly did she get into your house?"

"I don't even know. She probably found the key under the mat because she's a stalker that does those kinds of things." Sam joked.

I smiled. "I miss you."

"It's been one day." Sam stated.

"But we didn't exactly end things on a good note last night so, technically, I miss you and your nice-self." I corrected.

Sam laughed again. "Thanks, I think."

I was quiet.

"Come over right now." Sam said.

I sighed. "I can't. Haley's pregnant. Mom's angry at the word. I shouldn't leave my room."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?!" Sam snapped.

I laughed. "Haley just told mom that she was pregnant. That's what the yelling was about yesterday. Mom's mad at everything and she's being scary. Unless I want to enter the war, then I'm not coming out of my room for a while."

Sam yawned. "OK."

"Well, I should go then. I'm going to catch up on some much needed sleep." I bid farewell.

"Talk to you later." Sam hung up.

I put my phone on my night stand and laid my head on my pillow. I sat there smiling like an idiot for the longest time. I realized that I had butterflies in my stomach.

Was I really starting to like this boy?

Best Friends With Sam EvansWhere stories live. Discover now