Best Friends With Sam Evans (13)

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"What are we doing tomorrow?" Sam asked, Thursday after school. He came home with me after school just to hang out because we had no homework.

"Going to school." I replied. "What else would we do?"

Sam laughed at me, disappeared into my kitchen, reappeard with food, then replied, "We don't have school, stupid."

"Really?" I asked. "Cool."

Sam sat down on my couch and flicked the TV on. "So, what are we doing?"

I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me. "No parties." I said. "But maybe we could drive down to the beach tomorrow before fall comes."

"Sounds good." Sam replied. "Just me and you?"

"It's up to you." I shrugged. "I don't care."

Sam ignored me for a while. After about ten minutes, he finally answered. "Sure, just us."

"Wow." I giggled. "Took you long enough."

Sam laughed at me.

We watched TV for the next hour and then Haley came home and told Sam to go home. Mom got home five minutes later and told him the same thing. I guess they were both crabby again.

I wanted nothing to do with my angry mother and hormonal sister so I decided to take Sam home and maybe get some dinner.

"Do you want to go out for dinner?" I asked when we were in my car.

"Sure." Sam agreed.

I thought about where to go for  moment. "The diner OK?"

"You read my mind!" He exclaimed.

I pulled into the parking lot, parked, and then me and Sam got out of the car.

We sat in a little booth in the corner and had our dinner. I got a buger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake. Sam had a cheeseburger, fries, and a vanilla millkshake. That was about all they served there but it was still really good.

"Ready to go home?" I asked when we were all finished.

Sam nodded and we left.

The whole ride to Sam's house was silent. I was worried.

"Why are you so quiet today?" I asked once we were in Sam's driveway.

He shrugged. "Ilana talked to me today.

Oh crap, what has that bitch screwed up now? I thought to myself. "Oh, really?" Was all I said though.

"Yeah, she was talking crap about you and was demanding that I never talk to you again and she said all this random shit that I know isn't true." Sam answered. "It was really strange."

"Ilana is strange." I said a little annoyed.

Sam looked at me for a long while. "Why do you hate her so much?"

"She's a backstabbing bitch." I replied. "She talked to me the other day and said the only reason your friends with me is because you feel bad for me. I'm sorry but that had been really bothering me. I try ignoring the things she says but I just can't help it with that one. But-"

All of a sudden, something imparied me from speaking. Sam's lips were touching mine. He slowly started moving his lips and his tounge made an entry into my mouth. We sat in my car making out for a few short minutes.

I pulled away and looked down. "I shouldn't have let you do that." I said.

Sam turned my chin his way with his hand. He leaned in to kiss me again but I pushed him away.

"Stop." I cried out. "Why did you do that?!"

Sam stared at me for a while. "I should go." He turned to open his door and leave.

"Sam!" I exclaimed. "Stop."

He froze.

"Tell me." I demanded.

"It's nothing." Sam said quietly and left.

Later that night, I texted Sam and asked if we were still going to the beach tomorrow.

No. Was his exact answer.

I threw my phone down, feeling frustrated.

This time, I was careful. I thought to myself. But careful screwed my over and thus made Sam mad.

What is going on?! I screamed at myself over and over in my mind. I wanted to know why Sam kissed me and, more importantly, who he likes.

Best Friends With Sam EvansWhere stories live. Discover now