Chapter 5: Music

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Another chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy it.


Alya was getting ready for yet another date with Nino. She decided that they should go to a cafe with a music store next to it. They let you try out the instruments and she thought Nino would love it.

I'm heading to your house
right now.

Okay, see you then, Al.

Alya walked to Nino's place and knocked on the door. "Hey." Alya said kissing Nino as he opened the door.

"Hey." Nino said to her. "Ready to go?" He asked offering his hand.

"Yeah let's go." Alya smiled grabbing his hand as they walked to the cafe.

They sat at a table for two and ordered their food. They talked about their days.

"I made a new song." Nino said to Alya.

"Ohh I'll have to sing with you." Alya smiled as she took a bite of food. She didn't like singing in front of people, but she loved singing in front of him.

"I guess so." Nino said as that's what he wanted her to do. "It's a slower song." He said.

"You have never done one like that before." Alya said intrigued.

"I thought you would like it." He smiled taking a bite.

"On the records?" Alya asked as Nino nodded in agreement.

"I'd love to listen to it." Alya said making Nino happy.

They really did like each other, maybe even love each other. T was something they hadn't said to each other, yet they really wanted to. It was just a matter of who would go first.

They finished eating and went to the music store. "Nino!" Alya said sticking her head higher then the stand to see him looking at her. "Come here really quick." Alya said as Nino walked to her.

"I found some records on sale, do you like any of them?" Alya asked.

"Ooo." Nino said looking through them. He ended up finding a few he liked and bought them. They headed back to his place so he could try them out.

"So, how are you?" Alya asked trying to start a conversation.

"Good with you." Nino said with a smirk on his face.

"So romantic." Alya kissed his cheek. "I love it." She giggled holding onto his arm.

They got to his house and went to his DJ table. "Do you want to listen to my song?" Nino asked blushing. He was nervous to see what she would think.

"Sure." Alya said standing next to him. It was basically a slow song remix with two different slow songs. They made the music together and eventually he began to mess around and put a whole bunch of crazy sounds in it.

They were sitting there looking like two giggly dorks. Not that they were dorks. Let's be honest they were.

Eventually they began to listen to some music and sat there cuddled on the couch.

"Your beautiful." Nino said to her.

"Thank you. Your very handsome." Alya said grabbing his shirt a little.

A very dance worthy song came on. "May I have this dance?" Nino stood up and asked, holding out his hand to her.

"Of course." Alya said in a dramatic way as she grabbed his hand and they began to dance.

Nino began to hum the song and Alya began to laugh at him. She placed her head and hands on his chest as they still danced around the room.

"Nino." Alya whispered as she looked up at him.

Nino stopped dancing. "What is it?" He said concerned.

Alya smiled at him. "I think I'm in love with you." She said looking into his eyes.

Nino began to blush like crazy. "Really?" He asked looking at her slightly shocked.

"No." She said as Nino's heart sank. "I know that I'm in love with you." Alya said looking into his eyes. His heart sprung up just as quickly as it went down.

"I love you too." He whispered to her making her blush. He kissed her, and picked her up as he did it.

Alya smiled as she kissed him and cherished every moment. It was then she knew that he was the one for her, but she didn't know that it would be an emotional rollercoaster.


Emotional rollercoaster? Lauryn why you do this?

I do this because it builds the drama and that is something that is useful for a good story. And it helps with getting to know the characters. Let me know what you think about this "emotional rollercoaster" in the comments!

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