Chapter 23: Surprise

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Time skip again. I hope you are enjoying this story. I'm thinking it will have about 30 chapters. I have some exams coming up so if you want to read more Miraculous or fanfic in general go check out my other ones. I just started a OUAT fanfic and I think it will be really fun to write.


Alya and Nino have been going strong in their relationship. They hadn't had any arguments and it went on like it never stopped. Of course Alya had to warm up to trust him, but after a while she knew he wouldn't do her like he did before.

Time went on and it was time for Adrien and Marinette's wedding. Everyone was so excited. Alya even filmed the engagement. I mean yeah she had a couple of scratches from hiding in bushes but it was totally worth it.

The best part was that Marinette asked her to be a bridesmaid. She was ecstatic and was so happy for them, especially since she had shipped them since forever.

Nino was also Adrien's best man. He was excited as well but mostly nervous. Not just because of standing up at the alter next to his best friend but also because it was the day he was going to propose to Alya.

They got up and ready to leave for the house of either of their best friends. They had "sleepovers" a lot so they usually were with each other in the morning. It was 7 AM and Marinette wanted a lot of time to make sure everything was perfect.

"I have to get going babe." Alya said her hair messy and her sweatpants and tshirt on. Marinette had all the getting ready supplies at her house.

"I'll see you at the alter." Nino said with a joking tone.

"I guess you will." Alya chuckled as she kissed Nino and they parted to their friends.

The wedding was at 1 and Alya and her mom were meeting meeting at the bakery so they could get ready. They showed up around 8 and they began to help Marinette get ready.

Marinette was looking at herself in the mirror and she began to cry. "My little girl is all grown up." Marinette's mom said as she stood next to her hugging her from the side.

"Why are you crying, girl? This is the best day of your life." Alya said resting her head on Marinette's shoulder thinking of how pretty she looked. She couldn't wait for when she got married. She wondered when Nino would ask her.

"Tears of joy, Alya. I mean I've dreamt of this day since the beginning of high school. I just can't believe it's finally happening." Marinette said twirling her engagement ring around.

"I know, girl. I'm so happy for you." Alya said hugging her best friend.

"Thanks, Alya." Marinette said squeezing her. "Hopefully your next?" Marinette asked letting go of the hug giving her a smirk. Alya didn't know, but Marinette knew that Nino was proposing at the wedding and she was really excited.

"A girl can dream. I'm just waiting for Nino." Alya said fixing her hair. By now everyone was dressed they just needed to do their hair.

They got to the wedding venue and Marinette went to one of the back rooms so Adrien wouldn't see her dress. Adrien, his dad, Marinette's dad, and Nino showed up soon after that.

All of the parents went to look around the venue while Nino stayed with Adrien in a back room.

Adrien was pacing back and forth. "You can do this Adrien. She is the love of your life. You got this." He said still pacing.

"Dude, you got this." Nino said shaking his best friends shoulders.

"I just- what if she backs out?" Adrien asked sitting down.

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