Chapter 11: Visiting

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Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that I have a new story called The Words and it isn't Miraculous or anything but I thought you might like it...


Alya was flying in from Paris to visit Nino today. She was so excited to see Nino that she had been preparing to go for weeks. She hadn't seen him in about 3 months in person and she was so excited.

On the other hand, Nino was very nervous. He was guilty. He hadn't seen that girl after the party, but he still felt bad about it. He didn't tell Alya and he planned on telling her soon. He just wasn't sure how soon. Especially, with the fact she was coming to see him.

Alya was on the plane on the way to see Nino. She sat next to a mom with two kids she was asleep with one when the other one was sitting in the seat next to her.

"Excuse me." The little girl with the big brown eyes said to Alya.

"Yes?" Alya smiled at the cute little girl.

"My mommy is tired." She said quietly. "I have to go potty." She said holding herself.

"Oh okay." Alya said confused. She couldn't just take this woman's child to the bathroom. "I have to ask your mommy okay?" She said nicely to the girl.

"No! She is very pretty when she is sleepy. Baby brother is sleepy too." She said seriously.

Alya was overloaded with this little girls cuteness. She decided to wake up her mom anyway. "Miss." She whispered poking her gently. "Excuse me." Alya poked her again.

The woman woke up. "Oh my. I'm so sorry was she bothering you." She asked looking at her daughter sternly.

"Oh no, she is just fine. It's just she wanted to go potty," Alya said smiling at the embarrassed girl. "And she was asking me to go, but I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you." Alya said kindly.

"Oh okay, um, sweetie this nice lady will take you to the potty while I watch your brother." She whispered trying not to wake the baby. "Be careful." She said to her daughter.

"I'll have her right back." Alya said smiling at the woman for assurance. She took her to the bathroom and came back and played with her.

"My name is Penelope." The girl said as they were walking back to their seats. "You're pretty."

"Thank you. You are pretty too. My name is Alya." Alya smiled at the girls compliment.

"I like your name. I am 7. Are you a teenager?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes I am. And thank you again." Alya responded. They spent the rest of the time talking. Alya realized then that she really loved kids, but that was something for another time.

She landed and the girl was sad to leave her, but Alya told her that she was going to have fun in America and that she would grow up to be amazing.

She had her suitcase and was walking to the exit when she spotted the hat she had made for Nino in the crowd. She smiled walking faster until she gets to him. She was standing in front of him. "Nino!" She said hugging him.

"Al, how are you?" Nino said gleefully hugging her, but feeling guilty. "I've missed you so much." He said hugging her tighter.

"I missed you too." Alya said kissing his cheek as she was crying tears of joy.

Nino felt a tear on his face. "Are you crying?" He said whipping under her eyes.

"I'm just happy to see you." Alya said kissing him.

"Me too." He said kissing her back. He hadn't smiled except for when he first saw her, while Alya was smiling the whole time.

They got in the car and headed back to his dorm. "Are you okay?" Alya asked him noticing him seeming a bit gloomy.

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you okay?" Alya asks kindly.

"I'm great now that I'm with you. I was thinking we could do something special tonight?" Alya asked wondering why he was lying, but she put it away because she was so happy to see him.

"Like dinner." Nino asked kindly.

"Yeah if that's what you want." Alya said smirking.

Nino quickly realized what she meant. He wasn't sure it was what he wanted right now. "Yeah. I would love to eat dinner with you and talk and stuff." Nino responded as he parked the car. "This is my dorm." He said getting out of the car and opening her door. He helped her with her bags and they got to his dorm.

"I'll sleep on the couch." Alya said kindly.

"No it's fine you can sleep in the bed." He said before blushing. "I'll sleep on the couch."

"Okay we will decide that later." Alya says with a smirk.

Eventually someone walked in. "Alya this is Derick my roommate." He said.

"Oh you must be Alya." Derick said smiling at Alya.

Alya looked at Nino unsure of what he said. She just said, "I'm Alya." She didn't know much English and Derick knew that.

"Nice to meet you." Derick said smiling at her.

Alya just nodded and grabbed Nino's hand. "Are you ready to go?" She asked.

"Yes let's go." Nino smiled. "See you later?" Nino said in English to Derick.

"Bye, man. I'm staying at a friends house tonight so the place is all yours." Derick winked as they left.

They began to walk around. "What did he say?" Alya asked.

"Just that he wasn't gonna be in the dorm tonight." Nino said with a slight smile.

"Oh okay." Alya responded she grabbed his hands and began to walk backwards. "I want to see everything here. Show me around." She smiled.

"Okay." Nino said kissing her noes trying to forget about all the guilt.


Hope you liked the chapter!
Love you all,

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