Chapter 20: It's Not That Easy

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Some of you thought they were together, but they have a while to go. This story will be longer then the first of the set. Enjoy!


They both had a lot of emotions about Alya's visit. Most of them including what was next for the two of them. Although, the thought of it was different for each of them.

Alya thought of how she would get over him, but Nino thought of how he could date her again. Since Alya confessed her feelings, Nino assumed she would come back to him in a heartbeat. Now all he needed to do was find her to ask her out.

Alya sat near the park and did some homework for her college. Nino might have finished early but Alya still had a lot of work to get done, which she disliked. She had been taking classes having relation to technology and all it's parts. She wasn't exact as to what she wanted to do but she know it needed to be electronic.

She was hard at work when Nino walked over and sat next to her. She didn't notice him until he leaned over her shoulder to see what she was doing.

"Whatcha got there, Al?" He said as he looked at it. He had been looking for her for about fifteen minutes. They usually chilled out in the park when they were together. He assumed it was another sign that she wanted to be with him.

Alya looked up at him and scooted the other way. "Ever heard of personal space?" She looked at him where she punched him a few days before. It was still a bit puffy, but the bruise was almost gone.

Nino looked at her and stayed where he was. He knew not to test Alya. "Sorry." He put his hands up. "I was just looking at what you were writing." He pointed to it and put his hands down.

"It's homework." Alya said being vague. Was now really the time for him to bother me, she thought as she wrote some more down.

He nodded and watched her write. "What kind?" He asked trying to start a conversation with her.

She put down her pencil with some force and looked at him with a sigh. She then proceeded to close her eyes trying not to get angry. "What do you really want, Nino?" She opened her eyes slowly.

"I was just going to ask you something." He said with a small smile.

Alya nodded and looked at him. "And what is that?"

"Well," he sighed lightly. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"

She looked at him in disbelief and smiled. She began to laugh and then looked at him, his expression confused. She slowly stopped laughing, a grin on her face. "You were serious? Really?" She raised her eyebrows.

He fixed his hat and looked at her. "Well yeah." He cleared his throat. "Didn't you say you wanted me?"

Alya stopped smiling and looked at him annoyed. "Did you miss the whole second part of my lecture?" She looked at him her eyes slimmed angrily.

"Well I don't know." He shrugged. "You did punch me in the face so I might've missed some stuff." He looked at her with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

She opened her eyes and raised her voice slightly. "Well I said I wanted to get over you." She looked at the floor, gathering her emotions. "Your logic still amazes me." She shook her head.

Nino sat there with all kinds of emotions. Confusion as to why she said no, followed by sadness and anger. "I thought you would say yes." He said quietly looking at the ground.

"Obviously." She whispered. "You wouldn't have asked if you thought I would say no. That's the kind of person you are."

"What's that support to mean?" He looked at her slightly offended. "Just so you know, I've changed a lot over these years." He looked at her.

She looked at the floor still. "Yeah I'm sure." She said sarcastically.

"I have." He said as he looked back at the ground. "Despite what you think I'm actually pretty smart. I have a degree and everything to prove it." He said with a chuckle.

Alya smiled slightly but quickly changed to a poker face. She didn't want to show him all the feelings. She built a wall between him and kept all the pickaxes on her side. There was on way to the other side and no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't be able to make it back over.

"At least I got something like a smile." He sighed. "I'm nicer, definitely. I was a jerk, I know, and I'll keep telling you until you realize it. I'll also keep telling you that I'm sorry." He nodded looking at the floor.

Alya gathered up her books as she listened to Nino speak.

"Where are you going?" Nino said as he looked up at the girl he once called his girlfriend.

"Somewhere peaceful. You might've finished school, but I haven't." She nodded slightly putting the bag over her shoulder. She began to walk away.

"Well, bye." Nino said as she left without saying anything.

Alya walked over to him. "You are mistaken if you think this will be easy. Getting me back isn't going to be easy at all. Hell, you might not even be able to do it, but don't think that hit can come and get me at the push of a button. You might've not thought so all those months ago, but I'm worth something. So get over this logic that I'll come back like that." She snapped her fingers as she said that. "Get your crap together, Nino." She began to walk away again, this time not coming back for another lecture.

Nino sat there shocked. Why was it that every time he saw her she would lecture him? He accepted it as something he would need to get used to, but her words never fell short of meaning to him. He knew he needed to get his act together.

It was like she was teaching him on how to get her back, but he didn't get that part of it. The deeper meaning to the lectures had yet to surface into either of their brains. The deeper meaning that Alya wanted to get with him again. But not just that. She wanted him to learn his mistakes and feel some sort of reasoning about what she felt all that time he wasn't with her.


I'm just going to leave it at that...

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