Chapter 12: Disneyland

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This is a happy chapter! I hope you enjoy it!!


So far they had gone to eat lunch at McDonald's. Alya thought it was very fattening and Nino agreed, but after a while he got used to it. Alya decided to not eat there anymore because she couldn't take the sugar.

They were going to Disneyland now. Nino saved up money so he could take her when she came and now she was here so they decided to go. They were walking through the entrance.

"Nino this place is beautiful." Alya said looking around as she walked in.

"It is. I haven't been before, but Derick told me it was awesome." Nino smiled at Alya.

"So are you ready to go?" He asked as he held out his hand.

"I want to take a picture of us." Alya said to him.

"Oh ok." Nino smiled as he stood next to her and they took a selfie.

"Perfect." Alya smiled at the picture. "I love you." Alya said in a giddy voice as she kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." Nino said in a monotone voice.

Alya threw him a worried look, but he said he was fine so she just decided to ignore it. "Are you ready to look around?" She asked.

"Yeah." Nino said as they began to walk. He grabbed a French map and they began to walk.

"Everything here is so cute." Alya said looking at the little kids dressed as princesses and the beautiful flowers everywhere.

They began to walk and Alya spotted an ice cream stand. "Ice cream!" Alya smiled at Nino.

"Do you want some?" Nino asked with a laugh.

Alya nodded and walked to the stand. She got a Mickey Mouse themed ice cream stick and Nino got a small thing of vanilla ice cream.

"This is really good." Alya sad with chocolate on her nose.

"You've got a little something." Nino said as he wiped it of with a napkin.

"Thank you." She smiled. She was happy to see him a little happy. Right after she noticed his face went back to a monotone expression.

They rode some rides and then they went to eat. Everything was expensive, and Nino payed for everything. "Thank you for the food." Alya smiled as they took a seat to eat.

"It's nothing." Nino said with a quick smile.

"Seriously Nino what is wrong?" Alya asked concerned.

"I -don't want to talk about it." Nino said eating some of his food.

"I came all the way here and by the time I leave I am going to know what is wrong with you." Alya said sassily.

"Fine." Nino said in agreement. He felt intimidated.

"Are you even trying to have fun, Nino?" Alya asked sadly. She didn't feel loved by him right now and that was all she wanted.

"Yes. I just- yes. Let's just have fun the rest of the day. Okay?" He asked trying to shake it out of his mind for now.

"Okay." Alya smiled. "So what's next?" She asked pretending that the conversation never happened.

"We can visit Cinderella's castle?" Nino asked pointing to it on the map.

"Okay sounds good." Alya smiled. They finished eating and headed to the castle. Everyone was off to the sides of the sidewalk.

"What's going on?" Alya asked confused.

"This is a parade." Nino said kindly. "Do you want to watch it?" He asked holding her hand.

"Yeah look at all of it. It's so pretty." Alya smiled as they walked over to a spot where they could see better.

She watched as all of the kids smiled and had a good time. She watched how cute they were and looked at the floats. There were so many princesses that she remembered from her childhood and so many Disney characters. She had never been to something like it before.

It was getting dark and all the lights shined in the moonlight. She leaned on Nino's shoulder and watched them stroll by.

Nino kissed her head. He had to tell her, and he was going to, he just didn't know when to do it. He thought he would do it tonight. He just had to see how everything played out.

The parade ended and they decided to go to the castle now. "So you can get one thing from the gift shop because I don't have a lot left." He said referring to his money.

"Okay. Thank you." Alya smiled. She was going to kiss him, but she just decided to start looking around. He didn't seem in the mood.

She picked out some Minnie Mouse ears. "Those look cute on you." Nino smiled.

"Thanks babe." Alya smiled. They bought them and then they headed out of the gift shop that was in the castle.

They walked out to see a huge crowd of people. "This is the firework show they have every night." Nino smiled.

"Has it started?" Alya asked wanting to watch.

"No it will soon. Do you want to watch?" Nino asked.

"Of course!" Alya said as they backed up and stood with the crowd.

Alya watched as there was a show. A girl that looked like Tinker Bell flew across the castle and the castle glowed. Nino watched Alya as she looked at everything.

She was so beautiful. He loved her so much and he wanted it to stay like that. He just hoped she would be okay with the kiss that he felt so guilty about. He was her everything and he wanted it to stay that way.


Have you ever been to Disneyland? I haven't, but if you have let me know!
Luv ya,

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