Chapter 26: Gone

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Starts of sad but it gets better I promise.


Alya couldn't process what was happening. She had gotten pregnant two months ago and just like that it was gone. She wasn't listening to the doctors. She just heard the beginning.

"Something happened. The baby won't make it..." The doctor said before everything went blurry. Her eyes were filling with tears. She felt an arm around her, assuming it was Nino's simply because he was the only other person with her.

Her stomach had been feeling weird since she was pregnant, it was tight and she assumed it was the stomach stretching but apparently it wasn't. By the time she went to the doctor it was too late to fix the problem.

She blamed herself really. All she could think of was the what ifs. What if I came in, what if I read about it, what if I was better at this, was all she could think.

She walked out and into the car. Alya faintly heard her name being called in a gentle voice. It happened a few times before she heard it clearly.

"Alya." She heard as a hand laid on her thigh.

"What, Nino?" She said as she looked at him. "Your going to tell me everything will be okay right? That it will get better?" She said as she cried. "Because I already know that, but right now it sucks so I don't want to hear it." Alya said still crying.

"I just wanted to say I'm here for you Al." Nino said looking to her. Her words hurt but he knew she didn't mean to hurt him. He knew that was just how Alya dealt with things. Not to say that he wasn't upset, but he knew he had to be stronger. Alya needed to be able to lean on him, he just didn't know when that would happen.

A few days went by and Nino woke up to Alya screaming sitting up in bed. Alya began pacing trying to get her heart rate down. "Al what's wrong."

"I had another nightmare Nino what do you think?" Alya said pacing back and forth.

Nino got up and looked at her. "What happened in the dream." He said as he walked over to her.

"I was in a room. The baby was on the other side of the room." Alya said as she shook her head looking at the ground her hands held through her hair. "I tried to save him. I couldn't. He was to far away." Alya said as she started crying again. "I wasn't close enough. I should have saved him." Alya said as she looked up to Nino.

Nino looked at her and wrapped his arms around her. "Alya it's okay. I'm here. It was just a dream." He said as he held her. She wrapped her arms around him sobbing into his chest. Nino had been waiting for her to finally accept him. He held her close, loving the feeling of her in his arms.

"I'm sorry Nino." Alya whispered calming down. "I need you. I shouldn't push you away. I love you so much, mi coeur." Alya said as Nino kissed her forehead.

"I love you too Al. More than anything." Nino said. Alya looked up to him and gave him a shy smile. Nino looked down and kissed her gently. He hugged her again and they went to bed.

The next few days were still sad. They mourned the loss of the baby. Marinette and Adrien as well as a couple other friends and family came to comfort them. Marinette came with a whole bunch of food for the two. As time went by it got better.

Alya was hesitant of wanting to try and have another baby, but Nino knew how much she wanted one. She was scared that what happened the first time would happen again.

So Nino thought. He thought of what he could do. A middle he could meet when he finally came up with an idea. The next day went by and he went to a pet shelter. He looked around at all the different dogs. Big ones. Small ones. Fluffy ones and bare ones. He thought of what Alya would want.

He looked inside one of the cages to see a dog jumping up and down in his cage looking at the opening and wagging its tail excitedly. It was a big dog. It had fluffy long fur and a hairy tail. It was practically smiling at Nino. He looked at the description of the fury animal. His name was milkbone for no other reason than the fact he loved milkbones. It describe him as eager and jumpy. He was also only two years old. It said that his old family gave him back because he got to big.

Nino smiled at the dog and put his hand to the cage and his hand was soon covered in slobber from all the kisses that the fluffy pooch gave him.

He went to the front desk and asked for the dog.  He payed for him and then went to a pet store to get everything he needed. The shelter provided a bed and a leash, so all he needed was food, bowls, and a name tag. After gathering the name tag from the machine with his given name and the house number, he went to the food area, making sure to grab a bag of the dogs supposed favorite treat.

He payed the cashier and headed home. Alya called him asking where had been all day.

"I'll be home soon. I have a surprise for you." Nino said with a smile. He just wanted to make Alya happy and he figured this was the best way to do it.

"Okay." Alya sighed with despair still present in her voice. "I love you." She said quietly through the phone.

"Love you too Al." Nino replied. He finally got back to their house and walked to the door with milkbone still on his leash. She opened the door and heard Alya walking in the hallway. He quickly brought the mutt inside and into the living room.

"Nino is that you?" She asked as she walked down the hallway.

"Yes." He replied as he went to the hallway. He smiled to her and she looked at him confused.

"What?" She asked as she crossed her arms. "What did you break?" She said with her eyebrow raised.

"Nothing. I told you I had a surprise." He smiled as he held her hands and she looked at him. "Well do you want to see it?" He asked kindly

"Yeah sure." She replied with a nod. Nino took her hand and walked over to the living room and the dog was no where to be seen.

"Where did it go?" He asked surprised.

"You lost it already?" She asked with a soft chuckle.

"It was here two seconds ago." He said as he looked around. He checked all the rooms when he heard Alya say his name. "What is it Al?" He asked walking back to the living room.

"Is this the surprise?" She asked as she pet milkbone in front of her.

"Alya meet milkbone. I got him from the shelter." He said as he smiled.

"He's beautiful." Alya smiled as she looked to Nino teary eyed. "Thank you mi coeur." She said as she hugged him.

"I just wanted to see you happy." Nino's said hugging her back. "I wanted you to be happy." He said squeezing her tighter.

"I love you and milkbone." She said as the dog jumped up on her and she pet him. "We will definitely be a happy family." Alya said petting the dog. That was all Nino needed to hear. He had her back. His Alya was back and he wouldn't want it any other way.

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