Chapter 1

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Seulgi POV

Another summer passes, and another school year begins. My one wish for this year is for it to go complete opposite from the last.

I currently attend the Seoul School of Performing Arts, which is considered to be one of the most prestigious private schools in South Korea, only being able to take part by audition. So prestigious in fact, only a fraction are accepted. Luckily, I just so happened to be included in that fraction.

Looking at the time on my phone, I hastily jumped up to get ready. As it turns out, I had been laying in bed looking at the ceiling for half an hour stuck in my internal monologue. Quickly moving closer to my closet, I gathered my uniform and slipped it on.

I then made my way into my personal bathroom, plugging in my straightener and separating my hair into sections

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I then made my way into my personal bathroom, plugging in my straightener and separating my hair into sections. Quickly straightening my hair, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house almost choking out my goodbyes to my mother, who was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Seulgi-ah, what about breakfast?" I heard her ask. I didn't have time to respond as I shut the door and ran my way towards my school that is about a ten minute walk away.

In my house it is only me and my mother. My dad moved out last year after he found another woman, leaving only me and my mother alone. Since then, we have grown closer and she became more like my older sister than my mom. We would stay up late watching movies and sharing secrets we learned that day.

Continuing my rush to the school, I hurriedly ran to the front office and picked up my schedule, running out of time before I was late. Power walking through the halls, I heaved when I noticed that my homeroom was almost at the other side of the school. Picking up my pace once again, I continued my journey.

Going around a corner I came upon the double set of stairs, with a hot step jump I ran down, skipping a few steps as I went. However that soon came to an end when my foot didn't exactly place on the stair and I missed my footing, sliding down a few steps. Just as I was about to fall, a hand grasped me and pulled my right side up.

Opening my now squinted eyes, I smiled and bowed showing my thanks before making my way to my homeroom once again.

I had barely made my way into the classroom when the bell rang. I made my way closer and took the empty seat beside Wendy. She looked at me weird at my almost late appearance and I gave an awkward smile. I already know that I'm going to be interrogated later about my tardy.

"Welcome back!" My homeroom teacher exclaimed. Most students just groaned in response about there return back to the prison called highschool.

"Well you are all seniors now, therefore you have many great responsibilities this year. This includes many completions as you know from previous years. I want you to enjoy this last year at school, but I want you to also become responsible adults." She warned, finishing her dialogue, before going to her desk, giving us yet again another schedule full of the upcoming performances, most of which you had to audition to take part in.

This being a strictly preforming arts school, had a total of five classes. These classes included singing, dancing, rapping, composing, and acting. When auditioning to the schools, they pick out your strong points and you build on that. Currently I am training in my singing and dancing.

The bell rang and the students filed out the classroom. Wendy stood up from beside me and smiled giving me a look. I gathered my things and followed behind her down the halls.

"So what was that all about this morning?" She asked with a laugh.

"I overslept..." I replied with a shrugged.

"Of course you did." She chuckled as we carried on with other conversation.

Together we continued down the hall, weeding our way through the crowded areas. We parted ways as she made her way to her composing class, and I to the dance studio.

Continuing my voyage, I arrived at the locker room, where I changed into a crop top, some leggings, and a pair of high tops. I then exited and walked towards the studio ready to begin the day lesson. Hopefully it wont be too strenuous since it is just the first day.

I walked in and sat down beside Irene who was busy do her daily stretches. I swear she literally has no bones. She can easily twist like a pretzel and have no problem.

"Oh Seulgi! You're here!" Irene exclaimed. I smiled and waved before walking closer to her, plopping down on the floor in the process.

"Irene! How was Spain this summer?" I asked. Irene was lucky as her parents wanted her to have many exciting experiences in her life, therefore taking her backpacking around Spain.

"Oh it was so beautiful! We all really need to go again sometime. You would love it. The food is great." She said with a wink. My mouth started to water at the thought of food, and I gulped making Irene laugh.

We continued to maintain conversation with each other until the instructor came in. We the all stood up to great the teacher as he started his beginning of the school year dialogue.

"Hello class. I am Mr. Lee, your dance teacher, but you can call me by my old stage name Taemin. This is a very important year, you guys being seniors. More and more entertainment companies will be scouting this year at this school, therefore it is very important to make a lasting impression on them. The only way to do this is by practice. Not only that, but-" Taemin was cut off by the sound of the studio doors slamming shut.

Everyone turned their attention away from the front and followed to the source of the noise.

"Ah, Mr. Park, how now of you to join us." Taemin said, a bit on the sarcastic side. The guy just nodded his head and response and made his way over. Honestly, the guy seemed done with school, even though it is just the first day.

He came closer and took position next to me. Looking me up and down, I starting to feel uncomfortable underneath his gaze.

"Um... Can I help you?" I asked, as he continued to stare.

"Oh! Its you!"


Thank you to everyone who is reading this and supporting me! I really appreciate it ^^

This is my first Seulmin and my first story ever on Wattpad and I thank everyone giving it love~

Please continue to love and support this story as it goes on, I have a lot planned and in store for it and I hope you stick around long enough to find out

Over and out~

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