Chapter 17

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Seulgi POV

When class ended and Irene and I had gotten a shower and dressed, we left the lockers and went to our meeting spot. Half way upon arriving at our destination, Taehyung met up with us and him and Irene decided they would just wait for Wendy and meet back up in the cafeteria for lunch.

Going back up to the ground floor, I turned a corner only to have the most unusual sight smack me in the face.

Against the wall was Wendy being pinned against the wall with no other than Suga on top of her. Turning her head to the side, I caught eyes with Wendy's, her eyes full of fear.

"Surprise?" She questioned. And then it hit me.

Charging at Suga, I threw all of my weight at him, knocking him off balance and to the ground.

"Suga! How could you attack Wendy like that!" I yelled at them.

"Seulgi no! That's not-" Wendy was talking, but I couldn't hear her. It was like their was a block in my head and all I could see was Suga in front of me.

"Look, I'm not attacking her I'm-"

"I don't want to hear another word from you mister. Let's get away from the big bad man Wendy." I said grabbing her hand and dragging her to the cafeteria where I was going to fatten her back up.

It's because of him she has lost all of that weight in the first place and I will never forgive him for that.

Wendy POV

With Seulgi dragging me behind her, I my eyes caught Suga's emotionless face and I couldn't help but feel bad with putting him in this position in the first place.

Though there were many flaws with my plans, the main thing I forgot to factor in was the fact that Seulgi was dense.

Very, very dense.

Once Suga was out of sight, I regained my sense and got my feet back under me and was able to walk beside Seulgi, though she was still holding my wrist. We stopped in front of the doors leading to the cafeteria and Seulgi spun me around to face her, taking my face in between her hands as she observed me.

"He didn't hurt you did he? I swear I'm going to kill him if he did. I will never let him come close to you again..." She muttered under her breath. I unintentionally smiled at our current predicament.

It's ironically hilarious.

Before she could go any further in observing me in front of the many pairs of watchful and confused eyes, I grabbed her wrists returning them to their place beside her side.

"Trust me. I'm fine." I say before entering the cafeteria. I need to rethink my strategy from here on considering she's willing to spend time behind bars if he gets close to me.

It didn't take seconds for Seulgi to be by my side and grabbing a tray, creating a mountain of food on her tray. I grabbed my signature banana ignoring the pestering side eye I was receiving.

At least I am eating something. Be thankful.

After getting food, we met outside with the rest and they gave me a questioning gaze before looking between me and Seulgi for answers. I gave a motion to tell them to cut it out before taking my seat.

From there, they carried light conversation with the occasional glance at me

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From there, they carried light conversation with the occasional glance at me. Some time passed before I really spoke again. Everyone was laughing and enjoying their lunch.

No, I on the other hand kept my head down majority of lunch trying to think about a way to complete my plan with this wrench thrown in it.

That's when it hit me.

"Where's Jimin?" I asked, looking up from my spot. I glanced at Seulgi from the corner of my eye, but she seemed completely indifferent to the question.

"Jimin? That's a good question. He is probably on the roof with Yoongi." Namjoon stated. I nodded my head in response. I was wondering how Seulgi would react.

This would have to determine my next move.

"Ok well Seulgi I have something to tell-" I was cut off by the sound of the bell dismissing lunch. Looking up at the ceiling, I questioned what I had done wrong in all my years of life to deserve the stress this is giving me.

Maybe I should take this as a sign....

"What was that Wendy?" Seulgi asked, throwing her trash away.

"I will tell you later." I responded with a smile.

Then again maybe I won't.

Grabbing her hand, we skipped up the stairs on the way to our vocal class, leaving our friends behind to eat our dust.

Reaching the class, we took our seats. By the time Solar came in, everyone was seated and class began. I would love to say I learned a lot during the class, but I was slightly distracted with the sight of a dejected Jimin wallowing in self pity at the lack of attention from Seulgi.

I sighed, making eye contact with Suga. Looking at him, I nodded my head before pointing up, a sort of code you might say. He nodded back and we made a silent agreement to meet on the rooftop after class.

After a long and depressing class of Jimin watching, I filed out of class at the sound of the bell and climbed the stairs to the roof, waiting for Suga to catch up. It didn't take for the door to swing open and a lazy Suga to come striding in. It was quiet for a moment until he finally spoke.

"So what did you say to Seulgi after she drug you away? Does she know?" He asked with a slight yawn.

"About that...." I trailed off. He cocked an eyebrow at that and urged me to continue. Taking a deep breath, I realized there was no way I was going to be able to escape.

"I, uh, haven't found a way to tell her we are "dating" yet. So as of right now, she thinks you just attacked me..." I trailed off. When I saw the change of his expression, I quickly continued.

"But- BUT, I have come up with a plan. Well it's more like half of a plan but-"

"No. Hell no. I am done with you and your "plans". This isn't doing anything but give me a headache. I'm done." He said with strong and stern voice, leaving no room for arguing.

That didn't stop me from trying though.

"Please. Please just go along with it for a little longer-"

"Wendy I said no. I can't just pretend to be your boyfriend." He said, muttering the last part. He gave me one last look before exiting the roof.

It took me a minute before I realized what had happened.

I worked too hard on this plan for it to simply fall apart.

Running down that many flights of stairs and hallways, I finally caught sight of him exiting through the main entrance of the school. With a smile, I ran out the door and caught up with him.

"Wait a second!" I called out, panting from all of the running I had just done. It didn't really help that I haven't eaten much lately...

He turned around to face me, once again raising his eyebrow. Just as I was about to step in front of him, I heard a very familiar voice call out for me. I almost cursed at the universe for trying to interrupt my plan for the third time.

Not taking the sign, I kept my plan in motion.

"Wendy, where were you? I was looking for you after class when-"

Disregarding Seulgi speaking to me, I reached out and grabbed Suga's tie, pulling him down to my level, and placing my lips on his.

I'm back~

I hope that wasn't too much of a wait. I tried to get this updated as quickly as possible as I have been feeling inspired recently.

I have some cute one shots that I am working on as little gifts for supporting my story and helping me achieve such amazing stats. I hope you anticipate those 😂

Until next time~

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