Chapter 6

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Wendy POV

My heart sunk when the door opened and in walked my mortal enemy. He had a a gauze taped down onto his nose and I knew automatically it had something to do with Seulgi.

Turning my head I glared at her as she just laughed nervously, adding fuel to the fire of hate I have towards her at the moment.

Suga walked right by me not sparing me a glance, however, he did take the time to give Seulgi a glare similar to my own, to which she returned.

He walked down to the seat behind me and sat down beside Jimin who gave him a apologetic look.

Pfft apologetic my ass.

As much as I didn't want Seulgi to do what she did, I have to admit he did deserve it.

As soon as he was settled, Solar got her composure back and class resumed.

Eventually the class was separated between the singers and the rappers. Each side was then given out numbers and the singer and rapper that had the same number would then be in a group/ unit for the day.

And just when the day couldn't get any better, you wouldn't believe me when I say that I am currently sitting in front of a very pissed off Yoongi.

It was silent and it had been for a while now. He refused to look at me, and I didn't know where to look. Sighing, I looked in Seulgi's direction who was lucky enough to be paired with Irene for this project.

I also didn't miss the envious looks Jimin was shooting at Irene. He slowly slumped and rested his chin on the table, eyes never leaving Seulgi's form. He was currently paired with Rap Monster who was reading an English book.

Prying my eyes away from the two pairs, my sight landed back on the topic at hand.


My heart almost jumped out of my chest when his eyes met mine. I looked away immediately, however, his eyes never wavered. All I could feel was the pretend lasers shooting at me, trying to kill me.

This is getting too weird. Should I apologize for Seulgi's actions? Its really starting to affect my "work environment".

Heaving a sigh I looked at him straight in the eye.

"Look." I started. He just sat there, slumped in his seat with his arms crossed. He raised his eye brow at me urging me to continue.

"In all honesty, you are being ridiculous. I'm sorry if Seulgi hitting you damaged your ego or whatever, but that doesn't give you a reason to act like a three year throwing a temper tantrum because it couldn't get it's way. Grow up and get over yourself." I stated. I sat back in my seat, mirroring his actions.

At that statement he scoffed and leaned forward resting his crossed arms on the table. Once again I mirrored him, as we were now a few inches apart. He smirked and I unknowingly let my facade waver.

He laughed as my mask cracked, showing how scared I really was.

"You act like you are tough, but in reality all you are inside is a scared little girl. Oh sorry I can't call you little. Hmm.... " He trailed off and my head dropped. My stare focused on my lap and my hand laid their limp.

No matter how strong I act, he somehow manages to make me crumble with one simple smirk.

How pathetic am I?

I just had him a second ago and he smirks and I cave in.

We then sit there in silence as he just stares at me with a smirk before going into a conversation with a unit beside us. I just sat there staring at my fingers as I occasionally clawed at the palm of my hand in frustration.

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