Chapter 19

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Forgive the excessive amounts of POV switches in this chapter. It was the only way I knew to convey the person's thoughts/feelings

Suga POV

One minute I was leaving the school, the next I was being forced down by my tie with a pair of lips on mine. When Wendy pulled away, the world was spinning and it felt like my throat had closed. I'm assuming she sensed that because it wasn't a second longer that she enclosed my hand in hers and was dragging me off campus. 

She didn't stop walking until we were a few streets away from the school. We eventually slowed our pace to just a leisurely stroll. By then my feet had learned to walk again, but that didn't go for my brain as I still couldn't formulate sentences.

Wendy was still holding my hand. 

"W-w-what just-" I stammered. 

"Hm?" She questioned, almost like it was nothing, confusing me even more.

"Why did you- What just- What is wrong with you Wendy?! What is this?!" I yelled out in frustration, coming to a dead stop and lifting up our connected hands in front of her face. It seemed like the only way I knew how to get my thoughts straight and across was by yelling and/ or insulting. 

I need to work on that. 

Her eyebrows scrunched up cutely in confusion, but she turned back to look straight ahead of us. From her lack of reaction, I almost thought that I imagined blowing up at her like that, but eventually she looked back at me. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't give you time to prepare for that..." She muttered, looking down at her feet. 

"Uh no you didn't. What was that back there?" I tried to calmly ask, but attitude was still evident in my voice. I was trying to not scare her like in the past, but I was clearly failing when she flinched. 

"I'm sorry. I honestly don't know what came over me. I'm sorry if it was a little too much, but I don't know what to do to help and I can't think of anything better than this and- and-" Wendy started rambling, hyperventilation becoming clear in the future if she didn't calm down. 

"Calm down and take a breath..." I mumbled, looking up at the sky trying to find words so I don't repeat mistakes by saying the wrong thing. 

"Are you mad at me?" Wendy asked, looking up at me into my eyes, causing me to lose my words once again. I cleared my throat and shook my head to rid of any inappropriate thoughts that were beginning to come to mind. 

"Mad? No. Surprised? Big time. Please don't pull something like that again. I don't think my heart can handle something like that again..." I muttered the last part, my hand coming to rub the back of my head in embarrassment, feeling the heat reach my cheeks and ears. 

Wendy nodded in response, spinning 180 to face foreword and began to walk beside me. We walked in silence for a bit before she finally spoke again. 

"So what now?" She asked. I stopped dead in my tracks, looking her dead in the eye. 

"What now? What now?! What do you mean what now? I thought you had a plan! I thought you had this all figured out and I was just supposed to go along with everything?" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air, bring them back down to rub my face. 

"Well I mean I had a basic idea. I figured I would kind of test the waters a bit and see how Seulgi would react. I kind of acted out of impulse today, so I didn't have time to really plan what would come after this." She whispered. 

Now it was my turn to breathe. 

"You started this. You finished it." I said before storming off. 

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