Chapter 3

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Seulgi POV

"Oh it's you!" He called out pointing at me. Taken aback, I leaned away, not knowing how to react to his outright behavior.

"Huh?" Was the only thought my brain could put together before I was interrupted.

"Quiet down back there!" Taemin shouted towards my direction.

"We'll talk later then." He whispered turning his attention back to the front. Taemin stood ahead of the class as he informed us on our schedules and how his class will be spent.

As my classes only included singing and dancing, I had this class everyday for about four hours. Taemin had it broken up into sections or blocks so that we would be able to learn the many styles of dance.

The first 10 minutes of class were spent doing warm-ups and stretching. The next 45 minutes was spent learning contemporary, the next spent learning ballet, next jazz, and finally hip-hop. We had breaks of 5 in between each "lesson" and the last 35 minutes were spent in the locker room where you to shower and freshen up to continue the school day.

Today was pretty much just a freestyle day where he could examine your skills. Honestly it was pretty fun, being able to play a song and just feel the rhythm, not really caring how well you did because it wasn't a competition where you were being judged for errors. It was simply an evaluation.

When my turn came, the song changed to Chained Up by VIXX. I listened to the beat and was caught up in to the rhythm. My body moved on it's own. The music was the ventriloquist and I was it's puppet.

The first verse and chorus was over and now it was the next person's turn. The second verse went on and he went up and I recognized him from the beginning of class.

Just as I was, he was swept away. You could tell he was enjoying himself based off of the expressions he gave. He was smiling and laughing at himself as he stood in the center of the circle the students had created.

We continued sending people into the makeshift circle until it was time to go back to the locker rooms. I picked up my schedule and waited for Irene who was making her way towards me.

"So...." She began trialing off slightly. I looked up at her in confusion and a smile spread across her face.

"You and Jimin huh?" She asked.

"Jimin?" I questioned. Who was this Jimin she spoke of?

"Yeah, you know.... Jimin? The guy that called out to you when he entered the studio?" She said slowly.

"Ohhh...." I said as recognition spread across my features.

"So what's the deal?"

"What deal?"

"Really?" Irene asked. I guess she gave up trying to question me because we didn't really talk much until we got back to the locker room. we both grabbed out clothes and went towards the showers.

I stripped my clothes and quickly washed the sweat off of me before swiftly changing back into my school uniform. I blow dried my hair as good as I could before putting it into a ponytail. What was the point of spending the time straightening this morning again?

I met Irene at the door as the bell went off signalling the end of the period and the beginning of our lunch. We walked towards the cafeteria carrying a light conversation. She told me about the different things that happened while she was away.

I grabbed a tray and picked the food that looked the most appetizing at the moment. Thankfully the money we spent in tuition to go here actually goes to something decent....

I took my tray and followed behind Irene closely. She had plans to go eat with her boyfriend and his friends and invited me along. I would have declined, allowing her to have some time with him, but she said other people were going to be there too so I figured why not.

We went outside the cafeteria and eventually outside of the building. I heard loud voices getting closer as we approached them. When we got there, they were sitting underneath a tree at a picnic table. Irene sat in the empty seat beside her boyfriend an I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Oh Seulgi! This is my boyfriend, Taehyung." She said gesturing towards him. He gave me a boxy smile and waved at me as I nodded firmly in response. He seemed to like Irene a lot, but I still didn't really trust him. Not that I trust most guys anyway....

"Oh! This is Jimin! He's in our dance class, but I guess you have already-"

"So you're name is Seulgi?" He questioned, rudely interrupting Irene. I was already not beginning to like this guy. He seemed kind of arrogant and uncivil.

Once again I nodded and he looked kind of offended. All I did was stare at him as he did the same to me.

"Do you not remember me?" He asked. I shook my head in response and he looked away.

"I'm the one that helped you this morning. Y'know, when you almost fell down the stairs...?" Hid voice faded and once again I was faced with recognition.

"Oh.... about that... I never got a chance to properly thank you. Dowajusyeoseo gamsahamnida." I said with a slight bow. I was still holding my tray, so it made it hard to bow correctly. He laughed at me in response and I could feel the color in my cheeks rise. I was starting to feel uncomfortable being around him already.

"There's no need to be so formal with me. However you do owe me one." He replied. I nodded in response. It was only fair. He did help me....

I sat down on the end of the table, trying to sit as far away from him as possible. He look at me weirdly, but didn't question it. I'm kind of glad he didn't because then I would have to lie and I kind of don't want to do that to him.

I don't know why I care.....

A few minutes passed as Irene and Taehyung fed each other bites of food, occasionally kissing. The worse part of it all was catching Jimin continuously stare at me out of the corner of my eye. Doesn't he ever get tired of staring at me?

A flustered Wendy then came slamming her tray down on the table, almost spilling her milk all over me in the process. She flopped down in between Jimin and I and put her face in her hands groaning loudly.

"Umm... Wendy?" Irene asked. She didn't respond so I gave it a try.

"Wendy what's wrong?" I asked slowly leaning down to get a closer look at her face. She turned her head and faced me full on.



Thank you for all of the support you are showing this story! It is getting lots of love~

It has already got over 100 views so I'm really excited >.< 

Please await and anticipate my next chapter. I plan to tell the day in Wendy's point of view to show what went down between her and Suga, giving a taste of WenGa...

Please don't hate me for switching point of views a lot and dragging on this day.... I just really want to introduce the different characters and ships in their own personal perspective. 

If you have any recommendations that you want me to include, feel free to list them and I will for sure include them somehow in the plot. 

Over and out~

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