Chapter 13

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Seulgi POV

Returning to school was much more uneventful than one would think. With my hours being cut sufficiently, I had more time to do as I pleased. I was able to hang out with Irene and Wendy and even got to know the guys a bit more despite my lingering distaste for men.

One thing that is weird though is Jimin mysteriously disappearing to god knows where time to time. He makes up this lame excuse that is rather obvious before returning an hour or so later.


I don't want to bring it up, but the curiosity is eating me alive. I mean it's not like I care about what he is doing with his time. It's his life anyway.

But I just can't stop this nagging feeling that resides in my chest. No matter what I do it won't go away. I'm scared to bring it up to Wendy because I know she will just laugh at me or tell me something ridiculous and I honestly don't want to hear it right now.

Shrugging on my uniform, I fixed my bangs that were trying to stick to my face after my shower. Dance ended a few minutes later, which meant I had longer to shower thankfully. This resulted in me overestimating the extra time I had and I didn't get to properly dry my hair before heading to lunch.

Exiting the locker room, I headed to the cafeteria alone. Irene and Taehyung were leaving campus to go on a lunch date and Jimin had once again disappeared.

Sighing, I heaved myself up the stairs to head to the main floor and out of the basement. Walking through a few hallways, I was eventually met with the double doors that led to heaven- also known as the cafeteria. After all the strenuous exercising, heaven was the only thing to describe the feeling of replenishment the food gave you.

Grabbing a tray, I layered it with food before making my way outside and to where everyone else was, taking my unofficial seat beside Wendy.

Looking up at the seat directly across from me, I noticed the hole in between Hobi and Namjoon was empty. Sighing again, I began to pick at my food losing my appetite. There was a sinking feeling in my stomach that I couldn't explain.

I suddenly couldn't even bring myself to nag at Wendy about the absence of a tray.

"Seulgi? Are you listening to me?" Wendy asked me, waving a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance. I nodded my head at her, but she didn't look convinced. She didn't push it though.

As she went back to talking, her voice drowned out and once again I was left with the voice in my head.

At my lack of appetite, I pushed my tray to Wendy before laying my head down on the table.


"I'm going to take a walk..." I trailed off in a dull voice. No one made an attempt to follow me and I was grateful.

I wish I could explain this feeling within me, but in all honesty, I don't even know how to describe it. I haven't ever felt something like this. It's a mixture of anxiety and depression, but at the same time, it is neither.

Could this have something to do with Jimin?

I don't know.

That seems to be my saying lately.

I almost laughed at my stupidity.

I am acting all dramatic, making people worry. And for what? I have no clue.

I want to go to the roof and get some fresh air, but I know for a fact Suga is up there.

Making my way up the stairs to the next level, I was on my way to the balcony above the back entrance.

My footsteps came to a halt when I heard the familiar voice followed by a teasing giggle. My body hesitated before continuing in curiosity to confirm my suspicions.

Pushing the cracked sliding door fully open, I was met with the sight of Jimin hovering over a girl leaning against the wall. I couldn't control the surprised gasp that escaped my lips nor could I stop myself from slamming the door shut and running as far as I could.

The only sound I could hear was the faint sound of Jimin calling out my name.

Hey, guys!

It's been a while ^^'

This is a quick update to let you know I, yes, am in fact alive. I plan to have another full chapter out by the end of the week, but I had the chance to update so I wanted to post this.

I'm sorry for making you wait so long for an 800 word chapter, but I needed to end it here for the next chapter to have a good starting.


Until then~

Over and out~

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