Chapter 15

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Wendy POV
They say the eyes are the window to the soul....

Sitting at that lunch table and looking into Seulgi's eyes, in that very moment I knew. 

She was broken.

With one last glance in Seulgi's direction, I threw myself out of my seat, hearing it crashing to the ground from the force, before running in the direction she last came from. Making my way through the hallway littered with a few students, I turned and started to go up the stairs to the second level. Turning the corner, I was met with a blunt force, sending me toppling back, fighting for balance. 

"Wendy! Oh thank god Wendy! Look I really need your help right now I-" 

"What did you do Jimin?" I seethed, taking a step closer to him. As he backed down a bit, holding his hands up in surrender, panic evident on his face. 

"Seulgi is my best friend. I know her like the back of my hand, which is why when I saw her, I knew that something was wrong and that something had something to do with you. So let me ask you one more time," I asked, each word taking a step closer until he was against the wall with his hands being the only thing separating us, "What did you do Jimin?"

"Wendy, I don't know what- or rather how much- I just- I don't know ok? I'm freaking out over here and I just need to see her and set all of this straight." Jimin exasperated, slipping out from my hold against the wall and cradling his head in his hands. I crossed my arms and  shifted my weight to one foot. 

As much as I would love to have some sympathy for him in this situation, Seulgi is my number one and matters a heck of a lot more than Jimin at this moment of time. 

I just need to get to the bottom of this. 

"Look Jimin. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you this time. You did this and you can fix it. Don't expect me to pick up the pieces either. I have already done that once." I stated as the bell rang. Turning around, I made my way down the stairs leaving a baffled Jimin behind. 

I got half way to the cafeteria before almost coming face to face with Seulgi as I had done with Jimin earlier. 

"Here, you left this." She stated bluntly, handing me my bag and notebook. I thanked her, looking her up and down, inspecting her. 

She really isn't going to let her guard down is she?

"I'm not even going to question what you did, but please listen to what I say right now. Please just don't get involved. From this moment onward I'm done." Seulgi declared, walking away, leaving the rest of the group behind. Irene untangled herself from Taehyung's side, coming towards me, eyes asking for answers. 

"What happened?" She demanded, Joy and Yeri surrounding us almost immediately, all of us huddled together like some kind of football team. 

"I don't know. What I do know is that it has something to do with Jimin-"

"That bitch." Joy seethed, almost taking me by surprise. Almost. 

"Ok well what do we do to fix this?" Irene questioned. 

"She said not to get involved...." I murmured.

"And you are really going to listen to her?" Yeri screeched.

"Of course not... but if we are going to do this, we need to do this right..." I almost whisper, thinking as the three of them lean in closer to me. 

"I've got it!" I exclaim with the snap of my fingers. 

No I don't.....

"Ok... And?" Joy sassed, impatience clear in her voice. 

"And I will tell you later. I will take care of the first part myself, I will let you know when I need you. But first we need to get to class." I state, turning on my heels and once again skipping up the stairs that seemed to last a mile. 

Irene caught up to me in no time with her fit dancer body self, and it wasn't long before the two maknaes caught up as well. 

Though warily, they followed me into the classroom, just before the bell rang. 

Taking our assigned seats, we cautiously kept our eyes on Seulgi who seemed to go unbothered by the unwanted attention. 

She seriously isn't going to let her guard down. 

Fidgeting in my seat, I waited for Solar to release us before bolting out the door. I need to buy some time. While I don't have a whole plan worked out in my head, I have an idea. But I need help. 

Going up the stairs once again, I opened the door leading outside to the roof, taking a seat beside what I assume is a makeshift bed. It was quiet for a while as I pondered my words carefully. 

I am honestly terrified right now. 

"What are you-" 

"I need your help. " I stated, cutting him off, getting straight to the point. No use in prolonging this. He raised an eyebrow, in response, curiosity radiating off of him. 

"And what is so important you would come to me and ask for my help of all people?" Suga questioned, crossing his arms. 

"Because I am desperate and you are the only one that can help." I plead, my words getting stuck in my throat. 

"And what's in it for me?" He asked a smirk on his face.  I pause for a second thinking my response through. 

"Satisfaction of helping your best friend...?" I stretch, nervousness filling my voice. His silence continued on and I was beginning to lose hope. 

"You don't have to if you-"

"Fine. What do you need me to do?" He questioned, uncrossing his arms and put one hand on his hip. I tried not to let my excitement show, but I couldn't help but rejoice. 

"Really?! Are you serious right now?" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand. 

He froze on contact, making me realize what I had done. I quickly retracted my hand and looked at the ground, not wanting to see his reaction. I prayed he wouldn't take back his offer because of my ignorance. 

Clearing his throat, I saw him shove his hands in his pockets and looking away from me. 

"What do you need me to do?" He repeated again causing me to smile as I looked up at him. 

"Date me."

I'm back~

Sorry for the long wait! I have had a lot of papers to write as it is nearing the end of the school year for me and honestly after writing all of those, I have not felt like sitting down and writing this. 

Thank you for the 12k reads and 700 votes! I'm glad everyone is enjoying this trash. 

Thank you for everyone who voted on the new cover!!

By the time you see this, it should already be changed. I appreciate everyone weighing in their opinion. The outcome honestly surprised me. 

I should update more often now that school has ended for me and I should have plenty of free time on my hands. 

Until next time~ 

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