Please Read!

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If you actually bother to read my author notes you may know that wayyyyyyy long ago I mentioned about publishing a few oneshots. Well it has taken me a couple months but that time has finally come. 

My first oneshot is offically up and it would mean the world to me if you took time to read it while I am writing the next chapter to Not Your Average Juilet!~

My first oneshot is offically up and it would mean the world to me if you took time to read it while I am writing the next chapter to Not Your Average Juilet!~

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It is just a simple and cute oneshot, but I hope my readers enjoy it and check it out! I have another one that is on its way soon! 

Thank you for all the support (〃ω〃)

Not Your Average Juliet ✿ SeulMin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now