Chapter 7

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Jimin POV

I pivoted and began to walk in the direction I previously came from, when the notification tune rang out from my phone.

Suzy: Hey babe~

I stopped in my tracks as I looked at the notification on my lock screen, contemplating whether I should read the message or not.

Sighing, I slid the phone back into my pocket and continued my walk back home before going to sleep for school tomorrow.

For the first time ever, I was actually excited.

The Next Day~

Leaving my empty home, I walked to school and met Taehyung at the gates. When I arrived, he was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows up and down, leaving me in a rather confused state.

"What? What's that face for?" I asked him as I stopped in front of him

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"What? What's that face for?" I asked him as I stopped in front of him.

"Oh you know..." He said, the smirk becoming even more evident on his face.

"But I honestly don't....?" I trailed off the question waiting for him to explain what he meant.

"You walked Seulgi home last night.... alone." His pervy face got even more blatant. A slight blush coated my cheeks as I groaned. Half at Taehyung and half at myself for not being able to control the redness quickly spreading to my cheeks. But mostly at Taehyung.

"No Tae, nothing happened. I simply walked her home."

"Ok keep saying that. I know you are just embarrassed, but I won't press you for details. I'll just ask Irene later and get all of the juicy gossip." He beamed as he ran away knowing I was about to flick him in the head. I can't with this kid.

"So I'm assuming with everything that has happened with Seulgi, Suzy is over? I haven't seen or heard about her from you for a while. Did you forget to tell me something?" Silence washed over us and he stopped in his tracks.

"You did break up with her.... right?"

"Umm well... not exactly?" I said pausing in between words, struggling to piece the sentence together. I have no idea where this conversation is going to go at this point.

"What do you mean 'Not really'? This is her feelings you are playing with. She has been through way to much to be played like this Jimin." He says as he begins walking again. It takes my brain a minute to register what he is saying before I realize how far he has walked away.

" What do you mean 'she has been though enough'?" I questioned catching up to him.

"Nothing. Just don't get her caught up in your relationship problems. She doesn't deserve it." Tae said with a sad smile. Before I could question anything, Irene drug him away and I was left alone.

Standing there for a few seconds, I decided I might better see what was so important Suzy felt the need to text me. She didn't text me at all over the summer and then I see her yesterday and it felt like everything was finally right with the world. But yet somehow, right now, I am conflicted. I don't know how to feel.

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