Chapter 10

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Jimin POV

After practicing for the remaining two weeks, the day of the "test" finally presented itself.

Walking out of my house, I locked the door and began my walk to school allowing my thoughts to wander to many places. Taehyung's words were coming to mind and I began to think about my relationship with Suzy.

Over the past few months since she had left we grew apart. We don't even talk these days and after she freaked out on me, my heart couldn't help but hurt for her. I had neglected her since she came back and she had probably felt left out. She had reached out to me twice and I hadn't taken the chance to even catch up with her. I texted Suzy and asked her to meet me on the rooftop after school that we needed to talk.

As much as I don't want to admit it though, I have feelings for Seulgi as much as I do for Suzy.

I felt a headache coming on just thinking about my current situation.

Seeing Tae at the gates, I increased my pace. He gave me a concerned gaze as we met.

"You good?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I just have a slight headache."

"Is it because of the dance project?"

"Something like that....." I trailed off.

"You shouldn't worry about it. You and Jungkook will do fine on it." He assured me with a slap on the back. I winced in response, feeling slightly guilty at not correcting him. I felt bad though. None of my friends ever really liked Suzy, but they tolerated her.

Being early had it's perks though. Tae and I went towards the cafeteria and hung out there until the rest of the guys got there, even Yoongi for once. He wasn't usually here until right before the bell due to him "needing his beauty sleep".

"Ah hyung what are you doing here so early?" I questioned.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well come here..." He trailed off, an irritated look on his face.

"You? Couldn't sleep? There is a first time for everything." I marveled.

"This is the reason you are my least favorite." Yoongi glared.

"Wow I always thought it was me..." Tae piped.

"Oh yeah right I forgot about you..."

I laughed at his statement before glancing down at my phone, I decided it was a decent time to go to the change room with Jungkook so we could practice one last time before performing.

As I reached the main entrance of the school to go to the basement however, I noticed Seulgi and Irene walking in laughing, Wendy meeting up with them midway. Apparently Wendy said something funny because Irene covered her mouth to laugh and Seulgi's eyes crinkled up into one of the cutest eye smiles I have ever seen.

Shaking my head I looked back to see Wendy had parted and was going to the other building for her composing class and Irene and Seulgi were walking my way.

"Good morning Jimin, Jungkook. Are you guys ready for the project?" Irene asked with a smile.

"Yes noona we have practiced night and day for today. I think you will be surprised with the performance we put on today." Jungkook responded. I nodded in agreement, when my eyes met Seulgi's and she sent me a smile.

"Good luck! I hope you do well." She encouraged.

"Same with you!" I responded, walking into the locker rooms and quickly changing out.

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