Chapter 5

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Seulgi POV

After Wendy explained all that happened I could feel hatred making its way into me. Who says something like that? I would understand if they had a history together, but they literally just met each other. 

"He did what?" I asked, my words laced with hatred. 

Honestly, this is why I hate males. 

Some may have good intentions, but deep down they are all the same. I'm not scared of them, but I really don't trust them either. 

Everyone looked at me startled at my outburst, but what he did was unacceptable. I should not accept what he said to her and I will not accept what he said to her. 

I stood up and slung the bag that hung around my shoulder and slammed it on the ground. Getting up, I strode my way back into the building to find Suga. 

"Seulgi, no-" I heard Wendy calling, but I honestly did not care enough to go back. I was going to find Suga and ask him what his problem is. 

I first checked in the cafeteria, but when I couldn't spot him, I made my way to the rooftop. I walked up the flights of steps before coming face to face with the door that led outside. 

Taking a breath, I pushed the door open with such force, it flew back and hit the wall behind it.  Right ahead of me was my target.


He opened his eyes when he heard the commotion I caused with a blank face. 

I continued my stride and got closer and closer as I grabbed his arm, pulling him from his position on the ground. He looked a little more than pissed, but at this point I didn't really care. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, as I pulled him up, eye level.

"What is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? Who the hell do you think you are, talking to someone like Wendy the way you did?" I asked, my voice full of nothing but furry. He looked a bit surprised at first, but once he realized who I was talking about he smirked. 

"Oh that slut? What did she do, tattle on me?" He asked, looking my straight in the eyes with a smirk. 

As soon as he said that I raised my fist. Drawing back, I hit him square in the nose. Just as I was about to jump on top of him to give him a bit more of my mind, I was pulled back by no other than Park Jimin. 

"LET ME GO!!" I screamed, but Jimin only held on tighter. This only pissed me off more. 

"Yoongi, you might better go." Jimin said in a serious voice. 

"Tch." Yoongi said with a glare as he gripped is nose, which I noticed was now dripping blood. 

Once the door closed, Jimin let me go. 

"Why would you do that...." I asked trailing off. 

"Because I thought you were going to kill him!" He yelled comically.  I chuckled at his response and he sighed. 

"You are seriously scary when you are angry." He muttered, making me laugh even harder. 

"But you are right. What he said to Wendy was unacceptable. I don't know what came over him. He usually isn't like that...." He whispered to himself. However I just so happened to hear it and once again my anger started to rise. 

"Wait. You're friends with him?" I asked. I tried to keep my voice calm because I wanted an honest answer. If I showed my anger he would be frightened and just say no. 

"Yeah me and Taehyung both. Wh-"

"How do you hang around such an egotistical bastard like him?!" I asked half shouting. He coward back at my outburst, putting his hands up to defend himself if I decided to pull the same stunt again. 

"Like I said before, he normally isn't like that...." He repeated once again. I sighed. Jimin wasn't any help... 

"Lunch is about to end, we should probably go." I said turning to move back to the door that led inside. Jimin followed behind me and we went back to where the others were. 

When we got there however, there were twice as many as when I had left. Rather than just Taehyung, Irene, Jimin, Wendy, and I, there were now Yeri, Joy, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook. 

"Seulgi what did you do? You're just gonna make it all worse." Wendy groaned. Putting her head back on the table. 

"What happened?" Yeri asked looking at Joy as if asking if she knew. Joy shrugged and looked at me, silently looking for answers. I looked at Wendy, who had looked up at me and shook her head. 

"Nothing.... Just had to take care of some... business...." I said trailing off. I wasn't lying, but I wasn't telling them all the whole truth for the sake of Wendy. She probably didn't want anything to get anymore out of hand than it already was. 

The bell rang before anyone could say anything else. I reached  down and grabbed my bag off the ground and together we made our way inside. 

I followed Wendy and the rest of our group up the flights of stairs and into the classroom. My next and final class of the day is my vocal class. 

We made our way inside and I sat in between Wendy and Irene, however, in seconds Taehyung sat beside her leaving me and Wendy to talk among ourselves. 

"Seulgi I am gonna ask you one more time. What did you do?" Wendy asked lowering her voice. Before I could respond though, the teacher walked in and began the explanations. 

"Good evening class! My name is Kim Yong-seon also known as Solar.  I will be your vocal coach. I cannot teach you to sing because that is a talent you are born with, however, I will be teaching you certain techniques in order to broaden the full potential of your voice. That is why both singers and rappers are accepted in this class. If you are here, you already know how to do it, you just may not know how to control it. That is what I am here for. To coach you." She finished with a smile and slight giggle. 

Solar began to speak again when the door opened and revealed no other than the nightmare known as Suga. 

Hello! Thank you for reading my newest chapter! 

Please forgive me for making Yoongi out to be such a terrible person but everything will pan out in the end, trust me. 

I don't have many ideas or plans for this fanfic, but I have the main plot worked out, so if you have any suggestions feel free to leave them and I will most definitely work them in. 

Once again I thank you and encourage you to continue to read Not You Average Juliet  

Until next time!

Over and out~

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