Chapter 11

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Seulgi POV

After giving Jimin a hard time, we went to lunch and got our food. Well I got my food and everyone stood there and gawked at the mountain I was loading on my tray. I can't help it though, I'm starving. It takes energy to practice and dace as long and hard as I do.

Making my way to our table, I took my place beside Wendy who once again does not have a tray.



"Where is your tray?" I nagged.

"In the lunchroom where the trays belong." She countered.

"Ok, but where is your food." I asked. She opened her mouth to retort, but soon realized she wasn't going to win against me. She groaned in response and once again took a banana from my tray. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep her from passing out, so I was content.

I do wish she would stop this.

She is looking pale lately and I'm not liking it. She refuses to eat most of the time and I'm really starting to worry. I make her eat when she is around me, but who knows about when she is at home.

This girl really knows how to make my anxiety sky rocket.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a small gasp and felt Wendy's hand grab my own. Looking at her in concern, I followed her gaze to the cafeteria doors where none other than Suga had just exited.

He searched the courtyard and when his eyes met mine, he moved to our direction. I felt Wendy tighten her grip before taking a deep breathe and relaxing.

"Seulgi don't do anything stupid. Please..." She pleaded before he got in ear shot. It wasn't long before he approached our table and froze. He kept opening his mouth and closing it at a loss of words.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Forget it.... You left this." He said tossing a folder at Wendy before walking away.

"I swear I'm going to kill him." I said snarling, Wendy tugging me back.

"Seulgi sit back down. I swear you get so worked up over the smallest things." She sighed, tugging me back into my seat.

Yoongi POV

With the bell ringing, I looked at Wendy's assigned seat only to see her composing folder sitting underneath her seat. Using this as a chance to apologize for what i have said to her recently, I gathered my thing before picking up the folder.

What Jimin said was wrong. I am taking the wrong approach to get her attention.

Walking into the courtyard, I scanned the area before my eyes landed on Wendy who was seated next to Seulgi.


I saw Seulgi look back and Wendy grab her hand almost as if in panic, making my heart drop.

Swallowing whatever emotion is creeping up, I continue my way to Wendy's end of the table, all eyes eventually turning to me, most of which being judging. However, one pair did not, staying focused on the wood table in front of her.

Opening my mouth, my words stayed stuck in my throat, trapped. My mouth uncontrollably continued opening and closing as I tried to process everything that is going on in my head.

"Yes?" Seulgi questioned.

Breaking from my trance I realized now the position I was in. With a scoff, I through Wendy's pencil case at her.

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