Chapter 9

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Seulgi POV

When the bell rang, all of the students stood, gathering their materials before retreating out the classroom. After finishing collecting their things, Wendy, Irene, Yeri, and Joy collectively began to congregate around my desk.

"Do you have work today?" Irene asked me.

"Yeah I work until 9. I have to close tonight." I sighed, thinking about how long my shift is tonight.

"So I we'll see you tomorrow?"

"Bright and early." I replied with a laugh.

"Bye~" Wendy said with a wave as everyone waved bye.

Gathering the rest of my belongings, I was surprised to be interrupted once again when none other than the Park Jimin sliding up to my desk.

"Soooooooo......" He began.

"What's up?" I asked, zipping up my book bag before fully facing him.

"What are you doing now? Are you busy?" He questioned, now leaning his elbow down on my desk. These scene looked like a cliche scene that fell right out of a cartoon, making me laugh.

"Yes Jimin I just so happen to be busy." I replied, remembering I'm supposed to be at work in 30 minutes at the next town over, and do not have anytime to spare.

Grabbing my bag, I retreated out of the classroom. Once I turned a corner, I began to run as knowing Jimin he will be right behind me and will keep following me until he sees my destination.

The one thing I do not want anyone to see.

This is why I make sure I work outside of the school district.

See, my situation is a bit different.

The school I attend is an elite school and is respected around the world as one. And with the teachings of an elite school comes an elite tuition, and a steep one at that.

Once my dad left my mom for another woman, it was up to my mom to pay for me to go to school, keeping her at work most of the time. As I got older, a sense of responsibility came, and I realized I couldn't let her pay for my tuition alone. That's why much to her displeasure I got a job as a waitress as a cafe.

She eventually came around and we agreed that as long as it didn't interfere with my practice that she didn't mind. However the second that I seemed to be overworked, she was making me quit.

She argued that as a mother it was her job to provide for me. It was her job to help me fulfill my dreams and no amount of money will ever compare to that.

It is times like these when I really respect my mom.

Boarding the bus, I show my id and find a seat. Pulling out my earphones, I listen to the song that Irene and I are choreographing in dance. Closing my eyes, I try to listen to the instrumental to hear the individual beats. By doing so it will allow my to place individual moves together to get a full choreography.

When the song ended, I pulled the yellow cord to signal my stop. The bus pulled over and I began to walk the next block to my work, humming the song on the way.

When I arrived, I went to the back and began putting on my uniform, sighing at how ridiculous it made me look.

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