Chapter 20 (FINALE)

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Wendy POV

''Wendy I wasn't mad because you asked me to be part of your plan! I was mad because you asked me to fake my feelings that were there from the beginning!" 

Those words rang in my ears, playing on a continuous loop. 

Suga.... no, Yoongi..... had feelings for me the entire time....? 

As I stand here absorbing the information dropped on me, I look up to find Yoongi staring at me, eyes glassy with unshed tears. At that moment it was like I was possessed, and slowly felt my feet bringing me forward until I stood before him. 

"You... had feelings for... me?" I questioned quietly, finger pointing at myself. 

"Ignore that. I shouldn't have even said anything. You don't have to respond. I shouldn't expect you to return my feelings. After all, it wasn't until tonight that I even apologized. Just pretend that never came out of my mouth." He stated, turning around, hands coming up and lacing behind his head. 

"I'll see you at school sometime," Yoongi stated with a slight wave as he began to walk away, leaving me at the river. 

"No.... don't..." I said, but my voice betrayed me. Seeing him walk away I wanted to call out, but my voice was betraying me. I battled with myself, taking a deep breath. 

"Y-YAHHHH!!" I yelled out, charging at him. When he didn't respond, I used my remaining strength to jump on his back, linking my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. 

"Who are you to make this all about you? This is my confession! You don't have the right to decide my feelings for me. Did you ever think that, maybe, I just might like you too?" I yelled, burying my face into his neck, feeling him tense under my touch.

And just like that, everything stopped. 

The next thing I knew, I was being swung from his back to his front and sat on the railing along the river, Yoongi's lips connected to mine, once again my breath caught in my throat. 

But this kiss was different from the last. This kiss was real, with real feelings backing it. 

When oxygen once again became a necessity, he separated, laying his forehead on mine, our breaths intermingling, creating one. A smirk graced his features and with a soft voice spoke:

"You're mine now." 

Lacing his fingers with mine, we continued our walk with smiles and laughter as he escorted me home. 

Seulgi POV

I woke up the next morning with a single ray of light burning into my retinas, the curtains not fully closed. Glancing at my phone, I let out a whine, my alarm two minutes away from going off. 

Two minutes of sleep I will miss out on. All because of the stupid sun. 

Realization hit me like a truck when I notice I'm in my room with no recollection as to how I got here. Sitting up, I stretch my limbs and make my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine before heading to the kitchen. 

Upon entering, I plopped into one of the stools in the kitchen, groaning before resting my head on the island. 

"Oh, what's wrong baby?" My mom cooed, as she finished towel drying the last of the dishes. 

 "I'm exhausted." I sighed out, pouting as I looked up to meet my mother's worried gaze. 

"I bet. You are lucky you have such a great friend. You better take care of him-"

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