Chapter 4

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Wendy POV

Entering the school, I made my way to the front office and waited in the long line beginning to form to pick up my schedule. Looking at it, I was quite surprised to see the classes I would be taking this year. Though I am not exactly good at dancing, rapping, or acting, I was not expecting one of my classes to include composing, since I never really considered it an option. 

This year I would only be taking singing and composing. 

I walked through the halls and towards my homeroom. I took a seat in the first one available and waited for the moment Seulgi would walk in so we could compare our schedules. 

Looking at the clock, I watched the time slowly tick by and I continued to wait. 

People came in and greeted me and I smiled and waved, sometimes even carrying on light conversation, but for some reason Seulgi still hadn't shown up. 

I sighed and turned my attention away from the clock as the time was getting nearer and nearer to her being late. Just as the bell rang, she sat down in the seat beside me. 

Really Seulgi? 

I looked at her raising an eyebrow and in return she gave me an awkward smile. I once again focused my attention to the front as the teacher walked and began to speak. 

  "Welcome back!" My homeroom teacher exclaimed. Most students just groaned in response, but the teacher continued to speak at us. 

"Well you are all seniors now, therefore you have many great responsibilities this year. This includes many completions as you know from previous years. I want you to enjoy this last year at school, but I want you to also become responsible adults." She warned, finishing her dialogue, before going to her desk, giving us yet again another schedule full of the upcoming performances, most of which you had to audition to take part in. 

The bell rang not long after she finished passing and overlooking papers. I stood and gathered my things before  going back to Seulgi. I needed and explanation as to why she left me all alone this morning.

  "So what was that all about this morning?" I asked with a laugh. Knowing Seulgi it was probably something stupid. 

"I overslept..." 

"Of course you did." I said laughing even harder. Yup, sounds about right. 

We carried on light conversation as we weeded throughout the school hallways as I went to the composing class, and she to the basement where the dance studio is located. 

Walking into the class, I sat in the first empty seat once again, not wanting to start anything with anybody. However, that was all proven wrong in a few short minutes. 

"Excuse me." The raspy voice said. The way he spoke wasn't even as if he was asking a question. He just kind of said it. 

"Yes?" I responded. I looked up to find a boy with silver dyed hair leaning against my desk, looking over me. He glared at me and I was  a little taken aback by the gesture. Had I done something wrong?

"You're in my seat." He scoffed harshly at me. What is he talking about? I looked around and saw no indication of it being his...

"What do you mean?" I asked him tilting my head to the side. 

"I have been in this class since entering this school six years ago." He spoke. I continued to look at him in confusion.

"So? What's your point?" I was tired of being accused as if I have done something wrong. 

"That. Is. My. Seat." He once again spoke, this time a bit harder and harsher. I leaned back in the seat and crossed my arms. So because he has sat here for six years, I am just supposed to know that it's his and just give it to him? 

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