Chapter 16

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Suga POV

When the bell rang, I originally planned to go to the roof top to get a nice, peaceful nap before going back to my noisy home, but I first had to stop by my locker to put away my books.

Returning to the roof top, it was certainly a surprise to see a certain someone there.

Closing the door as quietly as possible, I stood there for a while just admiring Wendy. It wasn't often I got to see her like this as she normally went out of her way to avoid me as much as possible.

Not that I blame her.

I wish she could  It makes me panic and I act on impulse to try and get her away from me as quickly as possible before I have a heart attack from the convulsions happening in my chest.

Just when I thought I was cured, my heart starting leaping again and it was then I decided to make my presence known.

"What are you-" I began, but she stood up and whipper her head around interrupting me before I could finish.

"I need your help. " She stated, getting straight to the point. I raised my eyebrow, in response, curiosity taking a hold of me. I knew I shouldn't get involved, but something was pushing me forward.

"And what is so important you would come to me and ask for my help of all people?" I questioned, crossing his arms. 

"Because I am desperate and you are the only one that can help." Wendy plead.

"And what's in it for me?" I asked smirking. If I was going to risk a heart attack, I might as well try and get something out of it. She paused for a second, contemplating.

"Satisfaction of helping your best friend...?" She squeaked. I took a second to think. I needed to think this through and consider my options.

On one hand I would have Wendy wrapped around my finger and could make her do whatever I wanted.

On the other hand, I could possibly die.

My silence must have been too long for her however because her face soon contorted into one of silence and my heart clenched in guilt for even thinking the way I was.

"You don't have to if you-"

"Fine. What do you need me to do?" I interrupted, uncrossing my arms and put one hand on my hip. Though she tried to hide, the million watt smile shone through and eventually she was squealing.

"Really?! Are you serious right now?" She exclaimed, grabbing a hold of my hand. 

Freezing on contact, I tensed unable to comprehend anything. My body felt hot and there was a slight ringing in my ears making me question agreeing to this whole fiasco. I was quickly reminded why I agreed when I saw the disappointment on Wendy's face seconds later.

I wanted to make everything up to her.

She quickly retracted my hand and looked at the ground. Clearing my throat I tried to get my thoughts together without sputtering like an idiot. I quickly put my hands in my pockets, trying to regain my cool guy image that doesn't have a care in the world. This quickly crumbled with Wendy's next few words. 

"What do you need me to do?" I questioned. 

"Date me." 

Choking on air, I had to quickly move away from her and catch my breath. Date her?! 

"D-Date you?!" I questioned, making sure I heard right. My thoughts were confirmed when strained smile came across her face.

"That was the plan...." She trailed off. Regaining my composure once again, I couldn't help but question her so called "plan". 

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