Chapter 8

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Seulgi POV

"I don't even like Seulgi." I overheard Jimin and Jungkook's conversation while Irene was quietly texting her boyfriend.

The words hurt more than I would think they would.

I mean it's not like I really like him or anything, but it was nice to have someone care for me the way he did. Even though I hate getting close to people, especially guys, he somehow managed to get through. Even if it wasn't much, it was much further than any other guy I know.

"Seulgi? Seulgi~" I shook my head and saw Irene waving her hand in front of my face to wake me from my daze.

"Are you ok?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. I'm just trying to visualize what our performance is going to be like." I said with a small smile. She didn't look completely convince, but she didn't press for anymore details.

"Ok well that's what I was talking to you about. I think that we should do something a bit sensual. Kind of R&B inspired, you know? There is an older song by S.E.S that I have been dying to choreograph and I think this would be the perfect time." Irene beamed, excitement and anticipation overflowing.

"Oh I know that song! It would be perfect for us. First thing we need to come up with would be the key choreography. One that would stand out from the rest. Something no one has really ever done before....." I trailed off, thinking.

"I got it." Irene said with a smirk and a glint in her eye.

Let the hell training begin.

Wendy POV

Thankfully the joint project with Suga ended as we were only allotted one class period.

However as Jiyong was busy teaching his lesson, all I could feel were the daggers being glared through my back. In addition to that, every once and I while I could hear little insults throw in here and there.

That lasted the entire class period.

Almost 4 hours of going through that.

When the lunch bell rang, I sat there for a few seconds, fuming in my seat and ranting in my head. When I saw him retreating out of the classroom with a smirk gracing his face, all self control I had disappeared and I found my self stomping in his footsteps only catching up when he stopped at his locker.

Catching up, I closed the locker in his face with a slam. This apparently had no affect as the expression on his face looked no more blank than usual.

"I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much, but if it was really just for sitting in your seat on my first day in a new class, I apologize ok? I didn't do anything to deserve this and I will not put up with it!" I screamed as the halls were finally rid of people.

"I don't owe an explanation to the like of you, Thightanic." He scoffed walking out of the corridor.

With the frustrating building up in me, I took a deep breath and made my way to the cafeteria, meeting up with Seulgi before she hunted me down.

"Is everything ok? What happened?" Seulgi questioned, her tray packed with food. "Look don't judge me. Irene and I are partners in dance and she being the perfectionist she is will not let up on me. I haven't had a break yet. I'm starving." She explained, noticing my glance at her food tray.

"Anyhow, everything is fine I just got tied up in class." I replied with a smile.

"Well aren't you going to get something to eat? Do you want me to wait for you?" She inquired.

I looked at her tray and noticed a banana on top.


Approaching her tray, I grabbed the banana on the top of her tray, much to her protest.

"Nah don't worry this will be enough." I said with a laugh as I ran out side to our spot outside before she could catch me and kill me for stealing her food.

Sitting down at the table, I was greeted by many confused and judging gazes by my fellow peers.

"I think Unnie has finally lost it." Yeri muttered into Joy's ear, loud enough so I would be able to hear. I just stuck my tongue out in response. At this point you could see Seulgi struggling to walk over here. When she finally made it to her spot, she dropped her tray on the table and sat down, fixing a glare at Irene.

"Bae Joohyun I swear if you put me through that again I-.... I don't really know what I will do...." Seulgi stuttered, putting a smile on everyone's face.

Taking her spot beside me, she dug into her food as conversation settled in among the 11 of us. Everything was good until Joy noticed my particularly empty pallet.

"Unnie is that all you are going to eat?" Joy questioned at the lack of food, gathering the unwanted attention of everyone else. Good going Joy, just when I thought no one would notice.

"I'm not hungry..." I replied with a shrug. With some wavering looks from Seulgi and Irene, the topic was dropped and light conversation sprung up once again until the bell rang dragging us all to vocal class. Lovely.

Gathering my things, I laid my banana peel on Seulgi's tray and waited for her to get back so we could endure vocal class together.

Walking in the class, Yoongi was already seated in the far back corner of the class with his earphones in, meaning my presence should not garner his attention. Thank god I won't have to deal with him if even for just this period.

Solar came in and we did various vocal exercises to warm up. She then started to teach and demonstrate different vocal techniques we can use to stay stable while singing and/or rapping.

Just as she was finishing, the bell rang signalling the end of school.

Jimin POV

After Solar finally got done with her final demonstration, the bell rang ending the long school day. Sighing I picked up my books and began to pack my things. Getting an idea, I made my way over Seulgi once all of her girlfriends left.

"Soooooooo......" I trailed off. She looked surprised at my entrance, but continued to pack up her stuff.

"What's up?" She asked. Zipping her bag, She turned her full attention on me awaiting my response.

"What are you doing now? Are you busy?" I questioned, leaning all my weight on my elbow, resting it on the desk. Receiving a giggled in response, I took that as a good sign.

"Yes Jimin I just so happen to be busy." She responded, grabbing her bag and retreating out of the classroom, slumping over I groaned over my failed attempt, earning a laugh from Suga himself.

"Oh shut up your love life isn't looking much better. All you are doing is scarring her away." I smirked and walked out, leaving him baffled at my statement.

Noticing there was no catching up with Seulgi at this point, I just continued to take a walk around to pass the time. Anything is better than sitting in an empty house right now.

After about 30 minutes of aimless walking, I came upon a cute cafe that was calling out to me. Walking through the double doors, a bell was heard signalling my arrival.

What I didn't expect was what happened next.



Yes I am alive~

I'm sorry for the long wait~

I am so happy so many people are enjoying this trash fanfiction thank you so much for all of your support. I appreciate it so so much. More than anyone can ever imagine.

I hope this story is still interesting to everyone and you aren't getting bored by the pace. I have literally no idea what I am doing at this point so let's pry it all turns out well ^^'

Please continue to support me~

Over and out~

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