Chapter 18

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Seulgi POV

I was standing outside of the school waiting for Wendy when Suga busted out of the front doors of the school. I was less than surprised as he has tendencies to be a bit on the moody side, however, when Wendy was running out after him, it quickly caught my attention.

"Wendy!" I called out, not even getting a glance in my direction. With a huff, I tried again.

"Wendy! Where were you? I was looking for you after class when-" I was cut short by the sight of my best friend kissing none other than the man that broke her.

At first, I was frozen with shock, however as my senses slowly returned, I had realized everything the last few days were pieces coming together to form a very crooked picture not making much sense.

How did this happen?

When did this happen?

Last time I checked he made her life a living hell and she was terrified of him.

Focusing back at the scene in front of me, the two locked hands and walked out of the school gates, leaving me standing there gaping. A few minutes later, I was joined by Irene who was glued to the hip with her boyfriend.

"Is there something that we are looking at?" She asked, looking at the empty courtyard around us.

"I just saw Wendy kissing.... Suga. What did I just witness?!" I ask as my sanity returned, turning back to face Irene, my hands finding their way to my hair. The two of them shared a look, but I couldn't be bothered to care about that, they were probably just judging me anyway. After my little freak out, I happened to glance down at my watch, leading to another freak out when I realized what time it was.

"Oh my god I have to go! I'll see you tomorrow! We still need to talk about this!!" I shouted, waving my hands like a maniac and running backwards, almost tripping along the way.

Turning around, I quickly ran to the bus stop waiting for the bus to take me to work.

Jimin POV

Sitting on the rooftop, I had the perfect view of the courtyard. I rushed here after class, hoping to be able to get some life advice from Yoongi before leaving. He may be brutal, but he is honest and tells you what you need to hear.

Something I really need to do right now.

I am going insane.

After everything that happened with Seulgi, frustration got the best of me and I blew up at Suzy causing her to blow up on me in defense. Through this, I learned that she cheated on me over the summer that she was gone and even through the beginning of the school year when she would rarely talk to me. We ended it after that, not that I really minded.

Sighing, I put my head in my hands, bring my knees to my chest. I took a few deep breaths, but looked up when a mint color caught my eye, followed by a swoosh of brown. Focusing, I realized it was Yoongi leaving the school with Wendy on his heels.

While this was surprising enough, given their history, it got even more confusing when Wendy pulled him down by his tie, connecting their lips before leaving. I looked down a bit further to see Seulgi having a cute little breakdown. I couldn't help but smile slightly when I saw Irene and Tae's expressions.

I stood up to get a better look at her, but she looked at her watch and ran off campus.

Oh yeah that's right, today is a Thursday so she has work tonight until 9.

Not that I have her schedule memorized or anything....

Now that I knew Yoongi was not going to be here, I exited the building and made my way back to my empty home. Dragging my feet, I couldn't help but hum Be Natural, imaging the performance Seulgi and Irene put on.

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