Chapter 14

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Sorry~~ I accidently published this chapter yesterday while trying to preview it on mobile. I'm sorry for the confusion but here it is now

Seulgi POV

Ever since I was young, I have never had good luck when it came to men. 

Even before I was born, I was a jinx. 

My mom and dad met in college through shared friends and hit it off. They soon began dating and soon I was conceived, much to their surprise. They were both very young at the age of 19 and neither of them felt willing to take on the challenge of raising a child together. They themselves were still kids after all. 

However, after the first appointment and ultrasound, where they were able to see me for the first time, they came to accept the fate bestowed upon them. 

My dad took up an extra job to be able to pay for my needs and my mom dropped out of college so she could use the tuition money for our needs as a family. 

Before I was born, they felt the need to marry, so they went to the courthouse with a small group of friends and paid the $5 fee as a traditional wedding was not in their cards. A honeymoon was not foreseeable either as it wasn't but a week later that I was born into this world. 

After that, everything seemed perfect. 

My father was my world. 

He was my role model. 

He was my hero. 

However, as many great things do, that ended. 

Leading up to my 12th birthday, my father began to act strange. 

He was reckless as if he was a teenager once again. 

It was as if he no longer cared about anything but himself. 

My mom said it was because he wasn't able to act as a kid and was forced to grow up to soon. He was never able to experience that part of his life, so he was doing it now.

That was even more apparent on my 12th birthday when he came with another woman on his side. He claimed it was a co-worker, a friend. But it was evident they were more acquainted than he anticipated on letting on. 

My mother was sad during those times. She was seeing the man that she loved for so long slip out of her hands. She knew what was going on, but she couldn't bring herself to give it up. It was almost like she was in an abusive relationship with herself, allowing her mind to mutilate her feelings until there was nothing there but a shell of a person. 

She threw herself into her work after that. She claimed it was for the better of us, but in reality, it was an escape from her mind. Working allowed it to focus on whatever she forced it to. It was the only thing she had complete control over. 

My father, on the other hand, was out doing god only knows what. He didn't come home much, professing his dedication to his job. If he did, it was to pack a small overnight bag before leaving again. 

I was left alone most of the time to work out my feelings by myself. 

Not knowing how to deal with them, I took up dancing to release my pent up frustrations. 

Dancing was something I had control over. 

When I was fifteen, I was invited by Wendy to go with a group of friends to watch an underground dance-off one weekend. 

It was there where I met none other than Kim Jongin a.k.a Kai. 

Watching him on stage was mesmerizing. 

After everything was over, I found myself wanting to know more about him. 

Somehow one of Wendy's were friends with him and offered to introduce us. 

It was then that I felt my luck start to pick up.

He met with us back stage and the two of us hit it off pretty well. We met up every so often when neither of us had practice and he even taught me a few things.

After a few months together, I couldn't hold in my infatuation any longer confessed and he miraculously accepted my feelings.

I was over the moon that my feelings were being reciprocated. However, these feelings didn't last for long though as one night after practice, I decided to surprise him at his studio on the other side of town.

When I arrived, I was greeted with the sight of him pinning a girl against the wall, tongues intertangled.

It didn't take long for her to notice me and push him away. She was someone I had grown closer in the recent months. She was even the one that introduced us.


He made no move. There was no sound. It was dead silent and everything was still.

Feeling the walls close in on me, I ran. Yet no one made an attempt to go after me.

We never saw each other after that.

It was then that I gave up.

I decided that no amount of love was worth the heartbreak that always followed.

That thought was confirmed when my father finally got the courage to leave my mother.

He waltzed in with his mistress and grabbed the few items of his that were left after years of taking over night bags.

He left my mother crying and screaming in the kitchen and he left me without a second glance.

So when Jimin came running down the corridors calling after me, I was honestly genuinely surprised.

He caught up to me in no time and wrapped his hand around my shoulder. He held me in place, but didn't dare force me to turn around.

"Seulgi...." He trailed off breathless after sprinting. Sucking in a breath, I gathered the courage to face him.

Facing him, I put on a big and bright smile, his eyes widening in surprise.

At the end of the hall, the girl he was with made her way out into the hallway as well.

"Seulgi, please. Please hear me out it's-"

"Jimin you don't have anything to explain. Everything is fine. I guess I'll see you around." I said, smiling at him and waving to the girl behind him.

Turning around, I went back down the stairs and to the cafeteria, not knowing where else to go.

I have no right to get upset over this.

Jimin and I weren't even dating.

I have never had any luck with guys so why would it start now.

I was not going to let myself cry over this. I am stronger now than I was with Kai, I'm better than I was when my dad left without a second glance.

Walking through, I made my way outside and once again took my place beside Wendy, receiving a questioning look.

Her gaze pierced my soul as she searched deep within me.

As lunch was about to end, everyone had thrown away their leftovers and we're awaiting the bell for the next class to start.

Wendy threw one last glance at me before standing up, her chair falling to the ground in the process, before sprinting out of the cafeteria in the direction I came from.

And that's when it hit me.

She knew.

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