Chapter 12

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Jimin POV

At the sound of the bell, I hurriedly grabbed my things and rushed out the door and up the stairs to the roof. I needed to talk to Suzy. I needed to hurry and get this over with. 

I needed to end this. 

I quickly typed a message to Suzy to ask her to meet me at the roof before slipping my phone in my pocket and continuing on my way. 

Pushing open the door, I was relieved to be alone for a second. I hadn't really put the words together in my head as to what I was going to say to her yet. We had been together for a few years now and it felt wrong to just tell her I have feelings for someone else. 

However, before I could get my thoughts together, I heard the squeaking of the rusty door crying out, alerting me of the new presence. Raising my head, I came face to face with none other than my "girlfriend". 

"Jimin? Is everything ok? You're message seemed a bit urgent..." She trailed off. I took a few steps closer until we were closer before sighing. The silence seemed a bit overwhelming and I think Suzy noticed.

"I want to say sorry for lashing out on you that time. I was having a stressful day and I know I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I really miss you Jimin. I miss being with you like we used to." She said looking down. It was silent for a few seconds before her eyes looked up to meet mine. 

"I really want to make up Jimin. I want to fix this relationship. I want to be with you." She said, tears brimming in her eyes. Taken aback, I couldn't help the words that spilled from my lips. 

"I would like that too." 

With those words, she smiled and buried her face in my chest, pulling me closer with her hug as my body filled with regret. 

"I have to go now, but I will talk to you later ok? See you later." She said kissing me on the cheek before retreating through the rusted door. 

When the door finally closed was when my brain processed what just happened. 

I blew it. 

I missed my chance. 

But seeing her almost crying because she was scared to leave me just sat the wrong way with me and I couldn't bring myself to let her go like that. 

With frustration building, I kicked the nearest object to me, which happened to be an empty trash can, and watched as it fell to the ground a few feet away from its original position. 

Grabbing my hair, I cursed to myself before slinging open the door, much to the rusts' dissatisfaction and rushed down the stairs. Coming to the ground floor, I flung the main entrance open and almost jumped out of my skin when a voice greeted me. 

"I've been expecting you." 

Whirling around, I was met with the sight of Joy propped on the wall with sunglasses,leather jacket and a piece of straw in the corner of her mouth, arms crossed. 

"Joy?" I questioned almost not believing it was her. 

"Yes, tis I. The one you know by 'Joy'." She stated, pushing herself off the wall and coming closer to me. Pushing her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose, her eyes eventually found mine, mischief obvious in them. 

"I need your help..." She trailed off, looking around dramatically, almost shady-like. Scoffing, I turned around only to come face to face with a cross armed Wendy, once again making me almost jump out of my skin. Gripping my shirt, I tried to calm down my rapid heart beat. 

"Ok, fine you got me. What is so important that you require my assistance?" I asked. 

"It isn't really as much as it is Seulgi..." Wendy trailed off making my ears perk up. 

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