Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

"Huh? Where am I?" I ask to no one. My head aching, eyes feeling heavy. 'How did I get here?' I question myself, confusion flooding me, then a sudden moment of clarity. 'The battle' I feel a lump in my raw and dry throat as the memories bombard my thoughts. "Wait what happened to..." I shout, shooting up into a sitting position, ignoring my throbbing head...

"Oh hi! Didn't realise you were there! I see you've somehow found your way to my story, well your story. Don't look so confused! I'm you from another universe, I guess. Oh yeah, the picture up there *points up* is our favourite hoodie, my mum, well our mum, made it for us for when we started training, the hood is constantly up covering our (h/c) hair and (s/c) face, just in case you wanted to know. Anyway I bet you're just as confused as I am right now, so I know your going to ask 'so how did we get here?' Well that's a good question. I guess I'll start from the beginning...


A baby with dazzling (e/c) stares back at her mother, who holds her close to her chest, staring back...

*End of flashback*

"No no no no! Not that far back! I was thinking more of the day we started training as a cadet. I'm not going into all that business with my parents... that's a story for a different day. So let's actually start where we need to start. Here we go..."

So the story begins...
3rd person P.O.V

The sun beats down on the many lines of new cadets. A gentle breeze dancing through each persons hair as they all stand to attention. An angry harsh looking man walks past each cadet with an intimidating look about him. Each child seemed afraid of the man as he roared commands, even though he was close to their face, he even picked one poor boy up by head! Every cadet had to stand to attention, each one following the order, well everyone apart from a young girl who wasn't listening. (y/n). Her dark hoodie snuggling her body, even though the sun shines bright, she has her hood pulled up covering her (h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/c) face. No. She doesn't stand to attention. (y/n) stands there daydreaming, fiddling with the sleeve of her jacket, a serious expression painted on her face.

A boy by the name of Eren Jaeger notices the girl with the distant look in her (e/c) eyes. The brunette is standing to (y/n)'s right, so he gives her a quick jab in her side using his elbow. "Pay attention!" Eren whisper shouts to the daydreamer who just snaps her head to look at him, giving him a death stare that looks right into his soul. Eren jumps slightly, his green eyes filled with fear but then in an instant, he is shocked at the outsiders beauty. As her hood is up, the boy can only see half of (y/n)'s face, the other half has a shadow cast upon it. Her (e/c) look dazzling in the light, her (s/c) skin perfect. As the boy stares back he can see some of her (h/l) (h/c) hair that she has left natural, perfection.

"Don't talk to me." The girl replies in a harsh tone, looking away from the brunette, rolling her eyes. (y/n) makes a 'tch' sound when she hears the cadet next to her say "Oh, okay." 'Can't be dealing with people today' she thought when she finally followed the order and stood like the others.

Time skip!!
Your P.O.V

Once everyone had been dismissed I charged my way through the crowd to get some food, 'boy am I starving!' As I walked through the crowd most people avoided me, must be because I still had my hood up and hands in the pockets of the jacket, when I say most people I mean everyone except for the annoying kid from earlier. "Hey, wait up!" He called from behind as kept at my quick pace. "H-hey!" The green eyed boy greeted between breaths. "You sure walk quick! Anyway I didn't catch your name. I'm Eren!" 'Eren' introduced himself. This made me roll my eyes and make a 'tch' sound once again, I looked down to see Eren holding his hand out to shake mine. "I thought I said don't talk to me." I reply in a rather annoyed tone. Eren's cheeks were dusted pink as he moved his hand and rubbed the back of his neck. "Y-yeah you did. I jut thought you might need a..." he never finished his sentence, because he saw the death stare I was giving him again. "(y/n)." I replied walking away. "Huh?!" Eren asked chasing after me. "My name!" I answer stopping, turning to face him with the same look as always upon my face. I fold my arms across my chest as I look at the boy. "Well, (y/n), fancy joining me and my friends." Eren suggested in a cheerful tone. "No." I simply reply "I eat alone." And with those words I walk off, leaving the boy behind.

3rd person P.O.V

As (y/n) walked away, Eren stood there fascinated by her mysterious attitude and confident look. "Wow." was all he could say. His cheeks painted pink as he watched the strange girl walk away. "I like her." He says out loud, luckily no one hears. Well no one apart from his best friend Armin.

Yay! Cheesy beginning to a story! Always my favourite! Anyway guys hope you enjoy this story!


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