Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V

I lose hope as I see the cloud of red smoke shoot into the sky. "S**t. Too late." I mumble as I run my hands through my (h/l)(h/c) hair, annoyed. 'Get off your ass (y/n).' I scold myself in my head. 'You have literally JUST told yourself you won't let this plan fail, so why the hell are you just sitting round? GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS!' as I get to my feet, adjust my gear and straighten my uniform, a plan begins to form in my mind as I think of all the possibilities of why the titan brat lost control of the stupid beast. "Unless if it was on purpose!" i chuckle "That'd shut that yandere b*tch up!" a dark smirk appears on my face as I think of my rival Mikasa being put in her place.

"Right, so we know Eren is definitely inside that titan, and I'm guessing he is awake whilst in it, otherwise how else would he control it. That's just logic. So how did he lose control?" I begin searching my brain for an answer. Which, doesn't take long... "His human form must have been made unconscious somehow. That's the only logical explanation for this." I smack my balled up fist against the palm of my other hand, as a simple idea pops into my mind. "It's a simple problem to solve! All we have to do is wake him up!" I glide to a rooftop near the titan to observe it better. 'Now where would he be?' I ask myself, looking the giant body up and down. "*facepalm* dumb ass! He's gonna be in the back of the neck! The weak spot!" I cringe at my own stupidity.

Just as I am about to leave the tiled roof to the titan once more, I see a mop of blonde hair quickly approaching Eren. "Be careful Armin! He's dangerous!" I hear a voice yell in the distance, I think it may be Mikasa's. "Yeah! Armin, leave it to me! We don't need anyone else getting hurt!" I shout over to Armin, I see him nod his head in response so I give him a thumbs up and head down to the brat.

I start running some calculations through my mind as I land with a thump on its shoulder. "What the heck are you doing (y/n)?!" Armin's voice rings in my ears as I carry on crunching the numbers, "Shut up you stupid brat! I've got a plan!" I snap back at the blonde. "Okay..." I mumble to myself in a reassuring way. "If my reasoning and calculations are correct his arm should be right about... HERE!" and with that last word I stab my blade right into the titan's neck. "That should get his attention!" I half-cheer, half-sigh.

"Right! Listen up titan brat! I know you can hear me right now, so WAKE UP GOD DAMN IT!" I yell at the top of my voice, resting my forehead against the skin of the titan.

Eren's P.O.V

'It's all so... Dark... Wait... Mum?' I feel like my eyes are flickering open, the world feels... Calm.

I look down and see the body of my younger self, sitting on a couch with both of my parents. I feel a wide smile grow on my face, spreading from ear to ear.

'They're safe. I'm safe.'

*bang* *bang* I hear the sound of fists whacking against a window coming from behind me. A young girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin and a long white dress accompanied by a long black cardigan is the one causing the noise. "...WAKE UP GOD DAMN IT!" her voice is muffled slightly due to the glass in the way.

The girl I recognise as (y/n) has a tear stained face with floods more still coming. "You said you wanted to see the outside world, right?! I remember you talking about it all the time! All the things Armin told you! All the dreams of that world! I remember everything now Eren!" her words cause a lump in my throat, tears threatening to pour. "Don't give up you idiot! Not when we're so close!" her fists still pounding against the window, trying to get my attention.

I see from the corner of my eye, her arms lower slowly as her gaze falls to the floor. "Tch. Stupid brat. I guess you don't deserve to see the world outside this cage, do you?! You give up too damn easily!" I can sense her body shaking with fury as I stand up as rage fills my own!

"THE OUTSIDE WORLD IS MY BIRTH RIGHT!" anger fills me, flames swirl around the room. I see (y/n) give a little smirk from the corner of my eye.

I feel my body burst awake...

Your P.O.V

I smirk to myself as I know that last statement would have got him fired up. "That'll get you going!" I chuckle, removing my blade from the titan as it releases an unearthly bellow. "YEAH! DEFINITELY AWAKE!" I roar whilst leaping off Eren and onto a building nearby... Again.

"Come on, you can do it now Eren. Just move that big ass rock." I whisper to myself as I gaze upon the moving figure of the titan, blades still firmly in my grasp. Another screech echoes throughout the city, as Eren lifts the boulder above his head with all his might. "Better move quick you idiot! Otherwise you'll end up buckling under the weight!" I shout this time, loud enough for him to hear... Hopefully.

Mikasa, Armin and I begin running on foot near Eren's titan form, ready to slaughter any beasts that cross our path. "Pair of titans at twelve o'clock!" I roar to the others as I shoot my hooks into one of the 7m class titans, gliding through the air and slicing the weak spot. Mikasa handling the other one. "NEARLY THERE EREN!" Armin yells, encouraging the titan boy as the hole approaches near.

"Crap." I mumble, seeing a mass of the humanoid beasts running in their strange style towards us. "WE CAN'T TAKE THEM ALL AT ONCE!" Armin screams in a panic, keeping at his steady speed like the rest of us. "You know what you have to do (y/n)." the raven haired girl states monotonously, "Damn it, Mikasa I know!" I snap back at her, frustration building.

I stop dead in my tracks and take a deep breath. "This had better bloody work..." I concentrate hard, focusing all my energy so I can hopefully control this vast amount of mindless creatures. "Stop." I simply say and hold my breath as I wait to see if it has worked. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, thumping away at this tense moment. "You did it!" Armin cheers as we see a blur of green and black, a gush of wind blows me back slightly. Someone kills three titans with what seems like no effort. Then some more. And more again.

The path is cleared! Eren ploughs on. Using all his energy and strength to soldier on and complete the task in hand. My head begins to ache, I grow dizzier by the second. "(y/n)!" I hear Armin call my name before I black out...

Armin's P.O.V

"Oh God! (y/n) has blacked out!" I cry to Mikasa as I run to her aid. "Carry her to a rooftop, away from the titans. I'll protect Eren." My dark haired friend demands in her usual blank tone, I nod my head in response and pick the (h/c) haired girl up bridal style.

Tiny tiny time skip brought to you by Levi being a tiny tiny person

Eren lets out a deafening roar as he slams the boulder into its place. His titan falls to the ground, exhausted, as Eren emerges from the neck, surrounded by steam. As Mikasa runs to help her brother I see another 7m titan stomping it's way towards the pair. "Mikasa, Eren look out!" I scream yet I didn't need to, as the same quick figure from before kills the titan, and just stands there on it carcase, looking down to Mikasa and Eren.

I quickly scramble off the roof, (y/n) in my arms, and dash over to my friends and lay her down next to them. "Someone better explain what is going on here." the stranger says in a similar tone to that of (y/n).

I just stare at him, as if that is all I am capable of doing in this very moment...

Levi's P.O.V

"Someone better explain what is going on here." I demand in my usual tone, looking down at the group of stupid brats. A blank expression painted on my face like normal, when I notice the girl who seems to have blacked out.

A feel a sharp pain travel through my chest yet I keep my stoic expression. 'I can't belive it! Is that really her?!'

OH MY WORD! I'm so sorry guys! I can't believe how late I am with the update! Please forgive me 😅!

Stay fabulous my little titans!

Laterz 😘

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