Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V

As I stay stood there on the titan's arm everyone, including myself, look between the beast and I. Their faces showing clear confusion, same as my own. Stabbing my blades into the titan's arm, I sit down with my legs crossed, arms folded with my chin resting on my palm. "Hold up a minute. Did I just do that?" I ask deep in thought. "Did I just control a titan as if it was some sort of pet?!"

The surrounding titans begin to move. Edging closer to me as I make my 'tch' sound and shake my head. I just look up a bit, meeting eyes with the creatures and give them a look as if to say 'what are you doing?' which makes their movements come to a halt. The cadets surrounding me from above take this as the perfect opportunity to dive down and slice their designated titan, killing them quickly, steam rising to the roof as the beasts lay motionless on the floor. No one misses their target. Luckily. I don't know how much longer they would obey me.

"What the hell (y/n)?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU COULD DO THAT?!" Jean growls, annoyance filling his body, clear in his bodylanguage and voice. "Are you stupid or something, Jean? Didn't you just hear what I said?!" I reply, half chuckling at the last part, it's just so hard to believe! "Before anyone else asks any idiotic questions, let me just say... I'm just as confused as you are!" I raise my arms up high in confusion, looking at all the other cadets in the eye. One by one. They all look... Terrified. Well all apart from Armin and Marco, who give me a sincere and warm smiles. "BOO!" I yell to all the staring brats, making them jump out their skin, especially Jean who leaps into Mikasa's arms so she's carrying him bridal style. "Tch! Imbeciles!"

"It's okay (y/n)! We believe you didn't know." Armin reassures me as he leaps in the air, high-fiving freckles. The duo approaches me as I step off the quickly vanishing titan carcase, they both attempt to rub my shoulder in comfort, but of course I refuse and pull my shoulder away. "Speak for yourself coconut!" Jean spits glaring at me. "Shut up horse face, you're just jealous of all my fabulousness." I say in my serious tone as I scramble back onto the titan, collecting my blades that I forgot about earlier. "Forgot about these stupid things..." I mumble, removing them, "I'm surprised the titan didn't react to the blades being put in its arm..."

"Just move your ass (y/n)! We gotta go!" Jean orders, believing I would actually obey. Think again halfwit. I start approaching Jean, blades pointed in his direction because he's really getting on my nerves now. As I make my way across the stomach of the titan I say "Now listen here you little... Oh crap!" my sentence cut short. Turns out there was a part of the titan's stomach that only had the skin left, so as I step on it... Well... Basically... I fall inside the carcase. "This just keeps getting better and better..." I mumble, standing up straight and dust myself off. "Filthy creature..." "Hey! You okay down there?! Need a hand?!" It's freckles, being as Godly as ever. "Nah! You're alright there Marco, I can handle it!" I call up whilst jumping in the air, testing to see how high I had to go. Blades still in my grasp, I leap into the air and slam a blade into the titan to use as a grip to pull myself up. "Stupid f**king Jean, always acting all high and mighty. Just wait till I kick his ass!" I curse to myself as I use my remaining strength to pull myself out the beasts carcase.

"That's not how a proper lady should speak! They should never use such language!" Jean teases, making an exaggerated gasp and bringing both hands to his face. "Proper lady?! Oh please! Only you would know how to be a proper lady, as you are 'Queen of the assholes'! " I retort, as I dust my self off, giving him a curtsy then leaping once more off the titan. "Stupid horse face..." I see from the corner of my eye, Jean scowling at me.

"'Queen of the assholes'! HA! Priceless!" I hear Connie cackle as he grips his stomach with one hand,smacking his knee with the other. "Got you there Jean, didn't she?!" He manages to say through laughs, wiping a tear away whilst straightening his posture. "Oh whatever you stupid bowling ball!" horse face huffs, stomping away from Connie with his arms folded in annoyance. "HEY!" I chuckle as I slip out the room into the dreaded outside world.

As we emerge from the stuffy indoors, we all dash to the rooftops to prevent getting eaten by titans. I remove my hood as I crane my neck to observe my surroundings. And there it is...

The titan that saved me.

I could have perhaps been controlling it like the others, but it seemed to have... Intelligence. Like, actual intelligence.

"Cannibalism?!" I hear Armin gasp the question, his eyes wide with shock at the scenario infront of him. I follow his gaze and set mine upon the same confusing scene. "Titans eating titans?!" I whisper standing next to the blonde boy. "What the hell is this world coming to?"

Just then, the beast fights off the others that are devouring its flesh, kicking and hitting them with its last remaining strength. Letting out a cry of anger as it falls limp on the floor. "Ugh! That titan had intelligence! It would've been such a big help in the humanity's goals!" I say in a mocking tone, imitating what I believe one of the others would say. "One less beast to worry about!" I carry on in my normal dismissive tone, as I begin to walk away in a huff. "(y/n), wait! Look!" Armin insists, clinging onto my arm like a lost puppy to get my attention, then pointing his in the direction of the fallen titan.

Steam comes up off the nape of the neck of the titan. Everyone standing and staring.

Wait, is that an arm?!

Is that a head?!

No wait! It's a WHOLE BODY! A whole HUMAN in the carcase of the titan!

As I watch the scene unfold, I see a familiar olive coloured top and a mess of chocolate hair. "Oh my God! Is that..." "EREN!" Mikasa screeches. "Took the words right out of my mouth..." I say rolling my eyes, resting my arm on Armin's shoulder. I automatically see a light pink colour dust his cheeks. Aawww! He's so shy! He's so kawaii!

"Sooo, Armin. Care to explain why Mikasa is totally in love with her brother? It's a bit weird if you ask me!" I giggle watching the raven haired girl glide to Eren's aid. "They're not really related so it's not that weird! Besides, I don't think she's in love with him. I just think she has this urge to protect him!" Armin replies with a sigh, like me, his gaze never leaving the scene of Mikasa and Eren in a warm embrace. "I... Can... Hear... His... Heartbeat!" the overprotective sister stutters faintly, as she holds her ear to Eren's chest.

"Well looks like the brat made it after all..."

Hey guys! Probably shouldve done this sooner but onehellofa_detective has been helping me with writing the previous and will help me with the upcoming chapters! So this is just to say thanks and go check out her stories!  \(^-^)/

And another big thanks to everyone reading this! Stay fabulous!


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