Chapter 18

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Your P.O.V

A chorus of laughter erupts and fills the room, the judge up above looking irritated. "WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THIS CADET?!" (In case you wanted to know, I accidentally typed 'What kind of d*ck joke is this cadet?!' at first 😂) Mikasa seems shocked, yet infuriated at the same time. "Yeah, Mikasa, what kind of joke is this?" I hiss, shooting 'daggers' in said girl's direction. The raven haired girl stares blankly back at me, as if expecting me to confess... 'Don't hold your breath idiot. I wasn't born yesterday.'

"Cadet Ackerman. Care to explain why you thought it was necessary to disrupt this court?" the court grows silent, my body shaking slightly out of annoyance, the blonde coconut next to me standing there, staring into the distance. Silent. "I'm sorry sir." Mikasa began in her usual tone, giving a determined salute. "But it is the truth!"

"STOP IT WITH THESE JOKES CADET! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY LIVES ARE ON THE LINE HERE?! STOP GIVING PEOPLE FALSE HOPE!" the girl grows more and more angry at the lack of belief within the room. I feel a slight wave of relief wash over me. 'They think its a lie!' I smile to myself. However it doesn't last long, as Mikasa speaks up again. "With all due respects sir, you are wrong. My accusation is true." her voice as expressionless as her face. However, her eyes seem to be stirring into my soul, obviously wishing for me to speak up and admit it. "Give it up already Mikasa. No one believes you." I lean in closer to whisper in her ear, "And it's going to STAY that way. Or. You're. Dead. And I will not hesitate to throw you to the titans." I smirk and fold my arms across my chest as I back away into my previous position.

The sound of a man clearing his throat to get everyone's attention is heard throughout the room. I look over at him and all I see is... Eyebrows. Big. Bushy. Eyebrows. 'Damn, they must sparkle in the sunlight. So perfectly groomed!' I chuckle to myself as the light haired man begins to speak. "Cadet Ackerman has insisted that her statement is true."

'Oh s**t.'

"If she is telling the truth, then this skill would surely be helpful to our cause."

'F**k you. And your eyebrows.' I glare at the man

"I don't see any harm in following up on her accusation."

'How I hate this guy right now. Just as bad as titan-boy-lover over there.'

I look at Mikasa to see her reaction. Relief and gratitude. Of bloody course. Her normal dull eyes have a sudden sparkle in them, her posture straightening as she realises she has won this battle.

'You are ssoo dead Mikasa. Trust me.' I sense a dark aura surround me as my (e/c) eyes throw sharp daggers in her direction. 'I bet if I was in some sort of fanfic, my eyes would be turning red right now.'

S**tty eyebrows began to speak once more. "I suggest we bring both Cadet Jaeger and Cadet (l/n) into our care. Jaeger under the care of Levi Ackerman and (l/n) under the care of Hanji Zoe."

The court grows silent once again. The judge staring at Eren, then at me. Thinking long and hard about what to do.

"Granted. Take them away."

"WHAT?!" I scream, all eyes on me as two guards come up and slap cuffs on me, as I shake my arms around, trying to release them from their prison. "Do you really believe this idiot?!"

"You shall be silent whilst you are taken away." the asshole of a judge demands.

My eyes meet Eren's gaze. We both just stare for a second, which seems like forever. His green eyes filled with sympathy yet hope, mine with despair and anger. 'It's all okay. You'll be fine.' the brunette mouths to me as I give a slight nod and stop struggling. 'Okay (y/n), just keep your cool. Act as if you don't care and deny everything.' I give myself a pep talk whilst taking in a single deep breath. 'And once I get away. I'm gonna kill that b*tch.'

Armin's P.O.V
Rewind a few seconds.

"Mikasa! What have you done?!" I whisper yell to the girl as she stands there as if not effected by the situation. I stare in shock as they slap a pair of handcuffs on (y/n) whilst she yells and flails her arms around, in an attempt to get away. 'Oh God.' I see the (h/c) haired girl look with pleading eyes towards Eren, who mouths something to her in return.

Next thing I know. My friends are being dragged out of the court room. Chained up like monsters.

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