Chapter 10

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Your P.O.V

As we fling the doors open of the room we notice not much is there to use in our fight, just many crates. Crates full of guns... "How bloody brilliant!" I mutter fairly quietly, only loud enough for Armin to hear. "Don't worry (y/n), I know what we can do." Armin reassures, still smiling as always.

Eyes darting back and scanning the room for clues as to what Armin had planned. Nothing triggers a plan in my mind. It all comes back blank. With a huff I look to Armin waiting to hear his big plan to save us all.

Time skip!!
3rd person P.O.V

"...So that's the plan. Everyone got it?!" Armin asks, his voice slightly shaking out of nervousness and doubt. (y/n) just sat in the back, arms folded across her body, dark hood pulled up shadowing her unimpressed expression. "It should work, r-right (y/n)?" the blonde questions the girl, his sky coloured eyes filled with concern. "I don't know and I really don't care." she replies plainly, slouching a bit more in her seat, never making eye contact with anyone in the room. "Well miss hot shot! You should care as our lives are in your hands!" Jean yells at (y/n) infuriated by her 'inconsiderate' response. 'I guess he still doesn't understand our lives are in the author's hands, huh?!' the (h/c) haired girl chuckles to herself in her mind, suddenly rising from her seat. "Tch! Whatever. Stupid brats." she huffs, trotting over to Armin's side then leaning on his shoulder. A light pink blush creeps up on his cheeks causing him to bring his hands up in an attempt to conceal it. "So all I have to do is slice the beasts weak spot when you idiots have shot it in the face. Simple enough." (y/n) says, her tone the same as always as she rolled her eyes, leaving Armin's side. "(y/n), don't take this like it's so easy. You need complete and utter precision!" The blonde plan maker warns, looking the girl directly in her (e/c) eyes that stare back at his. "Don't underestimate me Armin. It's quite insulting." she replies over her shoulder as (y/n) struts over to get her blades. "Lets get this over and done with." (y/n) mutters holding her blades up infront of her face, gazing into her reflection. "I could do this with my eyes closed!"

Time skip!
The plan in action...

Waiting... Waiting... Waiting... That's the game... Waiting...

As the lift lowers, the cadets shake in their boots but keep a brave expression on their faces, holding their muskets in the proper position. Ready to fire. Ready to fight.

A deep rumble echoes throughout the room as each titan takes each step.







One of the beasts makes eyecontact with freckles, looking him right in the eye. If it could, it would be licking its lips at the sight of the tasty snack. Stopping and staring at the child, the monster brings its face ever so slowly, closer to the group with their muskets still pointed in their direction. As if taunting them, the titan's grins say it all. The air begins to thicken, making it hard to breathe. The air so dense, the atmosphere so thick you could slice it with a blade. Silence.

*Stomach rumbling loudly* Sasha's hunger grows so intense her stomach wails for food. "Oh crap! Sasha!" Connie yells as the girl dropped one of her blades whilst clutching her stomach. "Soooo hhuunnggrryy!" Sasha whines dropping the other blade and fainting on the beam which she was crouched upon.

Suddenly a large fist reaches up to her beam, clutching the starving girl in its strong grip. "AAAHH!" she screeches, punching the hand in a weak attempt to free herself. "Stupid potato girl!" (y/n) mumbles, leaping off the wood and onto the arm of the titan not that far down. "Hey ugly!" the hooded girl calls to the dumb beast, obviously not expecting any kind of reply but still did so. "I'll give you to the count of two to drop her." she threatens in her usual tone. The monster with no intelligence just stares at her, that smile still plastered on its face. "One..." (y/n)'s hands are on her hips, whilst Sasha stop flailing her arms about and just watches the situation unfold. Strangely, the titan's fingers begin to release the girl, one by one its fingers open, dropping Sasha onto the hard wooden floor.

Everyone stares in disbelief. Mouths wide open. All the surrounding titans stop and look in the same direction, yet none move a muscle.

"She... Can... Control... Titans?!" Armin whispers, his voice shaking as he stares in amazement like the others. "Humanity has a chance! These mindless beasts can be controlled!" Jean joins in as (y/n) remains on the beasts arm staring into its dull eyes, a smirk creeping onto her face yet her hood shadows it all.

(y/n)'s head snaps back to the the others, a confused expression that mirrors theirs painted on her face. "Wait. Did I just do that?!"

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