Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V

"Jaeger, what are you doing here. And how the hell did you get here before me." I ask, folding my arms across my body, a stoic expression upon my face. 'I'm so done with this kid' I yell inside my mind.

"W-well I saw you running, and well I had to check if you were okay." The boy explained, rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks dusted pink. I noticed his blush straight away. "Firstly, I'm fine I can protect myself," I say, rolling my eyes and tucking a piece of my (h/c) hair behind my ear, "Secondly, why did you feel the need to protect me?" Curiosity filled me, awaiting his reply. His blush grew a deeper shade. "W-well, I didn't want to see you in trouble." He stuttered, "I don't really know why..." he gazes off into the sky, as if he is in a daydream. I roll my eyes, huff and make my famous 'tch' sound. "Wow. What a pathetic excuse." I reply monotonously, sliding my feet across the floor as I begin to walk away, not surprisingly my hands in the pockets of my black jacket. The jacket that reminded me of my home. My childhood...

3rd person P.O.V

A lonely child wanders the empty field. Her soft (h/c) hair dancing in the light breeze, she wears a flowing white dress and a black cardigan about her shoulders. She let's out a sigh as she flops onto the ground under a tree. "I wonder where everyone is..." she says in a high pitched, sweet voice.

(y/n) curls up, pulling her knees up to her chin. With a huff, she stands after a few minutes. "Better get home, mother will be worried about me." (y/n) speaks out loud, dusting off her dress.

As the young girl begins to walk with her head down, deep in thought, she bumps into a young boy about her age. His brown hair a bit messy, and green eyes shining. "O-oh I'm sorry." The mystery boy apologises, (y/n), like now, kept a straight face. "Whatever." She replies, flicking a piece of her hair back, making a 'tch' sound and walking away.

"Hey, what's your name?" The brunette calls to the girl. "I'm..."

End of flashback
3rd person P.O.V

(y/n)'s flashback was cut short, when Eren grabbed her wrist to prevent her from walking away. "Are you okay, (y/n)?"  Her 'friend' asked. (y/n) felt something cold on her cheek, lifting her hand to her face, she noticed it was a tear. Shock and annoyance filled her body 'Why the hell am I crying?!' She screeches at herself in her head.

Wiping away that tear quickly, (y/n) spun on her heel to face the brunette, "I'm fine." She answered his question in her usual tone, her normal expression drawn on her (s/c) face. "Stop thinking you need to protect me. It's annoying." (y/n) began to say whilst walking away. "Besides, why would you want to protect me? You barely know me." Eren just stood there, shocked.

"Huh? So that's how it is." Eren began, his voice slightly raised yet anger and annoyance were clear in his tone. "Too good for the rest of us. Just like what Jean said!" His fists clenched, tears stinging his eyes. "I can't believe you don't recognise when someone's looking out for you. When someone cares for you."

His words made (y/n) stop in her tracks. 'Why does that sound oddly familiar?' She thought, searching her brain for answers.


It was the final day of spring. The two friends, (y/n) and the boy, met in the field where they first bumped into each other.

"So I hear your moving away." The brunette stated, sadness clear in his voice. "Yeah." (y/n) replied monotonously. "Please stay (y/n), you're the best friend I've ever had! Stay! I can protect you here." The boy pleaded, tears began to flood down his face.

"Stop thinking you need to protect me. It's annoying." The girl demanded, a stoic expression upon her face. "All those times when you've tried to stop fights for me. All those times you get in the way. It's annoying." The boy shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe you don't recognise when someone's looking out for you. When someone cares for you."

End of flashback

As (y/n)'s 'friend' tried to leave, this time she grabbed his wrist. "Seriously, is that it?" She questioned in her usual tone, "Just some cheesy speech then leave?" (y/n) released her grip of Eren's wrist and looked him in the eye. Giving him her petrifying death glare. "Trust me Jaeger, you don't want to be on my bad side. So if you want my friendship your gonna have to do better than that you idiot." And with those words, (y/n) spun around again, walking to no where in particular. "I'll keep that in mind." Eren answered, a grin plastered on his face.

'So even the strongest of people need friends I guess.' The boy thought to himself, gazing off into the stars.

'I wonder why she doesn't remember me. Her best friend.'

Sorry I know this one's short, and even worse than the others but it's late and I just wanted to finish it off. Anyway hope you're enjoying the story :).


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