Chapter 8

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3rd person P.O.V

Many screams of pain and terror echoed off the walls of the town. Glueing Armin to the spot he was stood. Unable to move an inch.

"Armin! Armin! Pay attention you stupid brat! We gotta move! NOW!" The stern, determined voice of (y/n) came into focus as Armin remained in this trance yet acknowledging the scenario that was unfolding before him. The blonde stood and watched as his best friend Eren dashed off after the beast that ate Thomas. However his plan didn't quite work as a titan performed a perfectly timed jump, and snapped off the brunettes leg. Eren just lay there, looking lifeless as Armin fell to his knees.

"S**T!" (y/n) yelled, using her 3DMG to slice the titan that chomped the boys leg. "Eren you idiot! Why did you do that?!" The (h/c) haired girl asked, landing swiftly at his side. "I swear to god I have to save everyone here!" She mumbled to herself, turning the boy over so he faced the bright sky. "Come on. Don't die. Mikasa needs you, Armin needs you." (y/n) comforted, yet took the wrong approach using her normal tone. "Y-you... n-need... me." Eren smiled between breaths, as he breathing slowed. "What ever floats your boat stupid brat!" The girl chuckled, holding the dying boys hand. She wished to admit it was the truth, but she wasn't so sure of her feelings so kept her stoic expression.

"A-A-Armin!" Eren tried to cry out as he saw his friend hovering over a titan's mouth. "DAMN IT!" (y/n) roared, gritting her teeth out of anger. "WILL ALL YOU IDIOTS STOP DYING FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Using her 3DMG once more she gripped the hooks onto the roof behind the blonde.

(y/n) was fast. Very fast. With her gas tank full, she could use as much as she wanted. Jumping off the roof and gliding through the air, the gas speeding her up as she began to run out of time. It all happened so fast. (y/n) dashing under the titan's raised arm, grabbing Armin with her left, bringing him to safety. But the 'santa' titan pulling the wire, sending her back to his grip.

(y/n) threw Armin to the nearest roof, struggling in the grip of the beast. Both her blades snapped, yet she was unable to get another.

"Tch! I guess this is the end! I always thought I'd go a better way!" The doomed girl chuckled, looking to Armin as he cried on the rooftop. "Don't think like that! Give me your hand I'll pull you free!" Armin insisted, reaching his arm to hers, tears flooding his face. "Wow! Even in my last moments you make stupid suggestions. Come on Armin I'm not getting out of this, I can't move my arms!" The girl sighed looking to the sky "Stop being so naive Armin! Use that brain of yours! This world is full of death and destruction! There's no escaping it. Just stay safe and destroy all these filthy beasts! Okay!" (y/n) smiled to the boy, salty tears actually filling her (e/c) eyes. "H-Hey Armin?" The girl in the titan's grip laughed, yet no hope present in her voice. "Don't you think it's weird the titan hasn't eaten me yet? I mean come on I've given a speech and it hasn't even-"

She was dropped into the giants open mouth. Her sentence cut short. "Bye brat!" She called, sliding down the tongue of the creature. "Hey! What's going on?!" (y/n) questioned, looking to her wrist as someone had a firm grip on it. "Eren what the hell! You'll get eaten! Get lost!" She insisted, twisting her whole body out of his grip, yet stopping and staring at the boy. 'I remember!' A light bulb pinged above her head. "Hey Eren! I remember you! No one else, just you! Your the boy I met in the field!" (y/n) cried smiling at Eren who was currently holding the mouth of the titan open. "Then you know why I'm doing this!" Eren commented, a weak smile tugging at his lips, his strained voice seeming weak as her threw his friend onto the roof near Armin.

Landing with a thud, (y/n) got on her hands and knees and crawled to the edge as quickly as her aching body could carry her.

"DON'T YOU DIE ON ME YOU ANNOYING BRAT!" The traumatised girl screamed at the top of her voice! "Not when I've just remembered you..." a tear ran down her (s/c) cheeks, allowing her emotions take over for once in her life. "You're the only one I could open up to... you're the only one who could break the walls I put up! DON'T DIE! I WON'T LET YOU!" Eren had tears in his eyes as he remembered (y/n), and all they had been through together. "Hey (y/n)?" Eren whispered, his voice soft and sweet as his tear stained face showed clear signs of him struggling to keep the mouth open. His whole body shaking from the weight and strength of the beast. "Now that you remember me, please don't forget me again." He cried.

(y/n) gripped his outstretched hand, intertwining her delicate fingers with his. "I won't. I promise!" She returned his cry, bringing his hand up to her face. Ruining the moment, the titan beat Eren in the battle of the strength, closing its mouth, causing the boy to loose another limb.

"NO!" (y/n) screeched, still holding onto Eren's hand yet his arm was no longer attached to his body. A gust of air blew down her hood, revealing her tear stained face and red puffy eyes. "Eren... no!" She cried, looking to her hand. Her fingers still intertwined with his.

Strangely, this didn't cause her screech or squeal like any normal girl, no. (y/n) just let a weak smile appear on her face. Tears falling more and more. "Goodbye, my emerald eyed prince." She whispered, releasing Eren's limp hand from her grip.

"Don't look at me like that brat!" (y/n) smiled at Armin, who was completely shocked by her reaction to the boys death. "No one can know about this! Got it?!" The girl demanded, raising her blade to Armin's face, causing him to nod. "Good. Let's get going." The last tear left her (e/c) orbs, trickling down her cheek, landing on the rooftop.

"He's gone and there's nothing we can do about it!" The (h/c) haired girl screamed, turning her face up to the sky. "I DAMN ALL THE BEASTS THEY CALL TITANS TO HELL! HELL I TELL YOU!" Her emotions flooded out of her, so many concealed inside for so long. They all finally took over. Her knees grew weak as she fell down. Crying into Armin's shoulder. "Didn't know you had emotions." Armin, who was also crying, giggled in an attempt to lighten the mood a bit. "Not the time you halfwit. But thanks." She replied, smiling at the blonde as they both rose to their feet. "Better find the others."

"(y/n), they all died." Armin whispered, looking to the floor, not daring to make eye contact with (y/n). "What do you mean... they're all dead?!" Her rage bubbling over, her usual calm unimpressed body language transformed into complete rage and anger. "Everyone always believes I don't give a damn, but I do! THEY DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!" With that she used her 3DMG, heading for a herd of titans. She needed to slice them all! Kill them all! Destroy them all!

Every. Last. One!

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