Chapter 22

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~ picture not mine. But I love it!

Your P.O.V

WHY AM I BEING BLAMED?! I have no purpose in killing those creatures! I gain nothing from such an act! These numb-skulls that surround me cannot seem to grasp that concept. I am in a world full of mindless beasts, both giant and human sized.


As Eren and I leave the scene we can still hear assholes muttering curses and threats about how dangerous we both are. Stupid brats.

We both stroll across the open space that connects sections of the grounds, Eren's hood of his emerald cape pulled up to shelter his face and my face covered by my usual black hoodie. Us both begin discussing what we are going to do next, only for Eren to be bombarded with a bear hug from the raven haired bitch herself, Mikasa and the brain box, Armin. Sending a scowl to the girl I look around the trio to see a familiar horse face whose expression seems to be longer than usual.

"A horse slowly trudges into a bar and orders a drink. 'Evenin' says the bartender 'Why the long face?'" I joke upon seeing Jean's upset expression; smirking slightly with my head tilted a bit to allow my (h/l) (h/c) hair fall infront of my face. "Horse jokes? Really? You've been with the suicidal bastard for too long." he retorts "And I'm guessing from your depressed expression, Marco 'friend-zoned' you." my voice carries on, only to see his eyes mist over and his features and body language show clear signs of anger mixed with regret and hurt. "Don't speak of him like that..." Jean's voice breaks, as a tear trickles down his cheek. "I would expect Marco to be with you... Why did you join this branch? Or a better question, why didn't he join the Survey Corps too?" I query, clicking the pieces together and realizing what had happened.

"Oh." I mumble, placing my hand from my jacket pocket onto his shoulder as a form of comfort. "I am sorry." I speak in a bland tone but look right into his eyes "We all face death. So, for the sake of humanity, keep on slaying titans, I know it is what Marco would want." I offer a half-hearted smile at the end, pushing back the tears to not show the boy that it hurts me too. "So, get on with it horse face." My heart turns cold, I offer no more comfort nor sympathy 'Can't let death stop us now that we're so close.'

I see Eren asking Jean about Marco, so I go for a stroll away from all the chattering. "Not in the mood for this." I mumble, finding a spot of grass in the shade so I plop myself onto it. Pulling my hood down and burying my hands in my pockets again, I close my eyes to help clear my head. I feel a presence near me. Not a friendly one, sadly. "Do you realise how filthy the ground is?" the person speaks, straight away I recognise the speaker. "I don't care as long as my hands don't touch it." I snap back, not moving a muscle with my eyes still shut tight.

"Tch. Got some guts speaking to me like that, haven't you (n/n)?" this grabs my attention, making me scramble to my feet to be at eye-level with Levi. "What... What did you call me?" my tone is harsh, higher than me or not, no one can call me that apart from my parents and that one face... "Answer my question Ackerman." "Watch your tone (l/n). I am only looking after you so you don't kill innocents with your... Skills. So, don't tempt me to knock some sense into you." The man replies, his voice never changing, his stare intense, his aura strangely normal. "If you don't remember. It's not worth the trouble."  "DON'T REMEMBER WHAT?" I begin to lose my patience, the fury and annoyance boiling inside me, yet I keep my cool stance even if my tone shows different. "Me."  he says, walking off without answering my questions properly.

"For the love of Maria" I mumble, placing myself on the ground once more, staring at the green blades that cover the land. "... For someone pretty smart, you can't seem to figure out simple things, can you (y/n)... (n/n)?" whispering the name my parents used for me sends a pain through my chest. A horrible, but tolerable pain. "Suck it up buttercup." I force myself to remain stoic, "Got some titans to kill."

~Time skip to just before you leave the walls brought to you by (y/n)... Oh wait... Spoilers~

Each member on horse back, ready for the walls to release us into the titan infested outside world. "Ready Jaeger?" I ask, looking to him. He mirrors my moves and shows his determined glint in his eyes, and the enormous grin painted on his face. "When am I not ready (y/n)?" he chuckles "I got your back if you've got mine." he has his arm slightly raised, with is hand curled into a fist formation. "I'm always cleaning up after you anyway..." I reply blandly, but knock my fist against his all the same.

This simple move triggers something in my mind... To be more specific... Memory.

"Come on (y/n). Don't cry over me. I'll be back soon." a short man with darker hair says to his three year old sister who has tears streaming down her face. "Don't go." she pleads, arms wrapped around his torso, burying her face in his stomach. "Come on silly brat." he speaks, bending down to her level. "I promise I will see you again (n/n)." he says, a slight smile on his face as his steel coloured eyes begin to water. Lifting up his arm slightly, he holds his hand in a fist formation and waits for her to do the same. "Promise?" "Promise." she smiles with test stained cheeks and returns his gesture; knocking knuckles together. "I have to go." the older boy speaks, "See ya brat." "Bye bye Levi Ackerman..." wiping away a tear,her father picks her up in his arms. "Bye bye (y/n) Ackerman." he speaks, closing the door behind him forever...

"... (y/n)? (y/n)?" I feel a shaking on my arm. "Are you okay? You zoned out for a minute there." a certain teal eyed boy comments, ignoring him I take a gulp of air. Filling my lungs, then releasing it slowly to calm myself. "What's wrong (y/n)? Please tell me."

"I-I remember... I-I-I remember him..."

Eren: Well well. Look who finally decided to make an appearance. *folds arms*

Me: Well, you had reader-chan whilst I was gone, AND I couldn't have made anything bad happen. *nervous laughter*

Reader-chan: *glares* I swear if you do this again I'll kick your ass.

Me: O-Okay. I won't let it happen again and I am sorry my little titans! *hugs everyone!* >~< pls forgive meh

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