Chapter 21

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3rd person P.O.V

"Get the f**k off of me Hanji, before I lose my s**t." the teenager currently trapped in the scientist's arms, demands. Her tone never changing. Hanji releases her from her bear hug however she still has a grin plastered on that face of hers. "This is the greatest development in science we have had in years! How did you gain this? Or maybe you were born with it? Did your DNA merge with that of a titan?" the mad woman's hands are gripping at her own hair, tatting it into knots, but she couldn't care less! Science is way more important! "Listen f**k face. I don't know how it happened, I'm not wanting to find out 'LIES' but one thing I know for sure, is that you're going to keep this a secret. Or I'm pretty sure I could get Levi to do the dirty work for me." the girl says this with no emotion, just staring dead into her eyes. "Oh, you're no fun!" Hanji pouts, dropping her arms to her side and pushing out her bottom lip. "Call me what you like, but I'm not some lab rat. Got it?" "Fine!" the scientist sighs, extending the word as much as she can. "As long as I get to run experiments with your little boyfriend!"

(y/n)'s eye twitches with annoyance. "Boyfriend? Who the hell are you calling my boyfriend? You better not be refering to who I think you're refering to." a light pink dust of embarrassment graces the girls cheeks as she keeps a straight face, but folds her arms. "Oh, come on (y/n)! Everyone can see the spark between you and Jaeger!" "Tch!" the teen stomps away, aggressively whispering harsh words about the scientist. "I'm gonna go and eat. You do what ever you please, just don't bother me." she calls back over her shoulder. "(y/n) and Titan boy!" Hanji squeaks dancing in the direction of said girl, earning the most irritated sigh imaginable from the teenager.

As they approach the eating hall, where the rest of the team are waiting, (y/n) is still charging ahead of Hanji, hoping and wishing to get away from her. "Why are you following me? Can't a girl walk in peace?!" she snaps, huffing. "Oh, come on! You know you love my company really!" the scientist chuckles, gaining a small amount of speed to get to (y/n)'s side. "Yeah, and Corporal Levi loves dirt." the teen retorts, quickening her pace to the corner up ahead. Once rounding the corner, the dining hall is just infront.

"HEY WAIT UP!" Hanji calls, dashing after the (h/c) haired girl as she sprints around the corner, heading straight for the door. "You're as fast as shorty! How is that possible?!" She says between breaths. "Well, maybe it runs in the family." (y/n) practically mumbles, as she takes one step to the side, steeping put of the way of the crazy scientist, causing the woman to stumble and hit the door with her head. "GAH!" she yelp, as her skull meets the wood "Why did you do that?!" "You were bothering me, so I didn't like it." the teen replies monotonously, earning a pout from Hanji. As she is still on her feet, the scientist just rubs her head whilst commenting on (y/n)'s earlier statement "Family? Are you saying you and clean freak are related?" the teen's (e/c) eyes just glaze over with tears, which she quickly shakes away, 'don't show weakness to these people (y/n)!' she scolds herself. "No. We are not related, it just slipped out of no where. Now lets drop the subject and go eat." her tone so bland it makes Annie's voice seem full of life! "I'll drop it... For now anyway!"

With those words, Hanji flings the door open, grabbing everyone's attention inside. "What do you mean... For... Now?" (y/n)'s voice fades out as she noticed all eyes on herself and the scientist. "Hello everyone!!" the older woman announces, wandering into the room whilst everyone begins to clear up. "Why is everyone leaving now?" (y/n) asks Petra as the girl approaches the doorway that the other is currently standing in. "We all know now that Jaeger has asked Hanji about the titans, they're going to be talking for a long time. So get out whilst you can." the girl smiles, exiting the room. "Tch. I'd rather get my food first." the (h/c) haired teen states, strolling over to collect her 'meal'.

Bread roll in mouth and hot beverage in hand, (y/n) sits at an abandoned table in her odd position, minding her own business until. "HEY COME JOIN US!" the scientist bellows, startling the other female so she drops her cup, spilling only droplets of her drink due to her quick reflexes and her catching it. With a rather annoyed sigh, a roll of the eyes and to finish it off, she clears her throat before saying, "I'm not that far away s**t face. No need to yell." ignoring her request, (y/n) carries on eating her bread. "Come on (y/n)! Don't you want to find out more about the titans?!" Jaeger attempts to convince the girl with a bright grin on his face, he pats the seat next to him. "Oh, you think you can win me over with a dazzling smile? You obviously don't remember me very well Jaeger. And I thought I was the one who had the memory loss!" (y/n) retorts, extending the last 'I' in her statement as she smirks and sips her drink. "I remember you very clearly actually. I just thought a flash of my smile would be appreciated. Now stop being stubborn and come over here with us." titan boy demanded, folding his arms and giving a slight nod to Hanji. "You're such a child Jaeger." the girl mumbles, finishing off her bread roll and carrying her mug with her to the table.

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