Chapter 6

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Sorry it's taken a while to update, haven't been able to think of what to write. So thank you for your patience.

3rd person P.O.V

"HEY, (y/n)!" An enthusiastic Sasha called to said girl, as she sprints towards her holding something close to her body under her uniform jacket. "Hey, (y/n)." Sasha greets between breaths. "Can't you see I'm busy?! What do you want potato girl?" (y/n) huffs, rolling her eyes. "Can you stop with that nickname?!" Potato girl cried, throwing her hands up into the air and dropping the mystery item she held to her chest. It was as if the whole thing happened in slow motion. The meat falling, Sasha diving after it with tears in her eyes, every cadet who was present had their attention focused on the scenario.

"NNNOOO! My precious meat!" Potato girl cried, cradling the meat like a baby. "Ssshhh! It's okay, I can still make you delicious!" She whispered, mouth watering thinking of the tasty treat that is now hard to find. (y/n) just stood there as straight faced as ever, staring down at the overreacting food lover. "You know you shouldn't have that, right?" (y/n) said in a bland tone, "I-I know. But. IT'S JUST SO TASTY!" Sasha's mouth was watering more than ever, her cheeks dusted pink and eyes lighting up with joy. "Gonna cut you up and put you on some bread later..." potato girl mumbled to the meat as she walked over to put it in a crate, everyone around her thought it was quite creepy actually. "Okkaaayyyy then." Connie laughed, backing away slowly. "I hope you cleaned that crate first." (y/n) commented, a disgusted look upon her face.

Soon after a certain Eren Jaeger strutted into view. (y/n) was on her hands and knees, with a ton of cleaning products (that just magically appeared), scrubbing the filthy crate that the food enthusiast wished to store her food. Sasha drooling over the meat by her side. (y/n)'s head twitched slightly when her attention was caught, whilst overhearing a conversation between the others.

"I'm joining the scouts." Connie admitted, there was a few 'same here's' from the rest. "I see your big speech had an effect on everyone." (y/n) commented, saying the word 'big' in a mocking tone. "No! It's not like that!" Connie insisted, trying to make out like he came to the decision by himself, "I just don't want to be like Jean!" "Tch! You brats annoy the heck out of me!" The (h/c) haired girl insulted, returning to her cleaning, leaving Eren blushing slightly whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

A deep rumble echoed, startling everyone.


And again.

A titan head could be seen over the wall that stood at least 50 metres high! It's face and whole body looked as if it had been flipped inside out, it's wide mile spreading from ear to ear.

A gush of wind swept all the cadets off their feet, flying through the air and off the wall. "It burns!" Eren growled as the hot air bombarded them. "EVERYONE! SWITCH TO VERTICAL MANUEVERING!" The brunette roared, grabbing everyone's attention. (y/n) just made her famous 'tch' sound due to the groups slow reactions; she had already switched and was waiting for the others to catch up.

Your P.O.V

"These halfwits are just to damn slow for my liking!" I huffed, moving down the wall to help Samuel who had fallen. As I glided near Eren I could hear him yelling to no one that he was going to kill every last titan. 'Keep dreaming kid!' I think with a slight laugh leaving my lips.

I readjusted my hood whilst trying to examine and make sense of the situation. "It's the colossal titan." I mumbled to myself, totally unsurprised that it had arrived. I looked to the corner of my eye, my hood blocking half of my view, but I could see Jaeger making his way up the wall to the titans face. Screaming different commands to the others, which I chose to ignore. "That stupid idiot is gonna get himself killed." I commented, tucking a piece of my (h/l) (h/c) hair behind my ear.
Suddenly my world stood still, an image growing in my mind.


"You idiot! You're gonna get yourself killed!" A young brunette boy called to me, his eyes filled with worry. "Oh come on! You should know by now that I can handle this!" I called back in my usual tone. "It's just a small wall, it won't hurt to walk across it! Haven't you seen the other walls around here!" I tease.

"Oh no!" I yelp, wobbling trying to regain my balance, "(y/n)!" My friend cried causing laughter to erupt out of me! "Hahaha! Got ya!" I chuckled, smiling for once causing his cheeks to change to a darker shade of pink. "Don't scare me like that you tease!" The boy huffed, folding his arms across his chest. "Idiot." I mumbled still laughing.

End of flashback!

By the time I snapped out of my trance, Eren was back with the group, talking to the others. "He vanished!" I heard a few gasp, confusion clear in their voices. "What do you mean vanished?" I asked monotonously, as I reached the group. "Oh (y/n), your okay!" Sasha cheered grabbing me tight around the neck in a warm hug. "Why wouldn't I be?" I questioned, actually quite offended by potato girl's previous comment! "You zoned out for quite a while (y/n)." Connie explained, making my huff as I dusted myself off and fixed my hood. "I see." I replied in the same tone as before.

Back to current you. (If you get what I mean)

"All who was present during the incident where called to give reports, including us. Soon after we were all assigned an area as a titan attack began."

Back to past you...
3rd person P.O.V

(y/n), Eren and Armin were all assigned in the same squad in the middle guard. Somehow Mikasa was assigned to the rear guard, even though (y/n) was top of the class, yet she didn't think much of it and just brushed it off.

As the (e/c) eyed girl glided around the room, she noticed the trio looking worried, especially Armin. 'He may be smart, but he is really fragile' she thought to herself as she slid over to the group. "I-I'm fine! I'm sure things will settle down soon!" Armin stuttered, causing (y/n) to roll her eyes. I guess the (h/c) haired girl and Eren clearly had a different approach to the situation. "Don't be so naive Armin. Many people are going to die today, let's just make sure it means something." (y/n) stated, once again in her normal tone, tucking her hair behind her ear as she stood in a confident position. "Just hurry up. Stay close to me, I can protect you." She ordered, adjusting her gear slightly as she stomped away.

"Let the fight begin." (y/n) mumbled, changing her stroll into a sprint. "Let's just hope to god I don't get eaten. I don't want to go that way."

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