Chapter 12

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3rd person P.O.V

"H-his arm... A-and leg... They've grown back?! B-but they were bitten off!" Armin stutters faintly to (y/n), as she stands there with an unimpressed expression on her face. Both hands on her hips as she stares at the blonde boy, his eyes filled with amazement. She's refusing to allow that smile tugging at her lips, creep onto her face. "Whatever. I'm off!" the (h/c) haired girl randomly announces as she shoots her hooks into a nearby builinding and glides off. "Wait, (y/n)!" Armin calls after her, but he was to late, she was gone. "Mikasa? What's going to happen when people find out?" Armin asks, his voice shaking with worry for his best friend. His best friend who died, but lived. "I don't know." Mikasa replies plainly, still holding Eren close to her. Wishing to never let go, never to lose her brother again.

Your P.O.V

'Doesn't that idiot realise what he's done?! Coming out of a titan in front of EVERYONE?! They'll call him a monster! They'll kill him!' I scream inside my mind, the thoughts of Eren being killed, again, sends an unfamiliar sharp pain through my chest. As I glide from rooftop to rooftop, I never fault and loose my footing nor target. Anger, confusion and delight all channel through my veins at once. Secretly delighted due to his safety, yet anger at his stupidity.

Landing gracefully on a building, I search my brain for answers to the questions that hit me like a tsunami. "Why did Jaeger act like he didn't know me on the first day of training?! Does he know why I can't remember him and my family?!" I stop pacing back and forth, slumping down on the tiles, casting my blades aside as I bury my face in my knees. "Of course he doesn't! Why would he?! I don't even know myself!" I say, a deep sigh following. "No one knows..."

With a huff, I lay on my back and begin to gaze up at the sky painted with many colours. "But, I guess somebody does know. Someone must know..." My hands lay delicately on my stomach, my breathing calm and even as I savour the only moment of peace I have. And when I say moment, I mean moment...

"ARE YOU A HUMAN OR ARE YOU A TITAN?!" a harsh, rather annoyed sounding voice echoes in my ears. "What the hell is going on down there?!" I ask, slowly sitting up straight to observe my surroundings and figure out what is going on. The noise seems to be coming from that group of soldiers, they look like they're surrounding something. Make that three somethings. Three somethings that I recognise, and one of them is the titan brat.

"Stupid assholes! Always making me clean up their messes!" I scramble to my feet, collect my blades and dash off in the direction of the commotion. "I'M HUMAN!" Eren's pain filled voice fills the air, as the atmosphere begins to thicken.


"Was that... A cannon?!" I ask in surprise, the ground beneath me shaking. "What the hell?! I've got to get over there!" I yell with much determination in my voice. I clutch both blades in my hands so tight my knuckles turn white, 'this better not be what I think it is!'

The sudden silence and cloud of steam distract me from the task in hand, causing me to miss one of my targets making me stumble in the air and land roughly on a rooftop. My voice unclear as I lie face down and mumble into the tiles "How many times is this gonna happen?! Getting thrown on the roofs! Never mind getting eaten by a titan! I'm gonna be killed by getting chucked on tiles!" I let a half-hearted laugh escape through my lips as I roll on my back and face the sky. My hair now all messy, my right cheek slightly grazed and my knuckles all cut and bruised like I have been in a fight. Now I have new wounds contributing to the mass of them from earlier.

"Stupid Jaeger! Causing me all this hassle and pain!" I slowly rise to my feet and begin to stumble to the edge of the roof, a tile moves beneath my foot causing me to slip over onto my back. "AH! Damn it! That's gonna leave a mark!" Rubbing the back of my head, I push myself to my feet once more. "For the love of Maria, if I fall over one more time I'm gonna... UGH! I don't even know! But believe me you don't wanna find out!" I grumble, whilst readjusting my gear.

Once ready, I shoot my hooks into the next building and make my way towards the group. The dense cloud of steam hasn't shifted, still concealing the three cadets within. I stop moving when I get to a roof nearby the scene, now I have a perfect view of what's going on, and I can watch the scenario unfold before my eyes. Everyone seems so tense. The atmosphere so dense I could slice it with my blade. I lie on my stomach, trying to stay out of view as I don't want to draw any attention to myself... Yet. I ignore, what looks like, a titan carcase holding its arm out and begin to observe the scene.

I see a familiar mop of blonde hair emerge from the cloud. "Armin! What are you doing?!" I whisper shout, trying not to blow my cover. I stare in amazement at the amount of passion and determination the boy uses during his heart-filled speech, his suggestions of what to use Eren's titan ability aren't half bad if I'm totally honest. They could actually work! "I guess Jaeger has found an easier way to kill the beasts, huh?!" I half chuckle, yet my voice still in a whisper. As I think about Eren his ability and my ability, a plan is forming in my mind. "This might actually work!" I say a bit too loudly as the silence falls at the end of Armin's speech. His whole-hearted salute makes him seem stronger and more determined than ever. However the idiot soldiers don't buy it.

The guy in charge lifts his arm up high and holds it there in a threatening manner. "S**t! I gotta get down there!" I speak with worry clear in my voice. As I slide off the roof I stand behind the mass of soldiers. "HEY NUMB SKULL!" I yell as loud as I possibly can, probably bursting the eardrums of the people just infront of me. The man in charge slowly turns his head towards me, I smirk as I see the worried expression on his face. With my blades pointed infront of me, I begin approaching his shaking figure, I over hear some whispers "Is that cadet (y/n) (l/n)? Oh no she's trouble! Wouldn't want to mess with her!" these conversations seem so cliché and generic but they give me a boost of confidence. The soldier standing to the leaders left leans towards his ear, all I can hear is "Be careful!" which tells me that news travels fast and they all fear my skills... They should 😏.

"What do you want cadet?! This matter isn't any of your concern so leave!" the grumpy man demands, his tone just as harsh as before. He still has his arm raised, ready to lower it at any second, commanding the soldiers to fire the cannon again. 'I need to choose my words carefully.' I warn myself, still maintaining my threatening stance. "Just listen. I have excelled all my classes so I know what I'm talking about when it comes to titans, so whatever you do, do not dismiss my statement. I witnessed first hand what Jaeger, in his titan form, can do. He saved me, as a titan. He saved almost all if the cadets, as a titan. He has not caused anyone any harm in his titan form. So why condemn him for his ability just because you're afraid? I guess you are all just bigger wimps than I thought! Trying to kill a teenager, who could potentially save humanity with his ability, just because you're scared! You people give soldiers a bad name with your cowardness!" anger boils within me, so I decided to release it all on his sorry ass. "Now, if you dare lower your arm to fire that cannon, I will not hesitate to slice it off! And as people will warn you, you don't want to test me as I always follow through on my word." My intimidating expression is painted on my face as I hold one blade to his neck and the other under his arm so if he does dare to lower it, I will slice it clean off.

"Make your decision..." I growl, my teeth clenched and body not moving an inch as I scowl at the man.

"Choose wisely." I warn, my voice now as harsh as his. I can see from the corner of my eye, Eren, Armin and Mikasa looking at me in complete and utter shock.

His arm begins to lower...

Sorry this one is sssoooo late guys!!! Updates will be back to normal!!! I don't have an excuse why it's late... My name says it all as I am indeed the Queen of Procrastination!!!


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