Chapter 16

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Your P.O.V

"When is she going to wake up? She's been out for at least half an hour!" I hear the soft voice of Armin speaking his concerns to another person. I guess it must be Mikasa or Eren or maybe even that blurred figure from earlier.

My eyes begin to flutter open, the light stinging them as they ache. "AH!" I scream, extending my arm and slapping the face of the person infront of me. "Ow! What was that for?!" the boy complains, holding his cheek as he moved back a bit. "Why the hell where you so close to my face?!" I yell, sitting up and rubbing my head. "I was waiting for you to wake up." Armin chuckles whilst standing up and helping me do the same. I look around to take in my surroundings; the person with Armin was Mikasa.

"I blacked out again, didn't I?" I ask the question yet already know the answer, whilst dusting myself off. "Yeah. But only half an hour this time." Armin insists, rubbing the back of his neck. Still looking around, I realise Eren has gone, along with the blurry figure from before. This sends a wave of panic over my body, causing my breath to get caught in my throat as the colour drains out of my face, however me being me, I kept my blank expression and didn't let the worry show. "Where has Jaeger dissappeared to?" I question, trying to sound as uninterested as possible. The blonde boy next to me raises on eyebrow and looks at me slightly confused. "I didn't think you would be bothered." He comments, tilting his head slightly. "Im not. Just curious!" I snap back, obviously lying. He just returned my comment with an I-know-for-a-fact-you're-lying-because-I'm-Armin-Arlert look, which I gladly returned with a don't-look-at-me-like-that-or-I'll-poke-your-eyes-out glare causing him to chuckle. "He was taken by some people in the Military Police. That's all I know." the boy sighs, Mikasa nodding in agreement. "S**t! He's always getting himself into trouble!" I mumble, running off and leaving the others behind.

Time skip!

After running around for about 15 minutes with no progress, I finally make some. "Is that the guy from before?" I whisper to myself, peeking around the corner of a building so I will not be spotted. "Where is he going?" I follow the man from a safe distance, seeing where he ends up.

The small man enters a building, a much taller man following close behind. Guess what... I follow also. Keeping enough distance between us so I won't get seen, I sneak into the same building and follow the same steps as they do. 'Is this some sort of... Dungeon?' I think to myself, slightly confused at to why these two men are down here. I hear the rattle of chains in from around the corner, then an echo of an unimpressed voice, much like my own. I concentrate all of my energy into straining to hear the conversation.

Someone speaks of titans, and wanting to kill them all. 'Tch. Must be Eren.' I roll my eyes, yet I'm glad he's safe and still his old self.

Footsteps begin to approach me from further down the corridor, so I back up into the shadows and hold my breath, in hopes that the strangers will pass without detecting me. I squeeze my eyes shut as I sense their presence reducing the distance between us. "That was too close." I sigh as they get out of earshot. 'Pfft! That was such a cliché thing to say, (y/n).' I mock myself, as I shuffle my feet silently across the floor.

As the end of the corridor comes into view, I spot a couple of MP soldiers guarding a cell. 'That has to be where they're keeping that titan brat.' I conclude in my mind, as I ball my hands into fists ready to kick some ass. A smirk creeps onto my face 'The MP are useless jerks anyway.'

I sprint down the corridor straight into one of the guards, knocking him against a wall. He groans as his body has all the air knocked out of it and slides down to the floor, knocked out. I chuckle and dust my uniform, "Well, that was easy."

As I spin around on my heel, I quickly grab the fist that was flying towards my face. "Bad move idiot." I state in a bland tone, throwing my knee to his stomach, making him scrunch up his body in pain. I quickly swing my fist towards his face, hitting him hard and making him blackout. "Tch. Stupid brats."

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I hear Eren screech from his prison. "Hey, relax. It's all part of my plan to get you out of here." I insist, a smug smile on my face. I bend down to the guards, searching their pockets. "A-ha!" I cheer, retrieving the keys from their place in the first guards pocket. I toss them in the air and catch them again, teasing Eren as I pull tongues at him.

"Give me one good reason, why I should let you out." I demand, still grinning. I see a see of shock mixed with worry wash over him. "THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME! OR RUN EXPERIMENTS ON ME!" Eren begins to yell, frantically shaking his chain and crying. I roll my eyes as I hear him still babbling on. "Eren, shut the hell up." I order in my usual tone, slowly approaching the cell door. His eyes are now closed, so he doesn't see my movements and decides to carry on. "Eren, shut the hell up." I repeat unlocking the cage, letting myself in.

He continues to panic, now crying and shaking vigorously. "Eren, shut the hell up." I say once more, standing there inside the cell with my arms folded, yet he remains oblivious to my presence there as he carries on with his nonsense. I let a deep and annoyed sigh leave my lips, "Stupid idiot." I mumble, approaching him at full speed. I swiftly grab the collar of his top and yank his face towards mine. Before he can react I smash my lips against his then push him back down and releasing my grip on his top. "I said shut the hell up." I say, looking him right in his shining eyes. 'That made him quiet.' I smile to myself in my mind. "I was joking when I asked for a reason. Come on let's go."

I begin to unlock his chains, I yelp as someone pushes hard against the bars surrounding Eren and I. "I ship it." a voice whispers as I look to our visitor. I am greeted by an enthusiastic looking woman with her face pressed up against the metal, her glasses shining as she looks at us both. "That was so cute!" she squeaks jumping up and down. I cast my gaze towards Eren who's face was now the colour of a tomato, I can't help but chuckle to myself. "Sorry to burst your bubble lady, but we ain't a thing..." I say, smirking at Eren's embarrassment and shyness. "Yet." I finish, turning and winking at the titan boy, just to tease him. His face grows ten shades darker as our visitor cheers and looks to us once more.

"I'm sorry to break you two love birds apart," she begins 'She really had to say 'love birds'?' I think, quickly losing my patience and rolling my eyes. "But, this young man has to come with us." I give her an are-you-kidding-me kind of look, which she picks up on straight away. "Don't worry, you can come too. Just not in chains like him." she smiles, her grin wide and cheesy.

'What the heck is this mad woman going to do?'

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