Chapter 23

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3rd person P.O.V

"Remember who (y/n)?! Don't just ignore me! Answer me!" Eren's voice whines on and on yet the girls only reply is "Him." as it seems her mind is in another world; daydreaming about all the times Levi had the opportunity to tell her, but didn't for Maria knows why. "'Him' isn't an answer. I'm your best friend aren't I? And you can't trust me with this?"

Taking a deep breath she ignores Eren's many questions and yanks up her dark hood, shadowing her face to prevent her peers from seeing her absolutely confused and terrified expression. (y/n) nervously trots over to the man, trying to push down the negative thoughts that threaten to consume her mind 'What if he doesn't care? What if he wanted to forget me like I forgot him? What if he left in the first place... Because of me?' they swirl around her head, spreading an evil fog of negativity to cloud her mind. Shaking her head vigorously, they wash away, pushing the (h/c) haired teen on.

"E-Erm, Sir... May I h-have a word a minute?" (y/n) speaks, tugging lightly on Levi's cape. "P-Please." 'Why the f**k are you so nervous (y/n)?! He's your big brother after all! He will be overjoyed you remember him! Just stick to your stoic and not-caring self... You can do this.'

"Tch. What do you want cadet?" Levi says in a dismissive tone, "We're about to start the expedition, can't it wait?" Erwin's booming voice rings in her ears as he begins yelling commands for everyone to follow, blocking him out the girl continues. "No it can't short ass!" (y/n) whispers in a harsh tone only loud enough for Levi and Hanji to hear. "Oooh Levi. I think you better talk to her." The woman wearing glasses next to them both teases, "Shut up s**tty glasses!" both Ackermans scold in unison, whipping their heads to her direction; the same expression plastered on their faces.

Growling in annoyance the dark haired man snaps to the younger girl "Just get back in your place cadet (l/n)!" "THAT'S NOT MY NAME!" (y/n) snaps back, "And you know... It's not, Levi." taking a breath mid-sentence to calm herself down, the (e/c) eyed teen stares at Levi, glaring into his steel grey eyes. Signaling to her regaining of her memories. "It's not (y/n) (l/n), is it, Levi?" the man remains speechless,just staring at her features. Hanji, on the other hand, is just as confused as a student in maths class. "What do you mean that's not your name? Are you 'secretly related to Levi' or something?" she chuckles, causing (y/n) to just give her an are-you-actually-kidding-me?! kind of look and sighing.

"Hanji. You idiot, that's exactly what I'm getting at. Levi... He... He's my big brother." the (h/c) haired girl smiles slightly, gently taking her hood off her head so Levi could see her offer a closed eye smile and a light chuckle. "Yes Levi, I remember you."

Meanwhile, a little further behind them yet oblivious to the whole situation, a certain Eren Jaeger tries to figure out what is being said. "Is she... Chuckling?" the boy mumbles to himself, jealousy slowly bubbling in the pit of his stomach. "She never laughs though! Don't tell me she likes that short-ass clean freak..." Eren whines, annoyed. Looking down slightly, he grits his teeth and squeezes the reins that he held in his hands, brushing it off and ready to fight. "Can't let a stupid crush get in the way of my real goal. To kill all the titans!"

Whilst the angry brunette feels sorry for himself, (y/n), who has recently regained life changing memories, is being bombarded by questions from the mad scientist. "How long have you known?! Why didn't you tell us sooner?! Why didn't YOU tell me shorty?! Why do you have titan controlling abilities and he doesn't?!" she blurts out, failing to take a breath nor allow (y/n) to respond. "Slow down you mad woman. To answer your questions, only a few minutes, the previous answer gives you an answer to this one, I feel as if he was trying to protect me and... I'm not quite sure of that yet, I haven't regained all of my memories so I can't answer this one."

As Commander Erwin persists with his yelling of commands, the teen pulls up her hood once more as her smile drops. "Stay safe Levi. I can't lose you again." she says, not so much like a request, more like a command, as she leans over and throws her arms around him, an in the moment kind of thing. As soon as she realizes what she has done, she shifts back into her normal position, and as quickly as she threw her arms around him, she lowers them back to her side. "Just don't die." she speaks, her tone strong, the dark haired man just smirks at her. "Tch. Don't worry, stupid brat, I won't be killed. Besides, I have to look after you now don't I?" Levi turns to face the front once more, yet Hanji isn't quite finished. "When this is over, because I have been put in charge of you, you're not doing any chores, just helping me with my experiments!"  she cheers, ruffling (y/n)'s hair under her hood and grinning the biggest grin man had ever seen! "NOW GET BACK IN POSITION BABY ACKERMAN!" Hanji finishes the conversation, chuckling like the mad woman she is, chuffed that Levi has a baby sister!

Rolling her eyes, (y/n) trots back over to Jaeger's side, not looking at him directly, just from the corner of her eye. His knuckles are white, his eyes have that determined look in them once more yet it seems as if anger and jealousy have fogged his vision. "Get a grip Jaeger, or more like loosen your grip. Your knuckles are turning white and everything. What's got you so annoyed?" (y/n) snaps, angry that Eren would waste his energy being annoyed rather than doing something productive, like preparing for the expedition. "Like you care. Go on, carry on making 'heart-eyes' at Levi why don't you? Just don't act like you care again." The green eyed boy spits back, each word soaked in jealousy.

This earns a hearty cackle from the girl on the receiving end of this. "'Heart-eyes' at Levi? Damn it Jaeger, you have gone insane." the girl's words flood out along with her laugh, a rare thing to see as it is so out of character for her. I guess all this new information has gotten to her head. "Glad I made you laugh." Eren speaks once again in the same tone as before, which inhibits the laughter, her grin drops, her face falling into it's usual expression. "Get over yourself Titan boy." she scoffs, "I've got bigger things to worry about right now, not just your petty little crush." and with those words, the gates move out of the way, revealing the great world outside. The endless grassy land. The towering trees in the distance. And of course the pounding footsteps of the biggest threat known to humanity, the titans. The expedition, has finally, began.

Hey guys! Sorry, I know you all probably hate these A/N and I don't like them too as I feel it spoils the whole effect of the story. However, I did want to tell you guys that I am reading all of your comments and all of your guesses earlier on in the story, and I am sorry for not replying to them, I'm too awkward to send a reply! GAH! Sorry my little titans!

Levi: Tch. Idiot. Just reply or they'll think you don't care.
Eren: yeah, don't leave my precious (y/n) hanging. Reply to them. Have a conversation with them.
Me: AH okay okay, I'll reply to my little titans when I can! I'm sorryyyy!

I love you all and want to say thank you for reading the story so far, and don't worry, it's not quite over yet!
~ till next time my darlings

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