Chapter 13

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3rd person P.O.V

His arm begins to lower...

"I'm warning you! Move another inch and I WILL kill you!" a dark aura surrounds (y/n) as her (h/l) (h/c) hair falls infront of her eyes, shadowing her face which holds an angered expression.

"That's enough cadet!" an unfamiliar voice booms, grabbing everyone's attention. Well everyone apart from (y/n) who refuses to move a muscle. Her breathing deep and clear to hear as her anger grows. "With all due respect sir, this asshole is trying to kill my friends so I shall not move until he swears he will not make the cannons fire." the (e/c) eyed teen growls, eyes still showing fury as they lock on Pixis' figure then snap back to her 'hostage'. "Cadet! I said that's enough. I forbid him from firing the cannon, so lower your weapon." the bald man warns in a surprisingly calm tone.

With a huff, (y/n) reluctantly lowers her blades with a sharp, annoyed movement. "Whatever. This asshole deserves to be thrown to the titans." placing her blades back in their proper place, she begins to stomp over to the trio of shocked cadets who just stare at her. 'Stupid idiot! Should've just let me slice him up!' the wounded teen complains to herself, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Close your mouth Jaeger, you'll catch flies." (y/n) teases in her usual tone, yet she smirks after due to regaining her memories of the teal eyed boy. "Don't look so surprised. And I do believe a thank you is in order because I did just save all your sorry backsides." Armin throws his arms around their 'saviour', hugging her close whilst Eren just smiles, still to exhausted to move. However Mikasa doesn't share the boys gratitude, she doesn't make eye-contact with (y/n), yet she doesn't huff, roll her eyes or comment on the girls actions. The raven haired girl's face remains blank; a plain, bored expression still drawn on it. "Thanks." Eren whispers, a light pink blush dusting his cheeks as he looked into (y/n)'s bright (e/c) eyes once Armin has released her from his grasp. She just nods in return, mirroring Eren's gaze. "Just... Make sure I don't have to do that again." (y/n) replies, returning to her usual tone.

The four of them are interrupted by Pixis' echoing voice. It turns out he scolded the terrified idiot who tried to kill Eren and the others, and approves of Armin's plan that he created during his heart-filled speech and wishes for him to explain it further.

Time skip to the discussion!

"B-but sir! It was just something I thought of in that moment! It might not actually work!" Armin insists, denying the fact he has talents in plan making. "It's the best shot we have Armin. And do you see anyone else coming up with plans?" (y/n) reassures as she stands a little away from the group. "B-but I bet you could come up with a better plan (y/n)!" Armin suggests, panic rising inside him as many people's lives are in his hands. "I'm gonna trust your instincts." she comments plainly, looking the blonde boy dead in the eye. "You'll never get anywhere with that attitude. Seriously, we're all willing to trust your gut instinct so take it as a compliment." the (h/c) haired girl folds her arms across her chest as she looks at Armin who's panicking is calming, yet doubt still present.

"Cadet Jaeger," Pixis begins, grabbing the brunette's attention, "Can you do what is required for this plan to be fulfilled?" the commander looks toward Eren, awaiting his reply. "I-I think so." He replies, looking back at Pixis, concern and doubt obvious in his shaking voice. "Let me rephrase that. Cadet Jaeger, are you willing?" a spark of determination lights inside the titan boy, as his eyes gleam with joy. "Yes sir!" Eren yells, now standing and giving a strong salute. "Good." Pixis nods, a smile sketched onto his face.

The commander clears his throat and yells as loud as possible "ATTENTION!" "Did anyone else just feel their ears burst, or is that just me?!" (y/n) shouts without actually realising her voice is raised. Armin just chuckles in return and goes to pat the girl's head as a joke, but unsurprisingly, the (h/c) haired girl just shoots him a death glare that says get-the-hell-away-from-me-or-I'll-kill-you, which causes the boy to quickly jump back and bring his hand to his side once more.

Your P.O.V

'Oh God! Is this guy still rambling on?!' I cry inside my mind as I watch many people leave during mustache guy's speech. 'The plan is simple! It doesn't need all this explaining!' I'm watching the commander reassure that people don't need to help if they don't want to, I feel anger bubble inside me but I keep my cool. 'Don't wanna make a show of myself now do I?' I think in an attempt to calm my fury, which shockingly actually works, so I keep my eyes narrowed and stoic expression as I watch Eren salute once more during the bald guy's speech.

"Can't believe so many of them would give up so easily. They're all cowards. We've seen just as much or maybe more and we still stand here, as strong as ever." I mumble, disapproving of fellow soldiers and their cowardness. The blonde boy who stands next to me, hears my little rant and looks at me with concern in his blue eyes that are gleaming in the light of the sun. "Guess what?" He says, turning away and letting a slight chuckle leave his lips, "What?" I reply, a slight bit confused at his question. "You sound just like Eren." He comments, a bright smile as he turns his gaze towards me again. "Is that so?" my face remains blank as I carry on staring at the crowd below. However a slight smirk creeps onto my face, small enough so it's unnoticeable.

"(y/n)? You know you're gonna have to use your 'skill' to help us, don't you?" Mikasa comments, speaking up after being quiet for a while. Her voice still as plain as always. "Listen here titan-brat-lover," I begin warning the raven haired girl, "No one, and I MEAN no one who wasn't in that room, can know about that. Do you know what they'd do to me? Do you know what they're gonna do to Eren? We'd be killed or even worse, experimented on, and I'm not gonna let that happen." I whisper yell to Mikasa, a simple idiotic statement like that could result in my capture as well as Eren's (even though he's already shown everyone his skill). "So keep you're mouth zipped, you inconsiderate imbecile." My voice is filled with venom as my patience is deteriorating with this girl.

As I look to my side, I see Armin looking worried (again) as he takes in everything I have just said. He seems to agree, at least someone's still got sense in this hell-like world. Who am I kidding, this world is not hell-like, this world IS hell itself!

Hey you! Yeah you reading this! You are fabulous! Just thought you might want to know that!

Okay, I'll stop being so cheesy now... Well, that's gonna be a challenge...

Anyway, thanks for reading this guys, I know it's not the best but I guess it'll do!

Stay fabulous!

Laterz 😘

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